Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 360

Chapter 360

Chapter 360 Huge Gold Mine

Why did King Ye tell Abu these things?

Of course he also has his own intentions.

This is telling Abu that his current relationship with the Kremlin is quite good!

Based on Wang Ye's "previous life" knowledge of Abu, this man is smart, suspicious, and relatively timid!

The late seven oligarchy era, Abu began to rise.

His eyes were vicious, and he bet on the emperor, believing that the emperor would be able to sit firmly in that position, and moved closer to him.

This step can be said to be the right one.

The seven oligarchs later died and fled, but Abu became a prosperous one.

Ordinarily, based on his relationship with the emperor, he should be able to flex his muscles, and his achievements are far more than what he is now.

But Abu was worried that he would follow in the footsteps of the seven oligarchs and be "liquidated", so he began to retreat slowly.

The fact that came to Chukchi to take office fully proved this point.

Actually, think about it carefully, if he did not allocate frontiers himself, but stayed close to the emperor and helped him integrate energy, metals and other industries.

Maybe he won't settle down in London later, and he was so miserable by the Angsa people!

The Great Emperor really needed such a person to help him, but Abu escaped, and Mikhail appeared...

Of course, it is also possible that Abu looked at the longer term and understood the truth of "accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger", so he did this deliberately.

Anyway, he has already made enough money, and it doesn't make much sense to earn a little more, or he is willing to earn only 100% safe money, and ensuring his own safety is the first need!

In this way, the point of contradiction comes.

Abu wanted to gain the approval and trust of the emperor, because only in this way could he ensure the safety of his personal and property.

On the other hand, he didn't dare to get too close to the emperor. Only distance can produce beauty. If he was too close, he might offend the emperor for some reason.

Then what should I do, Abu saw Wangye, or maybe Mikhail...

This kid has been getting closer and closer to the emperor recently. Mikhail had a good relationship with Geblev. Who knows this, Abu.

The result surprised Abu that even the Great Emperor admired Mikhail so much and invited him to dinner more than once!

This honor, to be honest, even Abu has never received it...

In this case, Abu has a new idea.

What if you and Mikhail became business partners?

Bind the two together through benefits!

In this way, he can also make money safely, and indirectly through Mikhail and the emperor's side, it perfectly meets his requirements!

After chatting about the election for a while, Abu changed the subject intentionally or unintentionally.

He smiled and said to Wang Ye, "You know, we discovered a huge gold mine in Chukchi the other day."

Wang Ye's heart moved, gold mine...

If there is anything more profitable than selling oil, maybe it is gold mining!

A gold mine that Abu can solemnly describe as "huge" is definitely not small.

The question is, why did he suddenly say this to himself...

Wang Ye asked curiously: "A huge gold mine? Isn't Chukchi Prefecture rich? By the way, is this gold mine on state land or private land?"

He also makes sense to ask that.

There are four types of land ownership in Russia: national, local, city, and individual!

Of course, the first three of them all actually belong to the state, which owns about 93% of the land area!

Only 7% of the land area really belongs to individuals, and it is basically residential land, but it is not too small.

Abu smiled, "It belongs to the land owned by the state-level government, so we can mine it ourselves, or issue mining licenses. In addition, the news has not spread, because the exploration team is privately hired by me, and they only treat me Responsible."

said, he gave Wang Ye a meaningful look.

If you still don't understand the meaning of these words, then Wang Ye doesn't need to mess around anymore.

He immediately answered: "Uncle Abu, congratulations to you, there is another huge gold mine under your banner, and you will be Russia's largest non-ferrous metal giant in the future, haha."

After selling the shares of Siberia Oil Company, there are still two pillars of the remaining industry in Abu's hands, namely Rusal Group and Civil Aviation Group!

Of course, there is still a full two billion dollars in cash lying in his account...

Abu shook his head and said in a low voice, "Although the exploration team I hired discovered the gold mine, I couldn't come forward and buy the land to mine. After all, I'm the governor here. I don't think I can explain it by then. It's clear, those who don't know, thought that I came to Chukotka to be the governor to go to the gold mines."

When he said this, Wang Ye understood.

In the end, Abu wanted to own the gold mine, but he didn't want to take this risk!

Because of the huge gold mine, it must be accompanied by huge risks...

Seriously, when the news spreads, who wouldn't be jealous.

There may be many people attacking Abu at that time, saying that he was rich in his own pockets and used the power in his hand for his own benefit!

Even if the emperor is covering him, Abu may not be able to bear it.

Besides, whether or not the Great Emperor is willing to cover him all the time is another question.

Otherwise, Abu wouldn't hide in Chukchi...

Now Abu should have "fancy" Wang Ye, and he wants to bring him into the group to start this gold mine together.

The reason why Wangye was brought in was naturally because of the forces behind him and the emperor's appreciation for Wangye!

If something happens at that time, then Wang Ye will stand in front of him, and he will not be able to hurt himself.

After thinking about this, Wang Ye asked calmly: "Then what are your thoughts now, Uncle Abu? Are you going to hand over this gold mine to the state?"

Abu shook his head again and again. He had worked so hard to discover this gold mine, how could he be willing to hand it over to the country.

He is not as "patriotic" as Berezov...

If he was really patriotic, he would not transfer his property abroad and settle in London in the future.

You must know that he spent money abroad to buy teams, all kinds of super yachts, private jets, and castle estates. Isn't that money earned in Russia?

"The country is privatizing companies. What's the point of handing it in? Even if it is handed in, they will probably auction off the mining rights, so why not... Misha, are you interested in this gold mine? ?" Abu stared at Wang Ye and said seriously.

Wang Ye didn't hesitate, and responded simply: "Of course I'm interested! This is a gold mine, who doesn't want to own it. Uncle Abu, there is no one else now, only the two of us. Just tell me how you planned it. "

has already said that, and Abu is no longer secretive.

(end of this chapter)