Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 389

Chapter 389

Chapter 389 The school is proud of me

What just happened was just a small episode, and it had no impact on Wang Ye at all.

Maybe that Zhang Guangming is a downright gambling dog. This time, he won his sympathy by pretending to be pitiful and got through a difficult time.

But before long, the old disease will return and fall into the "abyss" again.

Maybe even go a little bit harder and play bigger!

But so what, Wang Ye didn't give him a chance this time, he just wanted to give his "old" self a chance...

He just thought, how nice it would be if he could meet a "noble person" and give him a hand!

Back at the top-floor restaurant, time has passed, and Nalan Yaqi and Ruan Xiaozhu are still whispering while eating.

Seeing Wang Ye come back, Ruan Xiaozhu asked with a smile, "You are busy, the work is done? Actually, you rich people are working really hard. Even after eating, you are restless, and you have to be called to deal with the work halfway through."

Wang Ye shook his head and didn't mention what happened just now, he just said: "Don't talk about those troubles, by the way, I want to ask, you guys tell me, if I return to China this time, what gifts should I bring to my parents?"

I have to say that in other respects, even in difficult situations, Wang Ye can handle it with ease.

But he is not good at these small daily things and parents' shortcomings...

Especially when he went back this time, he wanted to show his parents a state of "rich, but not too rich", so this "degree" is difficult to grasp!

It would be easier if you were going to tell all your circumstances.

Buy your parents' luxury car directly!

If you pay homage to a large-denomination certificate of deposit worth tens of millions, then it will be over!

The problem is, Wang Ye doesn't want to "scare" his parents all at once, he still wants to do it step by step...

This question is obviously something that girls are better at.

Ruan Xiaozhu and Nalan Yaqi immediately gave him an idea with great interest.

"I think you can buy a beautiful mink coat for Auntie! The quality of the fur coats here is much better than the domestic ones. I can introduce you to a few brands, all of which are very good. Although the price is a bit expensive, it is good for you. It's just drizzle." Nalan Yaqi said first.

Ruan Xiaozhu also nodded and said: "Yaqi is right, the mink here is really worth buying. And it's very cold in winter in our hometown, it's definitely not a waste to buy this, I'm going to bring one back to my mother. Well. In fact, you can also buy one for your uncle. There are also men's models. Moreover, it is impossible for parents to guess how much the price of such a thing is worth. The same is true for thousands of dollars. Yes I do."

Buying a mink coat?

This idea seems good, but Wang Ye doesn't know if his parents will like it...

That thing looks pretty, but it seems that you can't wear it to work, it's more "delicate"!

He himself doesn't like to wear those furry clothes. Even if Moscow is so cold, Wang Ye will at most wear a cashmere coat, which is still thin...

Of course, his condition is incomparable to ordinary people.

Needless to say about the heating in the room, wherever you go, there are drivers who turn on the heating in the car in advance and drive the car to the door to wait for him!

So whether the temperature outside is minus 30 degrees or 40 degrees, it has nothing to do with Wang Ye!

"Okay, this gift should be fine. In this case, go back and buy one for me, Yaqi, one for each male and female." Wang Ye instructed.

Nalan Yaqi nodded, indicating that he had written down this matter.

After talking about the New Year's gift, Ruan Xiaozhu remembered something, and asked Wang Ye with a smile, "How long have you been going to school?"

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he answered honestly: "It seems that I have been there for a few days when the school started. When was the last time I went, I can't remember..."

Indeed, he was too busy some time ago.

Flying Krimi again to help Ajeelina run for parliament, and to Chukotka to vote for himself, and then to be elected to the Duma.

also launched a "Krimi Development" plan, where the Kitty Eagle Gaming Center opened...

Anyway, he was very busy. Even if he was the boss, he didn't need to do those complicated and specific tasks, but there were still many things that he needed to make decisions.

Wang Ye felt that he lacked an assistant who was capable enough and that he absolutely trusted!

If there is such a person, at least he can liberate more than half of himself...

It is a pity that this kind of talent is definitely not available but not sought after.

There are indeed a few people around me that I can trust, such as Ruan Xiaozhu, Nalan Yaqi, Ajielina, etc. These are all people I can absolutely trust.

Unfortunately, they either have their own work to do, or they just don't have enough ability.

And some people with sufficient ability, such as Liu Jun, Ivan, Boss Kong, and Milner from Polar Bear Investment, are all very capable people, but unfortunately Wang Ye still does not trust them enough...

Therefore, for the time being, Wang Ye can only do many things himself.

"Hee hee, now that you go back to school, it is estimated that you will be surrounded by onlookers. You were elected to the Duma, but you were shown off by the school. The homepage of the school's official website still has your photo on it." Ruan Xiaozhu smiled. said.

Wang Ye couldn't help scratching his head.

I was originally a little transparent in the Department of Political Science of Moda, and my classmates thought I was just an ordinary student, or a "poor student" who didn't like studying very much and often skipped classes...

It's okay now, it's impossible to keep concealing yourself.

This Duma member is a bit unworthy!

But Wang Ye has an advantage, that is, he doesn't regret what has happened for too long, and everything looks forward.

He said: "Hey, I didn't have much time to go to class anyway, so now, just because of my status as a member of parliament, the school will recommend me to graduate. Maybe I will get an honorary doctorate or something in the future. certificate."

Don't say it, it's really possible!

After all, Wang Ye's current social status may not be lower than that of the great principal...

If he donates millions of dollars to the school and establishes some kind of "fund", the school will definitely not be stingy with the title of an honorary doctor!

It doesn't cost much anyway...

Ordinary Mo students like Ruan Xiaozhu are still in the stage of "I am proud of the school".

Wang Ye, who has just entered the school, has not attended the class a few times, but he has reached the point where "the school is proud of me"!

Who is this thing to reason with...

(end of this chapter)