Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 763

Chapter 763

Chapter 763 Oligarchs invade England (1)

In just a few words, a transfer of up to 200 million euros was finalized.

Of course, this is only in the plan. If you want to implement it, you still need David Dane to contact those clubs for inquiries, quotations, and negotiations.

This is also an important task given to him by Wang Ye!

But in terms of David Dane's connections and connections, the problem shouldn't be that big.

After all, behind him, there is the support of Wang Ye's strong financial resources.

Having been in football for so many years, David Dane has long understood this truth. As long as there is enough money, anything can be discussed!

If you don't have money, you can't talk about it...

As for Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, Wang Ye hasn't talked to the two of them in detail. It's not urgent. After all, these two players are still young, and they haven't shown their talents so much.

Wangye intends to talk about this matter after the Arsenal club has stabilized and has a strong enough attraction.

Back at the press conference, after David Dane announced the news with a bright face, there was an uproar in the audience.

Some of the more impatient reporters could not wait to stand up and raise their hands to ask questions.

"Excuse me, Mr. David Dane, who bought the Arsenal club. Has the matter been confirmed? What is the transaction amount?"

"Is the Chelsea club also transferred? Are the two clubs acquired by the same owner? Otherwise, why hold a press conference together."

"Mr. Dane, does this mean that Arsenal will soon resolve its financial problems, so will you invest a lot in the transfer market this summer, and who are the target stars?"

"Mr. David Dayne..."

The scene was chaotic, and many reporters couldn't wait to ask various questions.

Of course, it mainly focuses on the two core issues of "who is the boss" and "will the club introduce superstars".

Those who do news, of course, hope to get big news that will shock people's attention and attract the attention of enough fans.

And being a superstar means enough attention!

David Dane smiled and waited calmly for everyone to ask before answering:

"I can only speak for Arsenal, and my questions about Chelsea will be answered by the Chelsea staff around me.

First of all, the first question, who is the new owner of Arsenal Club?

This question must be very concerned by everyone.

Then what I can tell you is that the new owner of Arsenal Club, currently the largest shareholder, will soon be the only shareholder, his name is Mikhail! "

The reporters in the audience were dazed, apparently no one knew who this Mikhail was.

But this name still sounds very "European style"...

Before everyone asked questions, David Dane revealed the answer, "Mr. Mikhail, from Russia, is currently the chairman of the energy giant Yukos Group, and he also owns many group companies, such as the familiar Land Rover. Jaguar was acquired by his subsidiary, the Russian Automobile Group."

Land Rover Jaguar is a British car brand. Although it has been sold long ago, it is still very influential in the British peninsula.

Coupled with the Yukos Group, almost everyone in Europe knows about it.

So after David Dane only mentioned these two identities of Wang Ye, the audience exclaimed in surprise.

Because everyone understands what this means!

Arsenal Club is about to develop!

The new owner has a net worth of more than 10 billion dollars, crushing all the current Premier League club owners!

The boss is so rich, he will definitely not be stingy in the transfer market. There will be a good show in the transfer market this summer...

Because the two clubs hold a joint press conference, it can't always be a one-man show by someone from Arsenal.

So, while everyone was still in shock, David Dean handed the microphone to the general manager of Chelsea Club and asked him to introduce the situation in Chelsea.

"Mr. Dane has just said that we Chelsea have also welcomed a new owner. Today, I am very happy to announce to you that Mr. Roman Abramovich, who is also from Russia, will become the sole shareholder of our club!" Chelsea President The manager introduced loudly.

In terms of fame, Abu is obviously more famous than Mikhail.

After all, he is a long-established billionaire, and he has frequently appeared on Forbes magazine's list of the world's richest people in recent years, so there is no need to introduce his company, just say the name, and the reporters in the audience will already understand The weight of this new boss!

Sure enough, as soon as the voice on the stage fell, there was another exclamation from the audience.

The new bosses of the two clubs are both super rich with a net worth of over 10 billion US dollars!

And everyone understands why the two clubs will hold a joint press conference, because the two new bosses are from Russia!

Maybe the two of them are still good friends in reality, otherwise why would they come to the Premier League to buy a football club at the same time?

Actually made them guess, Wang Ye and Abu did make an appointment to buy the club together.

Under the stage, Helen's mind was spinning rapidly. As an excellent reporter, she was very keenly aware of a problem.

That is, are the Russian oligarchs trying to "invade" the British peninsula in a group?

If you write a press release from this angle, it will be easier to catch the reader's eye and create a big sensational news!

As for the news headline, she has already thought about it.

"Russian Oligarchs Invasion of England"!

Before the audience calmed down, the general manager of Chelsea Club threw another explosive news.

He smiled and said:

"Mr. Abramovich is very fond of football and has been a Chelsea fan for a long time. The purpose of his acquisition of Chelsea this time is to make Chelsea better.

Therefore, after joining the club, the first gift Mr. Abu brought to the fans was a transfer fee of up to 100 million pounds!

This money will bring a number of world-class stars to the Chelsea club and greatly enhance the strength of the team

This big news really scared many reporters.


This is British pounds. If you convert it at the exchange rate, it is 1.5 billion euros or nearly 200 million US dollars!

Since the professionalization of football, it seems that no club has been able to invest so much transfer funds in one year!

This is definitely the highest transfer budget ever made by a single club in a single transfer window!

Even Real Madrid, which has always spent a lot of money in the transfer market and has a lot of money, has never spent so much money in any year.

Chelsea's transfer fee this year will hit a record high!

The reporters under the stage all looked at David Dayne, which is self-evident.

is asking David Dein, how much transfer fee is your new Arsenal owner going to pay!

(end of this chapter)