Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 467

Chapter 467

Chapter 467 The strength of destroying the country

The city of Sevastopol is actually bigger than Simferopol!

There is also an airport here, so Wang Ye and his party took a private jet directly, and they arrived at their destination after a short flight.

Likewise, Petrov and his convoy were already waiting on the tarmac of the airport.

Of course, his team is a bit lower spec, all Land Cruisers painted in camouflage.

In addition, there is no red carpet for the pick-up, and there is no large group of reporters to greet you here.

Some are just a group of soldiers...

Oh, it can't be said to be soldiers. Petrov brought all the burly men from the security company. These people have also retired, and can only be said to be former soldiers.

However, several followers brought by Wang Ye are also strong men such as Anton Seryosha...

The plane was parked, and Wang Ye walked down the gangway quickly.

Petrov and the others stood there straight, and when they saw Wang Ye come down, they gave a neat salute.

Wang Ye returned a salute as he walked.

"Hello boss!" Petrov greeted.

"Hello everyone, just get in the car and go to the base. I heard on the phone that the base is huge, so I'm quite curious." Wang Ye smiled.

These are all my own people, so naturally I don't need to be polite.

Petrov nodded and reached out to help Wang Ye open the car door.

The group all got into the car, started the car, left the airport, and galloped towards the base.

In the car, Petrov briefly introduced the situation of the base to Wang Ye.

"Our security base is relatively close to the Black Sea Fleet headquarters, and there are quite a few people I know there. If something goes wrong, I can take care of you.

In addition, Mr. Meshkov also took good care of us. Through his coordination, we got a piece of land of nearly four square kilometers.

These lands, I have surrounded them, the area is enough to use..."

What he said now has naturally been reported to Wang Ye long ago, but it was already a few years ago. After the intensive construction in recent months, the current security base has naturally undergone earth-shaking changes!

But it covers an area of four square kilometers, which is much larger than the base on the outskirts of Moscow!

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a giant security base and the real headquarters of Wagner Security Company!

The convoy galloped for about half an hour and had arrived at the gate of the security base.

A very simple black iron gate with a sentry on each side. Two heavily armed guards stood here and saw their company's convoy approaching and opened the base gate to let the convoy in.

The periphery of the base is all open wasteland, without any trees and buildings, which is to prevent any "enemies" from lurking next to the base.

A straight road leads directly from the gate of the base to the depths of the base, but there is a forest in the middle blocking the view.

We can vaguely see a few buildings that are not very high standing in the woods, that is, the base office building and the accommodation building.

Through the car window, Wang Ye could already see that on the large flat ground in the base, many armored vehicles were roaring and running, and teams of heavily armed security personnel were conducting various drills.

He turned his head and asked Petrov, "Is the equipment and personnel in place, here are two thousand people?"

Petrov nodded and replied earnestly: "Yes, this base alone has 2,000 whole combatants, and that's not counting the extra staff of the base logistics service, if all counts, there are 2,500 fighters. There are more than one. In addition, several warships we purchased are about to be delivered, so I am also recruiting retired naval personnel recently, and it is estimated that there will be five or six hundred people..."

It seems that it won't be long before this base has more than 3,000 people!

Wang Ye's first reaction was to calculate in his heart how much money he would need to invest every year to maintain the normal operation of the base...

Originally, Wagner Security Company, he did not want to expand so quickly, because it is useless!

As a result, two old foxes, Geblev and Shao Yigu, gave him a "set". They recommended him a "fighting general" and sold him various weapons and equipment that were difficult to buy at ordinary times.

Wang Ye got the scale of the company to such a large scale on a whim...

It is conceivable that just relying on the business contract of the Yukos Group, the thousands of dollars in security expenses given a year, absolutely cannot support such a huge security company.

More importantly, his security company is different from ordinary companies.

Not only need to feed so many people, but also need to feed so many heavy equipment, even a 10,000-ton warship!

These armored vehicles, armed helicopters, 10,000-ton cruisers, etc., are definitely gold swallowers.

What's more, Wangye now controls the United Airlines Group, and can purchase fighter jets at a price close to cost.

It is conceivable that whether it is to "subsidize" United Airlines Group in disguise, or to take the opportunity to supplement the combat power of Wagner Security Company, Wangye will purchase a batch of fighter jets.

That's another huge fee!

I figured out a way to get Wagner to expand its business...

Under the command of Petrov, the convoy did not stop directly under the office building, but first went around the base.

also let Wang Ye know the general situation of the base.

There is even an airstrip at the base!

Of course, this airport is too rudimentary. At present, jet planes cannot take off and land, only helicopters.

But look at Petrov's meaning, it is intended to be built into a real military airport!

"Has the purchased batch of rice-8 arrived?" Wang Ye asked casually.

Petrov nodded and said: "It's all here. The price is very good. I purchased seventy helicopters first, ten in the Moscow base, ten in the Siberia base, and the remaining fifty are here. Well, It's under a row of steel-structured greenhouses over there."

To be honest, when the purchased warships are in place, the armed forces of this base should be able to surpass nearly half of the countries in the world...

You must know that in many countries, there are not even a few serious gunships.

Not to mention a 10,000-ton cruiser...

Wangye's Wagner security company, although not well-known in the world, has no doubt that it has the strength to "destroy the country"!

Wang Ye is actually very interested in those steel behemoths, that is, the BTR-80 armored vehicles. The 8X8 has a strong cross-terrain capability. When he goes hunting in the Siberian wilderness in the future, he can pack several vehicles.

This thing is much stronger than Lu Xun, and it can hold people and pull supplies.

Well, there is also a security base in Siberia, and there must be BTR-80 armored vehicles there.

Zhang Xiaoxi, an old classmate of his own, said that he was coming to play during the summer vacation, so I'll show her how...

(end of this chapter)