Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 376

Chapter 376

Chapter 376 Big Red Packet

Standing outside the stall is the short, chubby Boss Kong.

He was wearing a fur coat, followed by several security guards with guns.

It is now the end of December, the weather in Moscow is extremely cold, and the buildings on the New Sun Market are not sealed.

The cold wind roared along the tall and wide aisle, and the temperature of minus 20 degrees was really unbearable for most people.

Boss Liu and several people know Boss Kong. After all, this guy is the vice president of New Sun Market, and he usually deals with Chinese businessmen a lot.

"Hey, what is Mr. Kong busy with recently? It seems that I haven't seen you for several days."

"By the way, Mr. Kong, are there any vacant shops in the market now? I want to open two more shops. In addition, there are a few friends in China who want to come and do business, and they are interested in our new sun market."

"Mr. Kong, Mr. Kong, can we Chinese businessmen only come to the New Sun Market to do business, doesn't the ACT next door let us do business in the past? And what's going on with Liubrino, why is there no investment now? "

Several bosses rushed to greet Boss Kong and took the opportunity to ask him a few things.

Speaking of which, the questions they asked were quite representative.

New Sun Market is now hard to find, and I don't know how many people are queuing up for the empty stalls to appear.

In addition, the preferential policy given by the market when it first opened, that is, the half-year rent and management fee waiver, now the time has passed, and the new sun market has fully transferred to the charging state.

With the current popularity of the new sun market and its monopoly, the monthly rent and management fee of the shop is really not cheap!

Take the shoe area as an example, the rent alone is as high as $2,000 per month!

In addition, there is a management fee of one thousand dollars, which adds up to three thousand dollars.

Don't think it's too expensive, because there are still a lot of people queuing up outside to rent a shop...

Especially after the New Sun Group obtained the import license, the business of Chinese businessmen has been fully legalized, which is very attractive to many domestic bosses.

The reason why many powerful factories did not come to Russia to do business in the past was that the business here was too informal and the risks were too great.

But Wang Ye has already solved this problem.

Moscow is also an international metropolis that can radiate the entire Eastern Europe, so now the new sun market is gaining a reputation in the domestic and foreign trade industry!

Almost all the manufacturers are seriously considering it, and even send people to investigate the market here, intending to officially enter the Eastern European market.

Obviously, New Sun Market is the best, or even the only choice for doing business here...

And in terms of the throughput of this wholesale distribution market, the monthly fee of three thousand dollars for a shop is really not much.

The daily sales of most stalls are far more than this amount of money!

It is said that in private, there are already operations such as transferring stalls and sharing stalls, and the cost is quite high!

New Sun Group only charges $3,000 per shop per month, nothing else.

But for those stalls that are privately transferred, the monthly fee starts at $5,000, and even if the location is good, the price is even tens of thousands of dollars!

That's it, it's still very popular!

So a few days ago, the Xinsun Group was discussing whether the second-phase market was going to speed up the pace. Looking at the signs, even if the second-phase market was built immediately, it could be rented out quickly...

But Boss Kong is here today, not to discuss market issues with you, he has more important things.

said with a smile: "The group has already discussed the expansion of the market, and we will give you a satisfactory answer soon, please be patient.

I came here today to give you a big red envelope. "


Boss Liu and others were stunned for a moment.

"Why, Mr. Kong, is there any rent-free or management fee waiver on this side of the market?" Boss Liu blurted out.

Boss Kong laughed and scolded: "You old Liu, it's not dark before you start to dream! Our group has invested in such a big market, and it has just started charging, how can it be free, you are taking advantage and not enough. right."

Everyone burst into laughter, and Boss Kong was right.

The New Sun Market has been open for so long, and it has only just started to charge, and it is so popular now that it is hard to find a store.

Boss Kong didn't give a shit, and said cheerfully, "That's the case. There is a large entertainment center in the city that is about to open. It was opened by a friend of mine, so I asked everyone for some red envelopes for the opening. This is an invitation. Letter, Boss Liu, all the people who went there on the first day of opening were well-heeled people, Mr. Liu, you must appreciate it."

said that, Boss Kong waved his hand, and the entourage behind him stepped forward and handed him a large red gilded envelope.

Boss Kong handed it over to Boss Liu himself.

"Okay, you guys are busy. I have to send invitations to other bosses, so let's go first."

After saying that, Boss Kong hurried away with a group of people.

Boss Liu stayed in the stall and gathered around to take a look at the big envelope and see what was inside.

There shouldn't be only one invitation letter, after all, as Boss Kong just said, it's a big red envelope!

Open the large gilded envelope, which is a sparkling golden invitation.

It can also be seen that this so-called entertainment center should indeed be engaged in gambling, otherwise it will not reveal the taste of money from the inside to the outside...

The invitation letter is not the point, the point is that there is a card inside!

The front is a huge "$5000"!

The reverse side of the is printed with several rows of Chinese instructions, which means that this card is worth 5,000 US dollars, and can be exchanged for 5,000 US dollars in chips at the Kitty Eagle Entertainment Center on the opening day, which can be used for all consumption!

is equivalent to cash

Although five thousand dollars is not a lot of money for Boss Liu, they are still a bit tongue-tied.

Because this is a free gift!

And it's not just for Boss Liu. Seeing what Boss Kong meant just now, there should be a lot of people to give it.

Five thousand dollars per person, if you invite two hundred people, it will be one million dollars!

Besides, when a big entertainment center opens, we can't just invite 200 people, maybe more

Actually they guessed right.

This time, we plan to invite more than one or two hundred people, but a thousand people!

Not only the new sun market, but even the powerful bosses in the ACT market next door have also received invitations.

Among the tens of thousands of bosses in the two markets combined, it is very simple to select only 1,000 bosses.

As Boss Kong and others successively issued invitation letters, the news that Kitty Eagle Entertainment Center is about to open soon spread throughout the big market...

(end of this chapter)