Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 638

Chapter 638

Chapter 638 The greater the power

"That's good. Originally, I paid for the new factory out of my own pocket, but now I have the rest.

That's right, Dad, when dealing with the county, this kind of public-to-public loan, you need land, you need preferential policies, and so on, even if you ask for it, it's fine.

However, in private relationships, you must be careful not to give gifts or bribes in order to get preferential policies. "

Wang Ye was a little worried and warned again.

These words, if you put them in the past, you may not even remember Wang Ye.

But after stepping into politics, he became more sensitive to this aspect.

Taking into account the situation of the small county in his hometown and his own circumstances, Wang Ye really did not want his father to ask for gifts for a little benefit.

No need for that!

And it is easy to leave sequelae, which is not worth the loss.

Besides, even if the county does not give any support, it means that the development of the improver factory will be slower and make less money.

In Wang Ye's eyes, how much money does the improver factory make a year?

Dad laughed and said, "You have only been in the society for a few days, and you have started to teach Dad how to do things? Don't worry, I know better than you in this regard! I will definitely not leave anything behind. Besides, let's talk about it. My family is not begging the county to do business now, so how could I give them gifts. Don't you know that the county gave gifts to our family two days ago!"

Although Dad also knows that Wangye is doing quite a lot of "business" now.

But in terms of his experience in dealing with the "public", he did not believe that Wang Ye would know better than himself.

After all, he has been a civil servant for decades, and he still has a rank!

Although the level is a bit low, when it comes to handling internal retirement, it is only a sub-specialty

But anyway, I must know more about the circles in the officialdom than Wang Ye.

But his son has indeed grown up, and he knows how to worry about himself, which makes him very gratified.

After listening to his father's words, Wang Ye smiled and said nothing.

After chatting a few times with my dad about family matters, he hung up the phone.

February 2, according to domestic time, is the first day of the new year.

Almost all of the people are on holiday at home for Chinese New Year.

In Moscow, of course, there is no such saying, that is, before going to bed last night, Nalan Yaqi and Wang Ye said "Happy New Year".

On this day, Wang Ye got up early, not for the Chinese New Year, but to attend a meeting in the Duma Building.

is more important, and it is also the first official meeting of the committee after he served as the director of the economic committee!

The "Agricultural Promotion Plan", which has been in preparation for a period of time, has been finalized.

The Kremlin side expressed satisfaction with the final revised version, and Geblev instructed Wang Ye to finalize this matter as soon as possible.

At the Economic Committee this time, Wang Ye planned to take it out for everyone to discuss. If there are no problems, he would immediately submit it to the Duma Assembly and vote for it at the regular meeting this month.

As for the Yukos Group, there seems to be no movement these days.

But Wang Ye knew in his heart that this did not mean that the matter was over, maybe it was just brewing...

After several calls and meetings with Geblev, it was not that Wang Ye didn't want to test his tone.

But in the end he didn't ask.

rode the Land Rover team and drove all the way to the downstairs of the Duma Building.

In the past, his team was indeed a bit eye-catching. The entire Duma, as far as his team was the largest and most eye-catching, even Grezlov did not have this pomp...

At that time, there were also some members who did not deal with Wang Ye very well, and they reported this matter to the Duma Disciplinary Department.

But in the end, it was proved that Wang Ye bought the car with his own money, and even the cost of maintaining the car and hiring security was paid by himself, and he never reimbursed a penny in Duma!

Even the salary that Wang Ye received in Duma was distributed to several assistants.

After all, he has a lot of assistants, and the treatment is very high. It is obviously not enough to rely on the subsidies given by the Duma to the assistants of parliamentarians.

Since he paid for it himself, and Wang Ye's net worth was indeed quite rich, others would not be able to gossip.

After getting out of the car, Wang Ye walked up the steps quickly, and before he could show his ID, the guards with guns on both sides of the gate had already saluted with a slap.

After all, they are all too familiar with Wang Ye, and they don't need to check the documents at all, just "swipe their face".

As soon as he walked into the office, Elena greeted her.

"Boss, the conference room is ready. I just confirmed with the assistants of the committee members that everyone can attend the meeting on time."

Wang Ye nodded and said casually: "Remind me five minutes in advance. By the way, wait for the next couple to follow along. The work on the Economic Commission's side will be divided into your work scope in the future."

Being a director is of course different from being a committee member, and there are many more powers.

For example, if some members want to raise any topic at the next economic committee, they should greet the director in advance, or even send a draft to discuss it first.

Only after passing the hurdle of Wangye, can it be formally proposed at the meeting, such as the official topic of the meeting!

There are also some government departments or other members of the Duma who want to submit any economic proposals, they must also pass the economic committee first.

Then these are all part of the director's daily work.

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility!

Walking into the inner office, Rosiana has also arrived, and she is really looking at a document at the desk.

Hearing Wang Ye's footsteps, she raised her head, raised the document in her hand, and said with a smile:

"Boss, I checked the agricultural promotion plan again, and there is no problem. However, I still feel that you take this as your first fire, isn't it a bit underweight."

In fact, Rosiana and Wang Ye attended the Kremlin dinner that night, of course she understood how important this plan was.

Saying this now is just a joke with Wang Ye.

Wang Ye laughed and countered: "You think this is not enough, do you have a better idea? Come up with a more weighty plan, as long as it is reasonable, I can consider it."

Don't say it, Rosiana really has it.

She took out a new document from the drawer, handed it to Wang Ye, and said seriously:

"No kidding, this is a promotion plan I made in the past few days on the development of the communication and Internet industry.

Last time, you and my adoptive father also discussed how to promote the development of the domestic Internet industry. I am too familiar with this industry.

Seeing that you've been very busy recently, you haven't had time to think about this matter, so you made a draft yourself first. "

Wang Ye took over the document, a little surprised.

But thinking about what the Rosiana family does, it makes sense...

(end of this chapter)