Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 756

Chapter 756

Chapter 756 Trouble at home

Wang Ye naturally did not know what happened in the Kremlin.

This kind of thing, Geblev will not tell him, because it does not involve the royal industry.

Although Khovchenko and Wang Ye are uncles and nephews, from the perspective of the Kremlin, this uncle-nephew relationship is not important and reliable.

If it was a year ago, then maybe Wang Ye would not have been considered at all. When he really wanted to engage in Khovchenko, he would even "do" Wang Ye by the way.

But now, Wang Ye's weight is obviously much more "heavier" than Hofchenko!

The Kremlin has unknowingly treated Khovchenko and Wang Ye separately. As long as Wang Ye doesn't get confused and stands on the opposite side of the Kremlin, he basically won't be embarrassed by him.

In any case, Wang Ye is now a person with a head and face, and a person with great influence.

Aside from his various positions, the things he has done are still very appreciated by the Kremlin.

Pudding said, "Misha is the future hope of Russian politics"!

This kind of evaluation can be said to be appreciated...

Wang Ye, the "hope for the future", has been busy with family affairs these days.

There is a saying that it is difficult for honest officials to cut off housework, and Wang Ye is no exception.

What's more, the family didn't know the real situation of Wang Ye, and they always thought that he was just doing business in Moscow, but the business was doing well and making a lot of money.

"Big Boss" with a net worth of tens of millions!

Dad also got the help and "support" of Wang Ye, bought the flour improver factory in the county, and transformed himself from a depressed little civil servant to the boss of the largest company in the county!

It can be said that the spring breeze is proud of horseshoe disease.

Small place, if there is such a "capable person", it is inevitable that some troubles cannot be avoided.

For example, old family members, various relatives and friends "play the autumn wind".

A few days ago, a few people from the village came to my home.

Speaking of which, Wang Ye's father was also the first college student who came out of the village!

Oh, strictly speaking, it's just a college student, not a real undergraduate.

But in that era, college students were quite amazing, don't forget, it was the 1980s.

So after graduation, Wang Ye's father also got a meal from the public family. Although he didn't become a high official, he was considered a half official. In a small place, he lived fairly well.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to send Wang Ye to study abroad.

In fact, Wang Ye's father has also helped his old family with some things. For example, if the children of the seventh aunt and eight aunts have a high school diploma or something, they will try their best to arrange jobs.

Of course, given Wang Ye's father's position and energy, it's not a good job. They are all employees of grassroots or county-level enterprises, and many of them don't even have that kind of organization.

But that's it, it's quite amazing, and every time I go back to my hometown, it's also very popular.

Even if he returns to his hometown once or twice a year, he still has prestige.

In the past, when relatives from my hometown came over, they usually looked for Wang Ye's father to do business, and rarely borrowed money, because everyone knew that a person like Wang Ye's father who was not greedy and did not take possession of it, just relying on his dead salary, the money in his hand was really not worth it. many.

Therefore, people are generally embarrassed to borrow money or something, unless there is a really urgent situation, such as the elderly in the family getting sick, the children going to school, etc., then Wang Ye's father will help more or less.

Besides, everyone understands that the loaned money is basically unreturnable...

Last year, Wang Ye did not return to China, but his father and mother went back to their hometown.

People are in good spirits when it comes to happy events, plus they have a new car, so when they go back, everyone in their home village knows that the old Wang family has made a fortune!

Hundreds of thousands of big Audis are driving, and it is said that he is also the boss of a big company...

In addition, Wang Ye's father is also a bold character. During the Chinese New Year in his hometown last year, he gave the juniors in the village New Year's money, and every shot was 1,000 yuan!

This made everyone understand that the old Wang family is indeed rich, it's different.

People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Since the New Year, many people from their hometowns have come to visit their relatives one after another.

The purpose is basically the same, that is to borrow money

The reasons are different, some are that the family wants to build a new house, and the money in hand is almost there. After thinking about it, Wang Ye's father has money, come and borrow a little.

Some of the family is going to marry a daughter-in-law, and the bride price cannot be collected. This is a major event in life, so you should help me no matter what.

And some want to do business and have no principal

Anyway, there are all kinds of bizarre reasons. At the beginning, Wang Ye's father was quite patient. After listening to the complaints of the old family, although he was not able to respond to his needs, he almost helped him.

10,000 to 20,000, 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, I gave it directly, and I didn't let you make an IOU. I didn't have that habit in my hometown.

But as a result, more and more people came. At the beginning, it was a little bit of a relationship, and Wang Ye's father couldn't help himself.

But later, many people who were not related, that is, in the same village, who were not related to each other, who had never dealt with before, also came to borrow money.

And one hundred and two hundred thousand, and the appetite is bigger than one.

Then Wang Ye's father couldn't hold it anymore. Even if he had money, he couldn't stand such a "waste".

Besides, my company is still invested by Wangye. In the final analysis, the money belongs to my son, and it cannot be said that it belongs to me.

If I screw up the company, how will I face my son in the future.

So, he called Wang Ye, told the matter again, and asked Wang Ye for his opinion.

After listening to , Wang Ye felt that one head and two were big.

In fact, he really wanted to say, just borrow it, it will cost you a lot of money!

But Wang Ye also understands that people's desires are boundless, and now maybe tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands can send people away.

But if they are still not satisfied, in the future, when the opening is millions or more, will their father still borrow it?

If you re-borrow it, you can't afford to spend so much money.

If you don't borrow it, your benefactor will become an enemy.

It's not that he doesn't understand the truth of Sheng Mien fighting Mi Chou.

"Hey, it's all my fault. I should have gritted my teeth at the very beginning and didn't borrow any of them. It's easy to find excuses. I just said that the company was not owned by me, but was invested by someone else, and I was just the general manager. Soft, I borrowed a few, and the scene was completely out of control..." Dad was also full of annoyance and regret.

The affairs of his own family, no matter how small, could not be ignored by Wang Ye.

Therefore, his head, which was thinking about national affairs and billion-dollar business all day, had to turn.

Consider what to do in the end to solve the troubles at home once and for all

(end of this chapter)