Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 503

Chapter 503

Chapter 503 Fighting Wisdom and Bravery

Perhaps seeing Wang Ye staring out the window in a daze, the atmosphere in the car was a bit dull.

In addition, he just revealed that he already knew Wang Ye's "true identity", but he did not respond.

Wang Xueqing smiled and said again:

"Don't worry, this is limited to a very small number of people.

Both the driver and I are from National Security, so we can talk with confidence in the car.

In addition, please rest assured that the state will not make any unilateral demands from you, but will provide assistance as much as possible when you need it.

Of course, you can't do things that harm the interests of the country.

This country includes not only Russia, but also China

Wang Ye was not surprised by what Wang Xueqing said.

Obviously, even if the relevant domestic departments find out their background, it is impossible to publicize it to everyone!

Because that is not only not good for Wang Ye, but also not good for the country, and it may even cause Wang Ye's disgust, which would be counterproductive...

Therefore, since this Wang Xueqing has taken on the task of meeting with herself, her identity is definitely not ordinary, at least not an ordinary foreign affairs staff member!

Sure enough, not only Wang Xueqing, but even the driver who drove the car was from Du Guoan.

The purpose of is to create an absolutely safe space on the way from the airport to the State Guest House, and communicate with yourself in advance.

Wang Ye grinned, no longer looking out the window, but looking at Wang Xueqing in the passenger seat, and said:

"Actually, my identity is not a secret anymore.

A person who really has a heart can find it out by just checking it out.

Even in Moscow, there are some people who know about it, especially the Kremlin, it is impossible to hide these things from them. "

These words, Wang Ye also took the initiative to tell Wang Xueqing, and the meaning was obvious.

It's just that he doesn't care about the so-called identity at all. In fact, it's not a top-secret thing, Kegong already knew it!

Therefore, no one should use this to threaten themselves!

Since I can still visit China as a "Duma member, member of the Economic Committee, chairman of the United Airlines Group, and director of Yukos", it means that the Kremlin trusts itself.

Anyone who wants to talk about his identity must first ask the Kremlin if he agrees!

It's not that Wang Ye doesn't want to help the country, but that he doesn't want to be "threatened" by this kind of "threat", even under what banner!

In the past year, in order to get rid of the fate of being controlled by others, Wang Ye has done a lot of things, even murder and arson...

His purpose is to be in complete control of his own destiny, not at the mercy of others.

Even in the relationship with the Kremlin, Wang Ye is trying his best to achieve mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, rather than unilaterally hugging his thighs.

Wang Xueqing was obviously also a very smart person, she paused after hearing what Wang Ye said.

immediately responded with a smile:

"That is, there are no impervious walls and no absolute secrets in this world.

However, I am very happy to see my compatriots flourishing abroad.

Of course, the organization is also very happy to see such a thing. "

Both of them have something to say. One is to show that they don't think they have any big secrets. This is nothing at all.

The other is to try to convince Wang Ye that the organization will only help him, not harm him...

As for the driver who drove the car, he didn't say a word or even twisted his head like a mute, and drove the car intently.

At this moment, the team has come to the most famous Chang'an Avenue. On the straight and spacious street, there is not a single car, and the road is obviously blocked.

At every intersection you pass by, you can see red lights on.

In his previous life, Wang Ye came to the capital for a business trip for a period of time. At that time, the most troublesome thing for him was the traffic problem.

Every time you take a taxi, if you catch up with the morning and evening rush hours, it is common to be stuck on the road for an hour or two or even longer!

But now, everyone is making way for him...

Now that both sides have spoken up, Wang Ye has also taken a lot of liberties, and no longer continues to stretch the air of his "committee".

He casually asked Wang Xueqing: "Why did you contact me from Guoan? I thought it would be someone from the energy department or the foreign affairs department who contacted me privately."

Before came, Wang Ye was indeed mentally prepared.

What should I do if the relevant departments meet me privately and reveal my identity.

It's just that he didn't expect it to happen so quickly, so suddenly...

As soon as I got off the plane and got into the car, a girl who claimed to be Guoan "connected" with me, and I couldn't take any measures against him.

Wang Xueqing turned around, faced Wang Ye, and answered seriously:

"If people in the energy sector and the foreign affairs sector know about it, it's no longer a secret.

Since we want to keep this secret for you, of course, the less people know, the better.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for people in the energy department to tell them, but there are very few people in the foreign affairs department who will know.

For example, the ambassador of our embassy in Russia, he knows!

This also makes it easier for you to have someone to contact when you have something. "

Wang Ye frowned and asked, "Then I'm talking about cooperation with the people in the energy department this time, and it's business affairs?"

"That's nature!

In this kind of national-level cooperation, both parties must stand on the standpoint of their respective countries, and strive to fight according to reason.

In fact, you do not need to give concessions in the cooperation. As long as you can play a role in promoting the Sino-Russian oil and gas cooperation as soon as possible, you have made the greatest contribution!

You must know that the oil and gas negotiation alone, the two sides have been negotiating for more than ten years, and they have been in contact since the 1990s. Up to now, there is no clear cooperation plan that can be recognized by both parties.

And looking at the meaning, it is estimated that it will not be settled in a short time.

However, with the development of domestic industry, the demand for energy is increasing, and energy security is also becoming more and more concerned.

Therefore, it is imminent to import oil and gas resources from Russia.

Wang Xueqing said a lot, and her attitude was very sincere.

Wang Ye nodded while listening.

These things, although he is not very clear, but also heard.

As early as the 1990s, China and Russia had several contacts, negotiating the transportation of Russian oil and natural gas to China through land pipelines.

Because the two countries border, it is very convenient to transport by pipeline, and it is safer than shipping!

But after talking about it, it has not been settled.

First of all, China was really weak at that time, and there was not much money, so it could not afford big money.

Secondly, the Russian side is still in a period of severe turmoil, and personnel changes are too fast. The person who was just in charge of negotiating with China today may step down tomorrow...

Thank you "areminssss" for the 30,000 point reward!

(end of this chapter)