Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 655

Chapter 655

Chapter 655 Charming

Through this dinner, Wang Ye has clearly felt that the Kremlin treats him differently from before.

In the past, whether it was Puding or Geblev, when talking to himself, it was basically "elders to juniors", or "superior to subordinates".

Although the attitude is good, but subconsciously, there is a sense of superiority.

This time, although Wang Ye is still in a passive position, the dominance of the conversation is still in the hands of Puding.

But in terms of attitude, Puding and Geblev both gave Wang Ye the respect it deserves!

Yes, respect!

In their eyes, the current Wang Ye is no longer a fledgling political star, nor a young man with great potential.

Rather, he holds real power and is capable enough to influence the high-level political circles, and even a big figure in the national economy!

Deputy Speaker of the Duma, Director of the Economic Committee, and leader of the third faction.

These three official positions, even in front of Puding, are not insignificant people, but high-level figures who need to be taken seriously by him.

But what made the Kremlin pay more attention to the king's business was the series of big moves he made in business!

Come up with an agricultural promotion plan to solve the country's food security problem, so that the country will no longer "walk on one leg" and have a second strategic resource!

took a stake in and revives the United Airlines Group, and saved the country's last face in the military industry, so as not to be left behind too much by other powerful countries.

The acquisition of the three major automobile brands will reshape the domestic heavy industry, drive the development of related industries, and provide a large number of jobs.

We also need to build our own chip industry, Internet industry, etc...

It can be said that since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, Wang Ye is the only person Puding has seen who is truly willing and able to save the country's economy!

none of them!

Actually, sometimes Puding has an urge in his heart to reorganize the "cabinet" at the right time and hand over the position of Z Li to Wang Ye...

He has this power!

Just after calming down, he decided to observe it for a few more years.

After all, Wang Ye's true identity is too sensitive. Although this is not a big deal, it still makes him worry.

In addition, Wangye is only spreading the stall very large, but it is hard to say whether it can really achieve the desired results and achieve the expected goals.

Although in the end, Puding did not express anything to Wangye.

But in his heart, Mikhail was already qualified enough to be worthy of him to win over, and he was willing to pay some price to win over that kind of thing.

is no longer a "chess piece" that can be discarded at any time!

Wang Ye's hard work in the past two years has finally paid off...

After walked out of the Kremlin and got into his car, Rosiana and Wang Ye sat side by side in the back.

She suddenly said angrily: "The foster father is also true, you have done so many things for him, you are very busy every day, and you have given up your own interests to not subsidize the education industry. He didn't even say anything, Yukos The predicament the group is facing now can be solved with a single word, but he doesn't say a word."

Since following Wang Ye as his assistant, Rosiana's impression of Wang Ye has changed drastically!

It is said that men who work hard are the most attractive.

That Wangye can be said to be "glamorous" every day!

And what he is busy with is a real national event, the kind that benefits the country and the people!

This exudes an unstoppable charm, and Rosiana has changed from "disdain" and "jealousy" at the beginning to admiration and even admiration!

She was young, and it was when she was full of enthusiasm for the country. Like the majority of Maozi youth, she hoped that a hero could emerge and lead the troubled Mao to glory again.

After all, "ancestors" once lived a long life, and even flourished for a while, but in just ten years or so, how could they be reconciled!

Originally, Rosiana admired her adoptive father very much, thinking that he was such a "savior" who could turn the tide and lead Da Mao to glory.

However, it has been two years since Puding took office, but he has not made any major moves. The domestic economy and people's livelihood are still so bad.

even getting worse!

Seriously, the reality of the polls during this period, the Kremlin's approval rate is not as high as it used to be.

Obviously many people are a little disappointed.

At this moment, Wang Ye was born out of nowhere. When he ran for the Duma, he became famous for his "handsomeness" and age, which made many people remember him, including Rosiana.

But at that time, everyone just thought it was new, and did not have too high expectations for Wangye.

After all, Wang Ye was just an ordinary Duma member at that time, he was just a decoration, and he had no power in his hands.

But it only took one year, Wang Ye not only did a lot of practical things, but also rose step by step!

Completed the transition from "Idol faction" to "Power faction"...

Rosiana has been his assistant for a while, but she has a clear understanding of how much Wang Ye has done.

It is no exaggeration to say that, in Rosiana's view, Wang Ye has monopolized 90% of everything the Duma has done in the past year!

He alone has done more than the other 400 or so members combined.

And his thinking is clear, and he methodically promotes major events that benefit the country and the people.

But even so, the adoptive father was unwilling to help him solve some small difficulties, which made Rosiana very dissatisfied.

Wang Ye smiled lightly, Rosiana is still too young to understand the "communication" between high-level political leaders.

A lot of things, you can just click on it, there is no need to say it too clearly.

It was said that this time the Ministry of Energy was engaged in trouble. In fact, after dinner, it had already disappeared, and the meaning of Geblev's words had already been revealed.

It's just that Rosiana didn't understand.

Moreover, this matter cannot be said clearly, everyone knows it well.

If is really said, it will end a bit badly, and it will even be counterproductive.

After all, everyone can see that the Ministry of Energy is targeting the Yukos Group this time, if Geblev said that this was instigated by the Kremlin.

That Wang Ye couldn't even hold on to his face.

Oh, my side is desperately trying to help you "rescue" and clean up the mess, but your side is doing things against me?

This is unreasonable.

"Okay, let's go back and rest. You foster father, there are too many things to worry about, and those things are more important than this one. Besides, sitting in that position, you can't easily express your position. You don't understand now, If you have a chance to sit in that position in the future, you won't need me to say more, you will understand."

Wang Ye quipped.

Rosiana rolled his eyes at him, "Hmph, I'm talking to you. Besides, how could I possibly have a chance to sit... that seat, stop joking."

(end of this chapter)