Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 546

Chapter 546

Chapter 546 How dare you think about it

Wang Ye shook his head, "We must win? How is that possible!"

Alexie sat back in disappointment, "Then it's up to fate? Have you given up and haven't seen you move a bit."

What he said was that he went to various parliamentarians to lobby for votes after not seeing Wang Ye.

Originally, this method, Grezlov also said, but Wang Ye did not do that.

Because he thinks this method is unnecessary and a waste of time!

But Wang Ye did not do any work, on the contrary, he not only did, but also did a lot!

It's just that we can't reveal it for the time being, to prevent the opponent from coming up with countermeasures after knowing it.

The winning trump card, Wang Ye really has it!

Wait until the Duma meeting, he will naturally take it out...

and Alexie chatted casually for a while, Wang Ye comforted him vaguely and told him not to worry.

I will find a way to solve it myself.

Alexie is skeptical, but now, he has no choice but to choose to believe in Wangye.

He knew that Wang Ye and Ke Gong had a close relationship, so he guessed whether Wang Ye had already negotiated with the Ke Gong.

If that's the case, there's really nothing to worry about.

Although that one does not belong to any faction, as long as he spreads a word in private, most of the members of the first faction will definitely listen to the Kremlin!

This is the decisive card!

The day before the meeting, another guest came to Wang Ye's office.

Oh, it can't be said to be a guest, after all, his relationship with Wang Ye is not ordinary.

The two are uncles and nephews, and the person who came is Hofchenko!

This is the first time he has come to Wang Ye's office...

After came in and looked at the suite, Hovchenko nodded slightly and said to Wang Ye: "You can have such a set of offices in this building, it seems that your kid is doing well."

Although the total area of this suite is less than 60 square meters, it is not as big as the lounge in Hovchenko's office, but it represents a different meaning!

You know, this is the Duma Building!

is that Russia is nominally the core of power

In addition to the few speakers and deputy speakers, only a few core members can have such an office suite.

Wang Ye smiled shyly, and invited Hovchenko into the inner room, which was his own office.

After the two of them sat down, Elena brought coffee and went out, closing the door for them.

Kovchenko said in a deep voice: "The matter over there has been done, and representatives of several states' parliaments have also arrived in Moscow. This matter has not yet reached the ears of the other party, but it will not be hidden for long."

Wang Ye's eyes lit up, a smile appeared on his face, and he clapped his palm.

"Great! In this case, I have confidence in my heart. When the time comes, I should give them a surprise!"

What Hofchenko said was a little surprise prepared by Wang Ye for his opponent!

He was full of confidence, but Kovchenko was a little worried.

"Misha, is this really okay? Why do I still feel unsafe, because even if their plan is rejected, it doesn't mean that our plan will pass. If they don't give it a year or two, If it is approved, is it still our unlucky." Hovchenko said annoyed.

Through this incident, Hovchenko realized what "power" is!

Yukos Group, no matter how rich and powerful it is, it is amazing that it has signed a century-old deal worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

However, if the order is to be fulfilled, and the pipeline is to be laid out, it still needs to be nodded.

If people don't nod, your oil can't fly from the sky...

Oh, even if you fly from the sky, you still need a permit...

Wang Ye did not have the troubles of Hovchenko, he said with a smile:

"Don't worry about this for now. In the end, I'm not saying that I have to decide between you and my opponent.

Anyway, everyone is doing business, so let's discuss it.

This time, they are not authentic, so I will give them a slap in the face.

If they are smart, they will come to me to discuss after the Duma meeting is over. It is not without the best of both worlds. "

Hovchenko looked at Wang Ye's expression, and could see that Wang Ye was not just babbling, but was really confident.

With a smile on his face, he patted Wang Ye's shoulder and said with relief: "That's good! Since you know what you're doing, I won't worry about it. Anyway, this matter is left to you to handle. On the premise of not harming the interests of the group, you can make a decision directly."

After saying this, Kovchenko shook his head and said, "Hey, here, if you want to do something, just having money is not enough. It seems that I have to hurry up..."

Hearing this, Wang Ye was a little nervous.

Because once Kovchenko enters politics, it means "war" with the Kremlin!

My good days are coming to an end...

hurriedly persuaded with a smile: "Uncle, don't think about it, look at how much I'm in a mess right now, it's really meaningless to break the political arena. If I had a choice, I really don't want to be this Duma member!"

This is half-truth!

At the beginning, Wang Ye really had no interest in these.

The members of the Duma and the Economic Committee are all "forced" to be on the shelves.

He just wanted to do business safely and make a fortune in silence!

thinks that the risk in politics is too great, and it is easy to get killed!

But after he actually served as a member of parliament for a period of time, Wang Ye discovered a different "landscape"!

It can be said that this position has opened the door to a new world for him...

The location of the station is high enough to see more and more beautiful scenery.

Political battles are very risky, but the rewards are not generally high!

Power is too tempting for men.

Those who have not been in contact with may not have any feeling yet, but as long as you have been in contact with and mastered power, and then want to give up, it is almost impossible!

Hofchenko naturally didn't know Wang Ye's true thoughts.

Therefore, for Wang Ye's persuasion, he first nodded and then shook his head.

pondered for a while, and then responded: "You, the reason why you are so exhausted is because your position is not high enough!"

I can't take this word anymore, what can Wang Ye say?

He understood what Khovchenko meant, but that...

How dare he think about it!

Hovchenko may feel that he still has the capital and conditions to fight for it, and even has a lot of confidence.

After all, it is an election. As long as the influence is large enough, as long as the campaign funds are strong enough, nothing is impossible.

But what capital and conditions does Wang Ye have...

(end of this chapter)