Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Chapter 394 Year Chassis Points Big Dividend

It is already the end of the year, and the Duma is over.

Wang Ye turned around and started to deal with the affairs of various companies. By the end of the year, he would also start to take stock.

After a year, how well each company is operating, how much revenue, how much dividends can be distributed, etc., also need to give other shareholders an explanation.

Qingyun Study Abroad Service Company and Huaxing Communication Company are now managed by Ruan Xiaozhu.

These two companies don't need to talk too much.

Especially the Qingyun Study Abroad Service Company, which has not recruited students during this period, and naturally has no income.

However, after the new year, it is the peak season for enrollment. When Ruan Xiaozhu returns to China this New Year, he will communicate with Yangnan Normal University in advance about the enrollment after the year.

Huaxing Communication Co., Ltd. is doing well, and its business has been rising steadily. At the end of December, another dividend was distributed.

This time, Wang Ye got another $200,000 knife.

New Sun Group, Wang Ye has successfully completed the tasks assigned to him by the board of directors when he took office.

Therefore, the equity dividend incentive has been obtained.

Wang Ye originally took over 20% of the shares of Xinsun Group, and now the Xinsun market is booming, so Kovchenko gave him another 20% with a stroke of his pen. The shares are regarded as a reward for him.

Now he has 40% of the shares of New Sun Group and is serving as the president of the group!

According to Hovchenko, Wang Ye is now the largest individual shareholder of New Sun Group, because even Hofchenko does not have as many shares as him.

But obviously, Hovchenko didn't care about New Sun Group very much.

Compared to the Yukos Group, the New Sun Group is not worth mentioning.

Originally made Wang Ye the president of New Sun Group, and Hovchenko wanted to train him. Since Wang Ye performed so well, it was only natural to reward him with so many shares.

Although the new sun market opened, in order to attract customers to settle in, half a year of rent and management fees were waived.

But don't forget, the wholesale distribution market has never made money from rent and management fees, or rather, not only by these!

The main source of money is customs clearance, foreign exchange and other business income!

In addition, Wangye has obtained an import franchise certificate, which has transformed the gray customs clearance into formal and legal customs clearance, so this business has done very well.

There are naturally many customers who declare customs through the New Sun Group Customs Clearance Company. This business alone has brought a lot of income to the group.

To sum up, the new sun market has been operating for such a year, bringing a net profit of 1.6 billion to the group.

Of the money, 60 million US dollars is left, which is intended to be used for the expansion of the group next year.

Another 100 million US dollars, all of which were taken out for dividends.

According to the proportion of shares, Wang Ye received 40 million US dollars!

This amount of money is not too small, especially if it continues to develop at the current momentum, and when the dividends are distributed next year, the amount is estimated to be much larger than this year!

Of course, this money is only a small amount for the current Wangye.

is not very useful, it is just pocket money!

Wangye also has a clear plan for the development of New Sun Group next year.

That is to expand rapidly!

Taking advantage of the good momentum this year, we will try our best to expand the scale.

Polar Bear Investment Company, this is the richest company controlled by Wang Ye!

Of course, now, the company's funds are almost invested.

But it has directly or indirectly controlled most or part of the shares of companies such as China's Tencent, Russia's MAIL.RU, YANDEX, America's Apple and Google.

And in a short period of time, these shares are not intended to be realized, but are held for a long time.

Others don't know, but Wang Ye understands it very well.

There is no need to wait for 20 years, only after more than ten years, the shares of these companies held by Polar Bear Investment Company will definitely bring him huge returns!

The scale of this investment company will even far exceed the energy giant Yukos Group...

But it's a little too early to say this, and we need to wait slowly.

Therefore, this company naturally cannot bring any benefits to Wang Ye in a short period of time, and even needs him to make additional investment depending on the situation.

The time comes to December 31, 2001.

Tomorrow will enter 2002, which is also New Year's Day. It is a very grand festival abroad, just like the Spring Festival in China.

This is also a legal holiday in Russia. Almost all companies and units have a holiday, so everyone can go back to celebrate New Year's Day.

But there are still some exceptions, such as Wang Ye, who was called by Kovchenko to Yukos Building on this day to talk about work.

Because Wang Ye also served as the special assistant to the president of the group, although he did not perform his duties several times.

"Misha, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance."

As soon as he entered the office, Hovchenko greeted him with a smile and said.

Wang Ye also responded quickly: "Uncle, Happy New Year. Why didn't you go to celebrate the New Year with Auntie and the others?"

Hovchenko shook his head and said with a smile: "I still have some things to do today. I will go abroad tomorrow. I will come back after a few days of rest and reunite with my family."

said, the two of them came to the sofa and sat down.

"How is it, is the work going well in the Duma?" Hovchenko asked with concern.

Wang Ye grinned: "Very good. Speaker Zhirinov took good care of me and didn't give me any work. I feel that being a member of the Duma is quite leisurely."

"Haha, I heard about it. Although you don't have any real power, you are quite famous in the Duma Council, especially your group of beautiful assistants." Hovchenko laughed heartily.

Speaking of this, Wang Ye was also quite calm, hehe smiled and said, "Others only see their beauty, but what I like is their knowledge."

Hovchenko shook his head and did not continue to talk to him.

After all, Wang Ye is still a young man, this is not a big disadvantage, how can a young man not be lustful...

As long as you don't do anything bad.

He reached out and took a thin wallet from the coffee table and handed it to Wang Yedao: "This is your dividend this year, take it."

Wang Ye was stunned, and asked subconsciously, "What dividend?"

"Dividends from the Yukos Group, you forgot that you still have a position, are you my special assistant?" Hovchenko said helplessly.

Wang Ye suddenly realized that he quickly took the wallet, opened it, and found a check in it.

The amount on the check is a bit staggering!

A large series of "0" made Wang Ye count two or three times before he could count them clearly.

This is one hundred million dollars!

Wang Ye looked at Hovchenko in amazement, hesitated and asked, "This money...isn't it a bit too much!"

(end of this chapter)