Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 507

Chapter 507

Chapter 507 Too Much Appetite

is still in the Great Hall, under the leadership of the staff.

Wang Ye and Alexie, their assistants, came to a side hall.

This conference room is not too small, but it can't compare to the one in the morning.

In the middle of the conference room was an oval conference table. Several people had already sat on one side, and the other side was empty, apparently reserved for Russian negotiators.

When Wang Ye and Alexie came in, those people stood up and looked at Wang Ye and Alexie with a smile.

"Committee Mikhail, Chairman Alexei, these are Minister Li of the Ministry of Energy, this is President Huang of CNPC, this is President Liu of Sinopec..."

The staff introduced the two parties in fluent Russian.

It can be seen that the Chinese negotiators are also heavyweights!

These should be the people who really have the power to decide the domestic energy industry, and now they are all present!

Wang Ye and Alexie shook hands with these representatives and exchanged a few words of greeting.

According to Wang Xueqing's information, these people do not know Wang Ye's true identity.

What they have is only superficial information, that is, Mikhail is a Chinese-Russian, speaks fluent Chinese, his uncle is Russia's richest man Khovchenko, and he has a good relationship with the Kremlin!

Therefore, after sitting down, their eyes were basically focused on Wang Ye.

Because it had been discussed with Alexie in advance, Wang Ye did his part and went straight to the topic.

"For Sino-Russian oil and gas cooperation, we are here with sincerity!

According to the production and sales plan of Yukos Group and Gazprom Group, we can provide China with stable, high-quality and low-cost oil and gas resources

Wang Ye's tone was quite sincere, and the Chinese negotiator nodded while listening.

Cooperation is what both parties want to achieve, and there is no disagreement in this regard.

The main problem is the price and the size of the quantity

This is also the focus of the negotiations between the two sides.

After a round of tentative communication, Wang Ye came up with the cooperation plan he had prepared in advance.

is a super big order that "scared" many people!

Of course, that plan has now been improved to include gas from Gazprom.

Crude oil plus natural gas!

The combined amount is even more frightening. According to preliminary estimates, it is already as high as 300 billion US dollars, which is only a lot...

Sure enough, looking at the result of the plan of the opposite Li Bu, his brows furrowed.

But he quietly read the plan, and then handed it to Mr. Huang and Mr. Liu next to him.

The two of them were not as strong as Li Bu. After seeing the contract amount, their hands trembled a little.

Just kidding, $300 billion!

In this year, among all countries in the world, there are only a handful of countries whose annual GDP can exceed this figure!

That old man on the other side has too much appetite...

After reading , the three exchanged glances, and it was Li Bu who came to talk.

He smiled slightly, looked at Wang Ye and asked:

"Commissioner Mikhail, this plan is very...imaginative!

However, I think this is the first time the two sides have cooperated in oil and gas resources, so it is better to be cautious.

For example, the cooperation period is shorter, or the amount is smaller, what do you think? "

He said this very tactfully.

If you change to a straight person, it is estimated that it will be straight to the table.

This year, it's a buyer's market!

You are a seller who is here to sell your products. Why did you directly give the cooperation period and purchase amount?

These things should not be mentioned by the buyer, that is, the Chinese side!

Alexie also glanced at Wang Ye, thinking that it is indeed the case...

This amount is too amazing, and it is definitely impossible for the other side to agree.

To be honest, the delegates on the opposite side did not leave the table and were willing to continue the conversation, which was beyond Alexie's expectations.

But Wang Ye said calmly:

"Everyone, I know the amount of money in this cooperation plan is really amazing.

At first glance, it seems that you don't need so much oil and gas resources either.

However, we should not be limited to the present when we consider problems, but should look at problems from a developmental perspective.

Let's assume that if your country's economic growth rate can be maintained at 8%-10%, it will continue to grow for ten years, or even twenty years!

After a few years, the oil and gas resources you may need will be astronomical!

At that time, it may be a bit of a delay to temporarily purchase crude oil and natural gas.

You must know that by relying on sea freight alone, the transportation volume is limited, and it is difficult to temporarily increase it significantly.

The cooperation between the two parties is by land transportation, that is, pipeline transportation. It is estimated that it will take several years to build the pipeline.

Looking at this plan now, it may feel a little excessive, and it is not necessary.

But if you look at it in a few years, you may feel that this plan is a bit too conservative..."

After listening to Wang Ye's words, the meeting room fell silent.

Especially the few people on the opposite side were silently digesting these words, wondering if what Wang Ye said was justified.

I have to admit that he is not wrong!

Since the late 1990s, the domestic economy has begun to develop rapidly.

The annual GDP growth rate of more than 5% is a figure that other countries dare not expect!

But for the Chinese side, 5% is too little!

In those few years, the year-on-year economic growth was often 8%, or even more than 10%!

Moreover, since the beginning of the 21st century, there have been many favorable factors. Because of the accident in the United States, the international pressure has become less.

Just joined the WTO!

is truly connected to the global economy.

Oh, and the Olympic bid was successful...

So, after a few years or a decade, it may not be so amazing to look at this cooperation plan again...

Li Bu frowned and thought about it. He also wanted to reach a cooperation, but the amount of this plan was indeed beyond his authority.

He didn't dare to make a rash decision.

"Well, since you have come up with such a detailed cooperation plan, let's talk about it first today. Let's take this plan back and study it carefully, and wait for tomorrow afternoon, it's still here... Forget it, we'll go directly to you. Fang is staying at the State Guest House, let's talk about it again.

Obviously, he was going back with the plan to ask his superiors.

This is also normal.

After all, with so much money, no one dares to make a decision. It must be discussed collectively to see if it is feasible.

And it's all for the country, it's impossible for individuals to make the decisions and take responsibility.

After coming out of the side hall, Alexie couldn't help but whispered and asked Wang Ye: "Are they serious? They really want to discuss your plan! It seems that there is hope for this matter..."

He was quite shocked.

Originally thought that after this plan came out, the other party would definitely reject it on the spot.

At least it will significantly cut down the cooperation period and purchase amount.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually said to seriously consider...

(end of this chapter)