Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Chapter 380 It turned out to be a senior

Hearing that Wang Ye said that he had just been elected as a member of the State Duma, Miss He was really taken aback.

Since they have all come to Russia to invest, of course she also knows a little bit about the situation here.

She naturally knows what kind of institution the State Duma is...

Originally, for Mikhail, she thought that he mainly depended on the power of his uncle Khovchenko to get along well.

But now it seems that I still underestimate this young man!

As far as she knows, how old is Mikhail this year... Maybe nineteen or twenty?

You can be elected to a position like a member of the Duma!

Even if Russia is really chaotic at this stage, and all kinds of strange things are happening one after another, but no matter what, the State Dumana is not something that ordinary people can get in!

"Are you really...a member of the Duma?" Miss He, who has always been calm and composed, was actually frightened to the point of stuttering.

Wang Ye waved his hand and said with a smile: "You should know Abu, he is the governor of Chukotka. It just so happens that I have a good relationship with him, just in the constituency of Chukotka, I ran for a Duma member for fun. Haha, you Maybe I don't know, in order to run for this Congressman, I will send out more than 100,000 bottles of photovoltaic special plus."

In front of Miss He, he told this as a joke, but he was actually telling Miss He not to take it too seriously.

You know, this is Russia...

In any case, the words "Members of the State Duma" obviously had too much impact on Miss He.

So much so that she became a little bit **** in front of Wang Ye.

After all, the current Wang Ye is a "respected" member of the Duma!

It is no longer like before, everyone is a businessman, Wang Ye is not even richer than her...

In the afternoon, Wang Ye's motorcade headed for the State Duma building.

The Duma Building is located at No. 1 Akhotny Riyat Street in Moscow. It is a 10-story high-rise building next to Red Square, Alexander Garden and the Kremlin. The Russian tricolor flag is flying on the roof.

The national emblem of the golden double-headed eagle hangs above the main entrance of the building, giving people a sense of solemnity.

When entering the gate, you need to show your ID to the guards, and put your briefcase and other items in the X-ray machine for inspection.

After passing the security check, there are cloakrooms on the left and right sides, where you can store coats and other clothes.

From the hall, walk along the stairs to the second floor, where there are various service facilities such as newsstands, business kiosks, canteens, restaurants, post offices, banks, etc. The promenade is wide, so it is often used to hold various photo exhibitions. This is an area open to the public.

Except for the President of the State Duma, that is, the Duma Speaker and 9 Deputy Speakers occupying the office on the middle floor, other parliamentary groups such as the United Russia Party and the Russian G-Produce Party occupy almost each floor.

There are large conference rooms, small conference rooms, large suites, small suites and single-room offices on each floor. Members of Parliament are arranged to work in these offices of different sizes according to different levels.

In addition to the standard portrait of the Russian president, there are usually a map of Russia and a map of Moscow on the wall. The main conference hall of the Duma on the second floor of the building looks like a grand theater, with more than 400 seats of members facing the rostrum arranged in an arc.

Members of parliament who enter and leave these places every day wear dark red parliamentary badges on their left chests. In addition to the tricolor flag, the badges read "Members of the State Duma of the Russian Federation".

Before arriving at the Duma building, several security vehicles in Wang Ye's convoy did not stop, but drove straight away.

Only the big G he was riding in was parked in the parking lot in front of the building.

It was mainly because the entire team drove over, which was too ostentatious, Wang Ye wanted to keep a low profile...

After finishing the clothes, although the weather was cold, Wang Ye was not wearing thick clothes.

Outside of a straight suit, he only wore a black thin cashmere trench coat. He was picked up and delivered by car, and he didn't need to walk on the street, so he didn't need to wear a thick coat.

walked quickly to the steps and showed his ID. The two guards at the door raised their hands at the same time and saluted.

walked into the hall, first put the windbreaker in the cloakroom, and Wang Ye called the staff member who contacted him in the morning.

Within two minutes, a girl walked over quickly, came to Wang Ye, smiled and said, "Mr. Mikhail, I am Elena, please come with me."

This girl is not very old, about twenty-three or four years old, and she looks a bit like Ajielina.

Slim figure, delicate appearance, gentle voice and pure eyes.

The light blond hair is also carefully pulled into a bun, and the body is wearing a very well ironed gray dress, but looking at the material, it should not be a luxury brand...

Wang Ye nodded and responded with a smile: "Hello, Miss Elena, nice to meet you."

Under the leadership of Elena, the two walked upstairs, and while walking, Elena also introduced some of the internal situation of Duma to Wang Ye.

Through her introduction and side-talking, Wang Ye realized that this girl was originally from the same party as him.

That's why she is responsible for arranging the office for herself.

It's just that she is not a regular employee of the State Duma. She is just here for an internship. Speaking of which, she is still her senior.

Because Elena is still a doctoral student at the Department of Literature at Moscow State University...

Wang Ye smiled when he heard that Elena was a great doctoral student, and he joked: "Oh, then I will call you sister."

In fact, Wang Ye is a student of Mo Da, and Elena has long known about it. After all, when Wang Ye was elected as a member of parliament, I don't know how many media have publicized his experience.

Moscow University is also obviously proud of him. Students at the school were elected to the Duma. This is something worth showing off in any school.

At that time, on the homepage of the official website of Moscow University, a large photo of Wang Ye was posted, and a circular was sent to congratulate him on his election.

Seriously, if it was in a domestic university, it is estimated that the big banner would be pulled up...

Irina was also a king at that time...

No, it should be said that Mikhail was happy, but she was also a little ashamed.

A younger brother who is still studying for an undergraduate degree has been elected to the Duma, and as a doctoral student, he can only do chores in the Duma.

How can the gap between people be so big...

Of course, she didn't have any other ideas, after all, a young hero like Mikhail, or many teenagers, can only produce one.

I am just a slightly better ordinary person. If I have to compare myself with such a genius, wouldn't I be asking for trouble...

(end of this chapter)