Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268 Great response from the market

Old Wu felt a sigh in his heart, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? What happened!"

Generally in the big market, if you say something, it will basically not be good...

The "accident" he encountered last time was that the ACT market was seized by the tax department!

At that time, Old Wu felt that he was going to be severely "cut into flesh". Fortunately, the market was unblocked. Apart from delaying business for a few days and making a lot of money, the loss was acceptable.

Now hearing this word again, can he not be startled...

Xiao Zhang panted and replied: "The market management office has announced that the gray customs clearance will be cancelled in the future, and all commodities sold in the Xinyang Market must be officially cleared!"

Old Wu's forehead was sweating. He has been doing business here for so many years, and he knows what it means!

If you go through formal customs clearance, there will be more taxes and fees, which is normal and affordable.

But the problem is that the time cost cannot be delayed!

The goods are shipped from China to Moscow. If you go through gray customs clearance, it will only take about a month for the goods to be sent from domestic factories to the Moscow market for sale.

But if you go through formal customs clearance, this time will be delayed to three months, or even longer...

What kind of nerves did Xinyang Group have, why is it suddenly not allowed to clear customs in gray!

Old Wu was a little unconvinced, because he had just cleared a batch of goods through the customs clearance company of the New Sun Group a few days ago, and it was obviously a gray customs clearance channel.

Now doing this, isn't the New Sun Group cutting its own way of making money!

What's more serious is that this is almost equivalent to driving out the merchants in the market!

"Where did you receive the news, has it been confirmed?" Old Wu asked suspiciously.

is of great importance, and Lao Wu still needs to confirm the authenticity of this news.

"In the bulletin board of Xiaohonglou, I heard what others said just now, and then went to read it. Now the whole market knows it, and everyone is discussing this matter." Xiao Zhang replied.

Old Wu didn't ask him any more, and planned to go over and take a look himself.

This kind of thing is very important. It is related to the subsequent business adjustment. He must ensure that it is accurate!

As soon as he walked out of the bunk, Lao Wu met Lao Liu next door. The two of them were very familiar and had a good relationship.

"Have you heard of Lao Wu..." Lao Liu asked.

Before he could finish speaking, Lao Wu interrupted him with a wry smile, "You want to ask about the customs clearance, I just heard about it, and I'm going to see it."

"You know it too, let's go together then. I just heard someone talk about this, and I plan to go to the management office to see what's going on." Lao Liu said hurriedly.

The two of them walked towards the management office together. On the way, they also met many familiar Chinese business owners. Obviously, everyone knew about it, and it was discussed at the meeting.

Before they got to Xiaohonglou, the two saw a large group of people surrounded by blackness at the bulletin board...

"Ah? This... it can't be squeezed in." Old Wu was a little dumbfounded.

This will be too crowded!

There was a lot of noise at the scene, and I couldn't hear what everyone was talking about, but you don't need to ask, you know that what everyone is discussing must be this customs clearance...

was standing on tiptoe across the crowd and desperately looking in, when a voice came from the entrance of the Xiaohonglou.

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet! Everyone is concerned about this customs clearance now. I just want to explain to you in detail what is going on here and how it will affect your business! "

Looking at it from a distance, Old Wu recognized that the fat man who was talking with a loudspeaker was the vice president of New Sun Group, Mr. Kong! ~

In fact, there are almost no people who do business in the market who do not know Mr. Kong.

After all, this product has also been mixed in the big market for many years, and basically every day I bring a few security guards around the new sun market a few times.

Seeing that the vice president of New Sun Group came out and wanted to explain to everyone the issue of this gray customs clearance to regular customs clearance, everyone was quiet, this is the "official" explanation!

Boss Kong cleared his throat and said proudly: "This matter may not be fully understood by everyone, so many people will have various worries.

However, I can guarantee one thing first, that this is definitely a good thing for everyone! "

As soon as I said this, someone shouted below.

"Mr. Kong, how can this be a good thing? After switching to regular customs clearance, not only will the cost be high, but the more troublesome thing is that it takes too long!"

"That's right, it turns out that formal customs clearance is also possible. Why do you have to go through the gray customs clearance? It's just that the cost is low and the efficiency is high."

"Hehe, the formal customs clearance is said to take three months, but the fact is that it can't be done in the first half of the year! It's not that I haven't tried it before, but after trying it once, I don't dare to go through the formal customs clearance again."...

There was a commotion below, all of them were old businessmen, and everyone understood the relationship, so Boss Kong couldn't fool everyone.

Boss Kong was not in a hurry, but let everyone discuss for a while with a smile, and after the noise at the scene had subsided a little, he picked up the loudspeaker again and continued to explain: "You guys, before I finished speaking, just I'm starting to worry. Don't worry, after I finish speaking, everyone will analyze and analyze whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. "

After taking a breath, he continued to speak: "From now on, the customs clearance company of the New Sun Group will have the power to clear customs and declare taxes on its own!"

After saying that, Boss Kong glanced around proudly.

However, the Chinese business owners at the scene didn't seem to respond. Everyone was confused and didn't understand what Boss Kong was talking about.

Customs clearance and tax declaration?

What does this mean...

Seeing that there was no reaction from the audience, Boss Kong was a little anxious. These illiterate people don't even understand this!

He hurriedly explained: "Simply put, it's the original one... Well, everyone knows that the customs clearance mode has become regular and legal! And the efficiency of customs clearance is faster than before, and the cost will not rise. Everyone will get a legal customs list for the goods you sell in the future!"

Grey customs clearance becomes regular customs clearance, and it stands to reason that the cost will increase.

It can remain unchanged now, which is also due to Wang Ye's efforts. He requested that several major categories, including shoes, bags, clothing, accessories and other categories mainly operated by Chinese businessmen, be allocated as imported categories supported by the government. Enjoy the preferential import tax rate!

Originally, when everyone cleared customs in gray, the cost was not much cheaper, because the money was taken by various customs clearance companies and related personnel...

Now that it is formalized, everyone does not need to pay more money, but the goods have changed from illegal "smuggling" to formal customs clearance!

(end of this chapter)