Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 644

Chapter 644

Chapter 644 New Shareholders in Place

Rosiana was also a little surprised by Wang Ye's performance today.

Be gentle when you should be gentle, be strict when you should be severe, be reasonable when you should be reasonable, and be unrelenting when you should use the authority of the director to oppress people!

can be described as playing Ajiv and Alexander all over the place...

With such a skill, it is completely impossible to tell that he is a newcomer who has just taken office. If he didn't know it, he would have thought that Wang Ye was a political veteran like Grezlov and Geblev.

Asking herself, Rosiana believes she can't do it herself.

Look at Wang Ye, who is the same age as her, how can she not admire it...

After hearing Rosiana's praise, Wang Ye smiled and said nothing.

Instead, he went to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator door, and took out a cold bottle of Corona beer.

The emerald green glass bottle looks very refreshing.

"What to drink? Or orange juice?" he asked casually.

Rosiana usually drinks orange juice or coffee, and rarely drinks beer.

"Orange juice, thank you. By the way, boss, is that industry congress really going to be held?" Rosiana asked perseveringly.

Wang Ye nodded first, then shook his head again, and said calmly, "The process has to go, but if this representative meeting cannot be held in the end, it is not certain."

Rosiana didn't understand Wang Ye's meaning, so what's not certain?

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Ye gave her a brief explanation. After all, the two of them are now partners on a united front, and they have a relationship of prosperity and loss.

There are many things that Rosiana needs to get in touch with slowly.

"At the meeting just now, why didn't I agree to let Alexander be in charge of convening this industry meeting, and use the authority of the director to gain dominance, do you understand?" Wang Ye asked with a smile.

Rosiana frowned and said while thinking: "Because if Alexander is in charge, there will be no room for manoeuvre in this matter. He will definitely join forces with the Ministry of Energy to force the Yukos Group to accept the new system!"

Wang Ye nodded, "You are half right, and there is another point, that is, I need to buy more time for the Yukos Group.

You should have heard Alexander's statement just now. He can't wait to hold an industry meeting today to finalize this matter as soon as possible.

Obviously, he or they want this matter to be done as soon as possible, so as to save extra troubles and accidents.

However, I just want to block them in this link, which is also within my purview, so they can't say anything.

After took the lead, why did I set up two more links, one is to screen the representatives of participating companies, and the other is to solicit the opinions of private companies. "

gave Rosiana some time to think, and without waiting for her to answer, Wang Ye continued:

"To do this is to delay time. As I just said, Yukos Group's shareholding restructuring will take some time.

In addition, the more links and the longer the process, the more prone to accidents! "

Rosiana's eyes lit up and she quickly asked, "What's the accident?"

Wang Ye smiled and said casually, "Who knows, we'll just wait and see."

The time came to 12:00 noon, which was exactly 7:00 in the morning in China.

Wang Ye called home.

Today is the first day of the new year, and I haven't gone back, so I still have to call my parents to say New Year's greetings.

As soon as I dialed the phone, I was connected immediately.

Obviously, his parents have already woken up. If Wang Ye was at home for the Chinese New Year, he would not have woken up so early.

"Mom and Dad, Happy New Year." Wang Ye said with a smile.

Dad's cell phone should be on the outside, so the voices of Dad and Mom came over at the same time.

Dad responded with a smile: "Happy New Year, why did you call so early? When you are at home, you won't get up so early in the morning."

And the mother asked: "Xiaoye, how did you celebrate the New Year over there, do you have dumplings to eat?"

"There's a jet lag. It's past twelve o'clock here. Dumplings? Of course there are. I specially asked a Chinese restaurant to bring a table of Chinese food at noon. It's very hearty." Wang Ye smiled.

These days, there are no smartphones and the Internet is not so developed.

Otherwise, it is much more convenient to have a video call directly.

Wang Ye didn't talk nonsense, just before he went to the meeting, he instructed Nova to contact Turandot Restaurant and let the Chinese chef over there cook a sumptuous Chinese meal and send it over.

Actually, Turandot Restaurant does not have delivery business.

But this is Mikhail, Deputy Speaker of the Duma, and it is not impossible to make an occasional exception...

The food has been delivered, but it has not been eaten yet. After the phone call, Wang Ye and a few assistants have a meal together, which is considered to be a simple New Year's Eve.

Others will not doubt anything, after all Wang Ye is also a Chinese...

I asked a few questions about the situation at home. Mom and Dad still follow the usual practice today, and go to dinner with relatives in the big family at noon for the Chinese New Year.

What auntie or uncle, there are still quite a lot of people, it will be very lively.

It's a pity that Wang Ye didn't go back, otherwise, he would definitely become the focus of the family banquet like last year...

Whether the industry conference can be unexpected is still unknown.

But the Yukos Group's shareholding reorganization did not happen at all, it went very smoothly!

On February 3, Wang Ye received a call from Hovchenko, informing him to attend the board of directors.

The reorganization of the group has come to an end.

In the large conference room on the top floor, many people came today.

When Wang Ye walked in, everyone had already arrived and they were all waiting for him.

After scanning around, Wang Ye found that in addition to a few familiar old faces, there were also some newcomers.

And these newcomers can see that they are not old Maozi, but from Europe and the United States.

Even Wang Ye discovered several people with Asian faces, to be precise, Chinese...

Although in the eyes of foreigners, Asians, especially people from several East Asian countries, look the same and cannot be distinguished.

But there is actually a difference.

On the Moscow side, there are many people from China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and North Korea. In Lao Maozi's eyes, they are collectively called Asians, and they all look alike.

In the eyes of East Asians, they can basically see the difference.

These people in the conference room, although when Wang Ye came in, smiled and nodded at him, but did not speak.

But Wang Ye has already identified that this is definitely Chinese!

Hovchenko stood up now, took Wang Ye's shoulders, and said with a smile, "Come on, let me introduce you to a few new shareholders."

The introduction of new shareholders was handled by Hofchenko, and Wang Ye didn't even bother.

So he also learned today which new shareholders have been introduced.

(end of this chapter)