Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Chapter 396 New Year's New Weather

Unfortunately, Wang Ye's kindness was not accepted by Kovchenko.

He smiled casually and said nonchalantly: "What can a Duma member change? Either I will not be in politics, or I will take that position!"

Well, Hovchenko does qualify for pride.

He has only been in business for more than ten years, and he has already ascended the throne of the richest man in Russia!

That must be very high self-esteem, do not take ordinary people in the eyes...

Perhaps, in his heart, the Great Emperor is nothing more than a slap in the face, he just got on the stage by chance, but his level is too poor and he made a mess!

When I win the election and come to power, I will show everyone what a real politician is!

Seeing that Hovchenko was so stubborn and didn't listen to his advice at all, what else could Wang Ye say.

He didn't want to and couldn't say more, because that would be annoying.

can only sigh and say, "The year after that, right? It's okay, then see if I can help you uncle."

There is not much time left, and the full calculation is about a year and a half. Wang Ye can only race against time now.

Try your best to achieve the strength of self-protection within a year and a half!

In that way, even after a year and a half, Khovchenko and the Great have a falling out, and he will not let himself be affected too much...

As for how he should choose when the time comes, Wang Ye is not sure yet.

If you look at the "history" you have, there is no doubt that you should be on the side of the emperor.

Because no matter who the challenger is, the ultimate winner is the emperor!

But Hofchenko is also very kind to himself. It can be said that he is a gift. He can have the present scenery, and most of it comes from Hofchenko's help and support.

You can't be ungrateful!

This is why Wang Ye is so embarrassed...

January 1, 2002.

Today is New Year's Day, and the whole of Moscow is in a festive mood.

Chinese people don't pay much attention to this festival, and Wang Ye naturally does the same.

Like last night, Nalan Yaqi, Ruan Xiaozhu and a group of girls went to Red Square to participate in the so-called New Year's Eve, but Wang Ye didn't go.

Of course, that's because he was with his "uncle" Kovchenko for dinner last night.

The "old man" is alone in Moscow, and his family is not here. Is it easy?

As a "relative" like himself, of course, he has to fulfill his obligations as a nephew!

But the harvest is still quite fruitful, and I came back with a cash check of 100 million dollars...

After getting up in the morning, Wang Ye did not wake up Katya, who was still sleeping beside him, and quietly got out of bed.

Washed up, put on clothes, and came to the restaurant to have a hearty breakfast.

Living on the top floor of the Kitty Eagle Entertainment Center, in addition to the outrageous size of the house and guaranteed safety, actually has another advantage.

That is, there are many restaurants here, and there are many service staff. You can eat when you want to eat, and you can eat what you want!

If you still live in the original apartment, it is estimated that Wang Ye will have to toss and make breakfast by himself when he wakes up...

After eating breakfast, Wang Ye went down and walked around, it was almost noon at this time.

The casino below is not as lively as the night, but there are still a lot of people.

After all, today is New Year's Day, many people have a holiday, and Wang Ye also saw many students who looked like students playing slot machines there.

After "inspecting", Wang Ye went to Yuri's office.

"How's the revenue recently? By the way, how long will it take for the venues in Petersburg and Yalta to open."

Wang Ye held a cup of hot coffee in his hand, leaned on the sofa, and put his legs on the coffee table comfortably.

Yuri sat upright and sat opposite Wang Ye. After hearing the boss's question, he quickly replied:

"The business of this venue has been very good recently!

is full almost every day. In addition to the public hall on the first floor, the VIP hall and VIP hall above are also open for business.

I really didn't expect that the businessmen who came from the big market were so rich.

Especially those Chinese businessmen who played quite a lot! "

Evidently, Yuri has also opened his eyes recently.

It turned out that in his impression, those people in the wholesale market were all small bosses, dressed in so old-fashioned fashion, and people looked dirty, just doing a little business to make a little money.

But after this venue opened, Yuri was surprised to find that he had misunderstood...

Now the source of customers supporting this venue is almost all from the wholesale market.

The number of free shuttle buses has been increased to 30, but the supply is still in short supply. After 12 noon every day, there is a bus after another to pull people here.

Those Chinese businessmen, black-haired bosses, and Vietnamese businessmen, many people used to come to the Kitty Eagle Gaming Center to spend and have fun after finishing their jobs.

These are people who don't look very conspicuous, but they really don't take money as money when they play!

Especially in the VIP hall and VIP hall above, those Chinese businessmen came to exchange chips with bundles of US knives in whole suitcases!

This is really eye-opening for Yuri!

When this venue was not open, Yuri thought that the real high rollers should be the employees of those Japanese and Korean companies.

These days, there are many Japanese and Koreans in Moscow, and many of them run regular companies. Among the guests who used to come to the Kitty Eagle Hotel, many of them were employees of Japanese and Korean companies, and they were very generous.

But without contrast there is no harm.

The Japanese and Korean people who seemed to be very generous, immediately became poor ghosts in front of those Chinese businessmen who were "rusty" but very lavish...

"Also, according to Ms. He's opinion, the venues in Petersburg and Yalta should be able to open in time for the Chinese New Year. Now personnel and equipment have already begun to enter the venue. After the commissioning is completed, they can be ready to open." You continue to report.

Wang Ye nodded, indicating that he understood.

When the venues in Petersburg and Yalta first opened, business was definitely not as good as in Moscow.

Obviously, there are not so many foreigners in those two cities, how could business be good.

We have to wait until after the advertising starts and a large number of tourists come over, the business can slowly get better.

Wang Ye didn't expect the two fields to bring him any benefits in a short period of time, especially Yalta's side, it was just a long-term investment.

An unremarkable New Year's Day just passed, Wang Ye didn't go out today, except to call a few elders and superiors to say Happy Holidays.

After New Year's Day, Wang Ye asked Katja to book a flight ticket and was going to take people to the Black Sea Shipyard for inspection.

Petrov has been notified to set off directly from the Crimean Peninsula and wait for the king's industry at the Black Sea Shipyard in advance.

Wang Ye, who set out from Moscow, also brought a lot of people, Katya, Anton, Seryosha, etc...

The security guards took a full eight!

He learned the lesson from the last time he went to America...

(end of this chapter)