Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358 The Most Beautiful Congressman

On November 18th, the election results came out, without any accident, Ajielina was elected as a member of the new parliament with a high vote!

The quaint and elegant Crimean Parliament Hall, Ajeelina walked into the thunderous applause.

Today, she is extraordinarily beautiful, wearing a decent dress, and her hair is pulled up high.

Except for her, the other elected female congressmen are basically aunts in their thirties or forties or even older.

In comparison, Ajielina can definitely be called "the most beautiful congressman"...

Maybe a little excited, a blush appeared on his fair face.

From this day on, she officially entered the political arena!

Obviously, she is still just an ignorant "rookie". How far she can grow in the future is hard to say...

But with the support of Wang Ye, it shouldn't be much worse!

After "sending" Ajielina into the parliament, Wang Ye was about to leave the Crimean Peninsula.

Next, the Duma election on his side is about to start, so it is impossible to stay here forever.

Before leaving, Wang Ye also arranged the affairs here.

Natalia moved in and lived with Agelina so that they could be friends.

In addition, a housekeeper and two maids were also hired. After all, the house is too big, and Agelina and Natalia are both very busy with work, so it is impossible for them to clean the housework by themselves.

Agelina's Porsche 911 sports car has also been transported here from Moscow, and it can be used normally just by changing the license plate.

Krimi is barely regarded as "spring all year round", and it rarely snows, so driving a sports car is also quite suitable.

At the same time, there was also a brand new Porsche 911 of the same style, which was given to Natalia by Wang Ye, saying that it was a supplementary gift to celebrate her promotion to the Attorney General of Simferopol!

Natalia hesitated again and again, but finally took it down. She turned out that the car was really broken...

Of course, Wang Ye also gave the two women a piece of Patek Philippe that he brought back from San Francisco.

In fact, the price of this watch is almost catching up with a Porsche sports car, but it is clear that neither Agelina nor Natalia understand watches, nor do they know that the price of this watch will be so expensive.

Leaving Simferopol, Wang Ye and his party flew back to Moscow. After a day's rest, they set off again and headed to Chukotka Oblast, the place where Governor Abudang was!

This time, there were far fewer people accompanying him.

Katya also stayed in Moscow to handle the financial work of the Kitty Eagle Group.

Wang Ye only brought four bodyguards including Xie Liaosha. In fact, with his current status and the control of so many companies, he should be accompanied by a few more assistants. Only Katya, a "half-handed" assistant, is not enough.

However, it is not easy to recruit suitable assistants. Wang Ye intends to put this matter on the agenda after the election is over.

At that time, with the status of a member of the Duma, and the status of the CEO of several group companies, it will be rich and powerful, and it should be able to attract some relatively high-level talents to defect.

Wang Ye intends to directly set up a think tank to assist him in his work.

Wang Ye has always attached great importance to recruiting talents. As long as you are competent enough, he will not be stingy with giving corresponding high treatment.

There are very few flights from Moscow to Chukotka, there is only one flight a week, and the plane is also a relatively small and old plane.

There is no so-called first-class business class on this kind of aircraft, it is a very simple economy class.

Fortunately, there were not many people on the plane, and the small cabin seemed empty.

Several Russian flight attendants (aunts) are quite enthusiastic about Wang Ye...

When the plane takes off, you can hear the sound of "jijiwawa" when sitting in the plane, as if the whole plane is about to fall apart.

made Wang Ye nervous, for fear that the plane would disintegrate in the middle of the flight...

Because of this, he began to consider whether to get a private jet. It would be much more convenient to fly to Chukotka and the Crimean Peninsula in the future.

I may not go to Chukotka many times in the future, but there must be a lot of trips to Simferopol. It is really inconvenient to take a civil flight every time.

Russia is too big!

In addition, there are no highways and the climate is not good, so a private jet is a better choice, at least much faster than a car.

And Russia's control of private jets is also relatively loose. Almost every large and small city has airports, but there are not many flights.

This situation is the most suitable for private jets.

Wang Ye made up his mind to get a private jet after returning from Chukchi this time!

After a full four-hour flight, the plane landed at Anadyr Municipal Airport, the capital of Chukotka.

This airport is not much better than Simferopol, or even worse!

After all, this is the most remote state in Russia and has the title of "East Pole of the Earth"!

Its location in Russia, just like the location of the Heilongjiang River in China, is in the northeast corner.

It is worth mentioning that in the impression of many people, the United States is in North America, Russia is across Europe and Asia, and the two countries are very far apart.

Actually, the closest point between America and Russia is only 4 kilometers...

The closest place to America is Chukotka.

There is a Bering Strait between this state and Alaska in the United States!

Of course, this place in Alaska used to belong to Russia or Tsarist Russia, but it was only sold to the old beauty.

More than 1.7 million square kilometers of land, the price is 720,000 US dollars...

Chukochi, perhaps many people have not heard of it, but the area is really not small, with more than 700,000 square kilometers!

It can be said that most countries in Europe, the entire country is not as big as this state...

However, the climate here is too harsh and the population is very small!

How small is , all the people in the whole state together, there are less than 50,000 people!

Yes, you read that right, it's not five million or half a million, it's less than fifty thousand

The state capital, New Nader, has a population of just over 10,000.

If this were placed in the country, perhaps a larger administrative village would have a larger population than this!

A city with just a few people...

In other words, there is an airport in a small town. To be honest, Wang Ye never thought of it.

However, this airport was also built during the former Soviet Union. It was a dual-use airport for both military and civilian use. It was very small and dilapidated.

As soon as he got off the plane, Wang Ye saw a convoy parked not far away. Abu and a few people were already standing there, apparently coming to pick him up.

Abu's team is all Mercedes-Benz big G!

After all, it snows all day in Chukchi, and the road conditions are not very good. The big G is more suitable for off-road vehicles with super performance.

(end of this chapter)