Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 544

Chapter 544

Chapter 544 The world is so big

It is true that Katya is in charge of the acquisition of a car brand, but it is definitely not possible to rely on her alone. It must be assisted by a professional acquisition team.

Coincidentally, I have a professional organization, Polar Bear Investment Company, under my command, which is very good at this kind of thing.

said, Wang Ye beckoned the waiter to bring paper and pen.

Write down the names of several car brands on a piece of paper while thinking.

"Rolls Royce, Bentley, Hummer, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo..."

These brands have all changed hands in Wang Ye's memory, but he can't remember when these brands changed their "owners".

Anyway, just write it down first and give it to Katja to investigate and contact to see which brands can be acquired, and then make the final decision.

After writing , Wang Ye looked at it again, and then crossed out the three brands "Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Hummer".

Only "Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo" is left on the paper!

Because Rolls-Royce and Bentley are too high-end, and the annual sales are too low, buying them is of little use.

As for the Hummer, this thing is a brand of Laomei. In fact, it doesn't have much technical content, and it is a gas tiger, so the brand potential is not large.

The three brands left behind are very good, with historical precipitation and technical accumulation.

And the brand positioning is neither high nor low, if it operates well after buying it, the development prospects are quite good.

"Well, just these three brands, let's get in touch first and see if you can buy it. But we have to make it clear to the other party that the price can be negotiated, but the factory and production line must be moved to Russia! The headquarters can be paid. Staying in the original country, the marketing center and design center can also stay there, but the production must be placed in Russia." Wang Ye pushed the blank paper to Katya and said.

The reason for this request is that Wang Ye is also taking precautions...

Moreover, moving the factory and production line to Russia is only the first step. After the integration is complete, he will go to China to open a factory!

Katya nodded, carefully looked at several brands on the paper, and then folded the paper and put it away.

Acquiring an automobile brand is a start. As long as you are willing to spend money, it is not difficult to buy one or two well-known brands in the automobile industry.

After all, this thing is not a high-tech industry, especially in Europe, there are too many car brands, and there are many car manufacturers that have gone bankrupt and died in obscurity.

However, in the chip industry, Wang Ye is not in a hurry to launch for the time being.

It's not because of anything else, it's just that the investment is relatively high, and he doesn't have enough money on hand now...

Just when Wang Ye was quietly preparing to compete with his opponent at the Duma Council, something happened in the country, and it had something to do with him...

"Mom, I will have summer vacation in a few days." Zhang Xiaoxi said to his mother on the phone.

"It's summer vacation so early? That's not bad. You don't have any plans for your vacation, right? When will you go home?" Mom asked with concern.

"Hehe, I was just about to discuss it with you.

You said that I have nothing to do when I go home during the summer vacation, it is quite boring, so I plan to take advantage of this vacation time to travel.

Didn't you teach me when I was a child, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles.

Now I have read enough books, but I haven't traveled enough, and haven't been to many places yet.

The world is so big, I want to see it. "

Zhang Xiaoxi said with a smile.

Obviously, the purpose of her call is to apply for travel "funding"!

However, her family conditions are quite good, and both parents are more open-minded, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Sure enough, after hearing her say that, my mother pondered for a while, and said cheerfully:

"That's fine, it's really boring to come back, my dad and I both have to go to work, and you have nothing to do at home.

Taking advantage of the holidays while studying, it's good to go out for a while and travel to open your eyes.

By the way, where are you going and who are you going with, you must pay attention to safety on the road! "

Mom asked a bunch of questions in one go.

Zhang Xiaoxi hesitated and replied: "I want to go to... Russia to see. I have grown up so much, and I have never been abroad. After graduating from university in the future, I may apply for a scholarship to study abroad. Now I will familiarize myself with the situation abroad in advance. ."

But her excuse is not very reasonable.

Because even if she studies abroad after graduating from college, the most likely chance is to go to the United States, and the second is to go to Britain.

It's impossible to go to Russia, she didn't learn Russian...

Sure enough, this "bad" excuse didn't lie to my mother.

Mom asked suspiciously: "Why are you going there? Are you going to study there in the future? They speak Russian there, so you won't be able to pass the language barrier."

Zhang Xiaoxi was anxious, thinking of a good excuse, and said with a smile:

"Isn't that saving your mother money!

How expensive is it to travel to the United States? It may cost tens of thousands of dollars per month!

It is much cheaper to travel to Russia, especially flying directly from the capital, which is very close.

Isn't there a frequent advertisement of Russian tourism on TV in the past six months?

I see that the scenery is very beautiful, and the cost is cheap. It's good to go with a regular large-scale travel agency. "

This excuse is very reasonable!

Mom believed it as soon as she heard it.

Indeed, although the family conditions are good, it is far from being good enough to let the children go out to play for a few days with tens of thousands of dollars casually!

As for the advertisements for Russia tourism, she also sees it often on TV.

The scenery there is really beautiful, there are many historical sites, and the cost is relatively cheap.

If you are traveling with a group, you only need less than 18,000 yuan to package air tickets and accommodation for half a month!

Although this is not a small amount of money, there is no pressure to take it out at home.

"That's right. I often see advertisements on TV. The scenery there is really good. It's good to go and see. Many students from our area have gone to study there in the past two years. I heard that Moscow is very good. Then tomorrow I'll send you money, and you can sign up for a tour group to play. Be sure to pay attention to safety, it's a foreign country, and you're not familiar with it, so if something happens..."

Mom couldn't help but gave a thousand instructions on the phone.

However, Zhang Xiaoxi didn't listen impatiently, but grinned and said, "Mmmm" to her mother.

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiaoxi got a little excited, clenched his fist and waved it, "It's done"!

In fact, the reason why I choose to travel to Russia is not only because of the beautiful scenery there, but also because of the cheap cost.

More importantly, Wang Ye is studying there...

Zhang Xiaoxi told Wang Ye a while ago that he would go there to play during the summer vacation and let Wang Ye do his "friendship of landlords".

She also wanted to see what Wang Ye's school was like now and how he was living there...

(end of this chapter)