Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Chapter 493

"I'm sorry, everyone, Senator Mikhail is busy. You can sit next to him and wait a while. I'll let you in when he's done with the business at hand."

Irina came outside the office and said to Yuri and the others with a smile.

Yuri looked at each other, swallowed, and asked with a smile, "Miss Assistant, did the chairman say when can you see us?"

Irina responded politely: "I didn't say, if you are in a hurry, you can come back another day."

Yuri and the others quickly waved their hands and said, "No hurry! We have nothing to do in the afternoon, so just wait for the chairman here. When he is done, be sure to notify us."

Wait for Elena to return to the office and close the door.

Yuri had a wry smile on their faces.

They are not stupid, and after being a leader for so many years, of course they understand that the chairman's busyness must be an excuse.

The main thing is that I don't want to see myself yet!

But what can be done, people have to bow their heads under the eaves...

Fortunately, there are several benches in the corridor outside the office where you can sit and rest.

These benches are for those who come to run errands.

Some members, especially members of various committees, are really busy with work, and there are often queues in front of the office...

Of course, Wang Ye doesn't deal with those trivial matters here, and usually not many people come to him.

Besides, even if someone wants to find him, he doesn't often come to work here at the Duma Building...

Yuri was sitting on the bench facing the door, and they could vaguely hear the laughter of a few girls in the room, and the voice of Mikhail talking.

It seems that the chairman has nothing to do with his business...

However, they have learned to be smart now, and they have realized that with a few of them, they are not qualified to compete with Mikhail.

If it was in the morning, it is estimated that with Yuri's violent temper, he would smash the door when he went up!

He just waited and waited, and Yuri almost couldn't help knocking on the door a few times in between.

But he still endured it.

Because Grezlov had already warned him on the phone, if he could not get the forgiveness of Chairman Mikhail this time, no one would be able to keep him!

Thinking about his own family, Yuri is still reluctant to be the general manager of the company.

Although the company's operation is difficult, and the wages of ordinary employees are not guaranteed, but he is the general manager, and his salary is still no problem!

If he was kicked out of the company, and he couldn't go abroad to make a lot of money, and he couldn't even get a pension, then his family would probably starve to death!

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say that, after all, after being the CEO for so many years, there is still a little savings...

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon, and Wang Ye was ready to get off work.

greeted several assistants, pushed open the door and was about to go out, several people stood up on the bench opposite the door, which startled Wang Ye.

But after seeing these people clearly, Wang Ye smiled.

Because that was Yuri and the others.

"Chairman..., we are here to apologize to you. During the morning meeting, our attitude was wrong, and our words were too rude." Yuri bit his head and said, his face flushed.

"Yes, Chairman, we were wrong."

"Chairman, rest assured, we will definitely support you in the future, and we will implement your arrangement without any discount!"...

Several people rushed forward to show their loyalty.

After they finished speaking, Wang Ye smiled lightly and said, "Since you have recognized your mistakes and are willing to correct them, you are still a good comrade. Okay, I understand. After you go back, communicate with Alexander and push forward the development of several companies as soon as possible. Merge."

Yuri's faces were overjoyed, Wang Ye said that, he forgave them!

Although he is so old, he is a bit shy to apologize to a young man.

But whether the face is more important or the inside is more important, they have already considered this issue clearly...

Wang Ye was busy dealing with a lot of troubles here, and on the other side, in Burkina Faso, Petrov and the others were much smoother.

Transport troops and equipment to ports in neighbouring countries of Burkina Faso through leased large amphibious landing ships.

Through the relationship of Mumu's father, with the help of a large tribe in a neighboring country, Petrov led the team to successfully cross the border and came to the jurisdiction of Mumu's tribe.

This is also in the African continent, to be so smooth.

If it were to change to another place, such a large-scale armed force wanted to pass through other people's borders, what a commotion...

After they arrived, Petrov immediately took over the armed forces of Mumu and his tribe and unified command.

After finishing the equipment, we headed directly to the location of the diamond mine!

When more than a dozen tracked armored infantry fighting vehicles appeared outside the diamond mine, they fired a few shots at the gate of the mining area, and after the gate and the sentry were directly blown away, the defenders there were dumbfounded...

Originally, everyone was playing with rifles, and at most it was just adding a few machine guns. Now the opposite side is simply "cheating"!

Where did this tank come from...

These tracked armored infantry fighting vehicles brought by Petrov are actually light tanks, at least for laymen, they look like tanks!

It's just that the guns above are not as thick as heavy tanks, and the armor thickness is not as good as regular tanks.

But against these amateurs, that's more than enough.

The team behind the crawler armored infantry fighting vehicle almost did not do anything, and already took down the diamond mining area, because the opposite side did not dare to resist at all, and just looked at the wind and fled.

As for the mercenary, he didn't show up at all. It was estimated that he got the news and knew that he couldn't beat this side, so he didn't come here to die.

After took the diamond mining area, Petrov directly stationed on the spot.

According to his agreement with Mumu, Wagner's security base will also be close to this diamond mining area. The equipment and personnel brought this time are the first batch of personnel stationed at this base.

This is also convenient to protect the diamond mine in the future.

In case the face-to-face attack comes again, you can organize a counterattack in time!

After the dust settled, Petrov called Wang Ye and reported the whole process.

Wang Ye was a little dumbfounded.

He thought that there would be a fierce battle in the past this time, and he took the opportunity to test the combat effectiveness of Wagner's security personnel.

As a result, this is a cutscene.

A dozen or so tracked armored infantry fighting vehicles showed off their power after arriving on the scene, and the opposite side surrendered directly...

It seems that the crushing of equipment is the most critical factor in modern combat.

Then I still have to think of a way in the future to give Wagner Security Company more "hard goods"!

(end of this chapter)