Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 The pattern should be bigger

For Wang Ye and the Polar Bear Investment Company he controls, Milner is absolutely envious and jealous!

Because this investment company has too much money.

The acquisition of Siberia Oil Company alone cost five billion dollars!

It is said that the company still has billions of dollars in cash on its books...

In this day and age, with so much money, there is so much that can be done.

If the money is for yourself

Milner dare not even think about it!

He is firmly optimistic about the Internet industry, so he invested all his wealth and invested in MAIL.RU two years ago without hesitation.

In fact, he almost succeeded. When the company first went public last year, its market value once soared to several hundred million dollars.

Milner owned about 10% of the shares of MAIL.RU, and his net worth was tens of millions of dollars at the time.

Unfortunately, the environment suddenly became bad, and the company's market value plummeted to several million dollars, but he believes that the current market value is ridiculously low, and it cannot truly represent the company's value.

But Milner is still insisting. He is keenly aware that this period is an excellent time for the rapid development of Internet giants!

Because of the harsh environment, many Internet companies have closed down. These external factors will reduce competition and reduce company operating costs.

You can take the opportunity to "stake the field" and quickly occupy more market share!

But the problem is, you have to have enough money in hand to do this.

The current MAIL.RU, although the situation is a little better than Yandex, will not survive by laying off staff and reducing the business, but it does not have any extra funds for expansion.

Therefore, Milner is very eager to have large capital to enter the company, but at the same time, he is not willing to "sell himself for glory" and wants to continue to maintain control of the company!

Wang Ye suddenly asked, "Is Mr. Milner interested in working in investment banking?"

Milner was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't react, and asked instead, "Investment banks? Where are investment banks?"

"Polar Bear Investment Company, are you interested in coming to work? Our company has two billion dollars in cash on its books, and we plan to invest all of it in the Internet industry in the next one or two years! Mr. Milner, you are very familiar with investment and the Internet. This The job should suit you very well." Wang Ye said with a smile.

This is the "sweet date" he planned to give to Milner!

In addition, Wang Ye did not agree to let Milner work at Polar Bear Investment Company in order to successfully acquire MAIL.RU.

He really liked the ability of this person and wanted him to come to the investment company as his deputy, or even directly preside over the work of the investment company!

Before coming, after reading Milner's profile, Wang Ye remembered who this person is...

In his "previous life", Milner was also considered the number one person in the global investment banking circle!

His two most famous investments, one was to invest in Facebook, and he invested 200 million US dollars in shares. In less than five years, it soared to more than 10 billion US dollars!

The other time was to become a shareholder in, and he directly threw 800 million US dollars into it, which made his brother bewildered. He felt that the valuation given by Milner was ridiculously high, and his brother himself could not believe that could be so valuable!

This investment has helped Milner make ten times the profit in just a few years!

This guy is very famous in the investment circle, because his investment style is different from others, his vision is accurate, and he is ruthless...

As long as it is a project he likes, he will directly spend money on the target company and have to accept it!

For example, for a company, in a certain round of financing, the valuation given by other investment companies is generally around one billion US dollars, but Milner will directly double or even triple the valuation!

Maybe at the beginning, everyone thought he was taking advantage of him, but after a few years, you have to admire his vicious eyes!

For such an investment expert to limit him to MAIL.RU is really a bit overkill.

So Wang Ye wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to acquire MAIL.RU to take this talent and come to the investment company to assist him in his work.

After all, although Wang Ye is definitely stronger than Milner in terms of "vision", because he clearly knows which Internet companies will stand out in the next 20 years, and even which Internet giants in 20 years' time What is the market value of...

In this regard, let alone Milner, there is no one in the world who can compare to Wang Ye!

But investment work is also very professional and tedious. It is impossible for Wang Ye to put all his time and energy here. He needs a super capable deputy to help him do a lot of work.

Milner is the best choice!

Sure enough, Milner is very excited now.

He felt that his scalp was a little numb, his heart beat faster, and he asked in disbelief: "I... let me go to work at Polar Bear Investment Company?"

Although he still doesn't know what position Wang Ye intends to give him, since he is inviting him, obviously his position will not be low.

You must know that Polar Bear Investment Company and MAIL.RU are not a company of an order of magnitude at all!

The polar bears have billions of dollars on their books, while MAIL.RU's market value was only a few hundred million dollars at its peak, and now it's only worth a few million dollars

"Yes, you can come here to serve as the executive vice president and preside over the daily work of the company." Wang Ye replied with a smile.

Milner was so excited that he almost blurted out and agreed.

Fortunately, he still had reason, which allowed him to control himself. After calming down, he said with a smile:

"Thank you Mr. Mikhail for acknowledging me, I will consider your invitation very, very seriously.

Is this good? Regarding the acquisition of our company, I will have another meeting with the company's board of directors to discuss within two days, and then give you a final answer.

Of course, from the perspective of company development, I also agree with Mr. Mikhail's plan to privatize and delist MAIL.RU, and merge with Yandex to become the real overlord of the Russian Internet! "

By this time, Milner's tone obviously softened.

He no longer mentioned things like "resolutely disagree" and "only financing and expanding shares". Instead, it became that he also agreed, but there was still a need for a meeting to discuss...

In fact, it can be said that it basically means that there is no problem with this acquisition, but Milner and the others still need to go down a step.

Wang Ye naturally understood what he meant, smiled and nodded and said:

"Don't be too limited, the Internet industry needs to face the world and look at the world!

You stay in MAIL.RU, so what if you can make it the No. 1 Internet company in Russia?

Polar Bear Investment Company, the companies you want to invest in will become the global Internet giants in the future!

It is possible for the market value to exceed 100 billion or even trillions of dollars. When you look back at today's persistence, it will feel ridiculous. "

(end of this chapter)