Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 550

Chapter 550

Chapter 550 Genius

His remarks are still a bit influential, because the reason why the "Anda Line" was rejected was criticized.

That is, opponents keep saying that this plan ignores national interests and endangers "national security"!

Seeing that the other party wanted to "death the fish and break the net", Wang Ye did not panic.

After the other party finished speaking, Wang Ye said calmly:

"Actually, it is not difficult to have the best of both worlds.

Today I have brought a new plan, which not only takes into account the interests of Yukos Group and Gazprom, but also our national interests.

That is, the factors that the Department of Energy is worried about, in this new plan, all can be solved! "

There was another uproar in the venue.

Everyone is thinking, what kind of plan can take into account the interests of both parties?

According to the Department of Energy, it is obviously impossible!

Yukos Group and Gazprom intend to directly communicate with the Chinese side in accordance with the contract signed with the Chinese side, and only supply oil and gas resources to the Chinese side.

The new plan proposed by the Ministry of Energy or the Japanese side is to bypass China and go directly to the port in the Far East, and then sell oil and gas resources to many countries.

I can only say that each has its own reasons!

Grezlov was interested. Among the many people present, perhaps he was the one with the least selfishness and inclination.

If he was given the choice, Grezlov actually supported the Anna line more, because he could also see that from the perspective of national interests, this plan was indeed more beneficial to Russia!

But he didn't show it, and he also knew that choosing the Anna line would be equivalent to tearing up the contract signed by Mikhail and the Chinese side.

This seems a bit perfidious...

It would be great if the interests of the country and the enterprise could be taken into account!

Now hearing Wang Ye say that there is a best of both worlds solution, of course he will be interested.

Wang Ye smiled, but he didn't come up with any information, and he talked directly:

"The solution is very simple, that is to combine the two lines!

The pipeline line in front of is still constructed according to the plan of the Anda Line, but after reaching the Far East, it is divided into two!

One of them is directly connected to China, which is the original line of the Anda Line.

The other line is to the port, which is the end of the Anna line proposed by the Japanese side!

Of course, according to the contract agreement we signed with the Chinese side, we must give priority to supplying the Chinese side.

The remaining oil and gas resources can be directly purchased by countries in need.

Is this the best of both worlds?

The Chinese side has a fixed demand, so they showed their sincerity and signed a huge order with us. Such an order is rare and must not be given up.

The Japanese side, for the time being, has not yet made clear the quantity of their needs, and they have not clearly expressed it. It may be just to open up an additional energy channel for backup.

That's fine, my new plan can also meet their needs.

In addition, the construction cost of this new plan is much higher than that of the two old plans, which is estimated to be as high as 30 billion US dollars.

Since it is a tripartite cooperation, then we contribute resources, and China and Japan will contribute money.

I have reached an agreement with the Chinese side that they will advance half of the pipeline construction cost, which is US$15 billion.

For the other half, the Ministry of Energy needs to discuss with the Japanese side and ask them to pay in advance..."

This new plan was not actually conceived by Wang Ye.

It actually happened in "history"!

In Wang Ye's "memory", the Sino-Russian oil and gas cooperation took nearly 20 years to be finalized, and the pipeline route was changed again and again.

From the "An Da Line" at the beginning, to the "Anna Line" where the small book is inserted horizontally, and finally to this line that takes into account the interests of all parties.

What is the name of , Wang Ye has forgotten, but now he proposed it.

Wang Ye called it "Andana Line"...

After hearing Wang Ye's new plan, everyone was speechless.


This is the best of both worlds. The interests of all parties are taken into account. No matter it is China, Japan and Russia, no one will object.

Naturally, the Chinese side does not need to say more. The Sino-Russian oil and gas cooperation plan just signed has been implemented. After this pipeline is completed, it will give priority to supplying oil and gas resources to them.

On the Japanese side, they did not say how much oil and gas they would purchase, but only said that the pipeline route would be rerouted, so that it would be more convenient for them to import oil and gas resources in the future.

That's great, Wangye's new solution also meets their requirements!

As for the Russian side, that is, the national interest that the Ministry of Energy has always said, Wang Ye also gave it satisfaction!

The pipeline does lead to the port, so that even if something happens, the Chinese side will no longer import oil and gas resources.

Then this pipeline will not be wasted, and it can also sell energy to other countries...

"Okay! I think it's feasible, this is a genius plan, it takes into account the interests of all parties, and it's feasible!" Grezlov couldn't help but stand up.

This is the kind of plan he wants to see the most!

neither harms the interests of the country, but also takes care of the operation and integrity of the enterprise, and does not offend other countries.

No matter how you think about it, there will be no and no one will object to this plan!

Because what excuse can you make against it...

Grezlov turned his attention to the representative of the Ministry of Energy and said, "You heard it too, do you have any comments on the new plan of Congressman Mikhail?"

The man's lips moved and moved, his eyes rolled several times, as if he was trying to find a loophole, but in the end he sighed slightly.

Qiang said with a smile: "No opinion, I also think this plan is very good."

"Well, the negotiation with the Japanese side is what the Ministry of Energy has been doing. Then please continue to communicate with the Japanese side to see if they agree with this new plan. In fact, I don't think they should object, because this The new plan is almost indistinguishable from their proposed Anna line."

Grezlov said with a smile.

The representative of the Ministry of Energy nodded bitterly, what more could he say.

Without surprise, Wang Ye's new plan was approved by the votes of all members of the Duma.

When things have developed to this point, the Ministry of Energy has been unable to stop it. Unless the Kremlin personally comes forward to object, the "Andana Line" will become an established fact.

Of course, if the Japanese side does not agree, it will not have any impact.

Because this line cuts off the fork, it is the original "Anda Line"!

Therefore, whether Japan is involved or not will have little impact on Yukos Group and Gazprom.

Participate, that's good, someone will share the cost of pipeline construction.

And if there is excess energy in the future, it can indeed be sold to other countries through the port.

Does not participate?

That doesn't matter, there is a guarantee of the Chinese side's $300 billion super contract!

(end of this chapter)