Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Chapter 249 The old acquaintance is promoted

Wang Ye stood at one end of the conference table and spoke in a vigorous tone.

The more than ten employees below naturally nodded repeatedly, and took pen and paper to carefully record the boss's words.

Don't say that Wang Ye's tone is too arrogant, just kidding, don't forget that there is still a huge amount of two billion dollars in the book of Polar Bear Investment Company!

With so much money in hand, you will definitely not invest in some "stinky fish and rotten shrimp". The target must only refer to companies with great potential, or even industry leaders!

But speaking of Russian Internet companies, there are actually very few, especially when the scope is narrowed down to "monopoly potential"...

Therefore, after Wang Ye finished speaking, some employees raised their hands and said:

"Although I haven't done a detailed research, I usually use the Internet a lot.

Before I came to Polar Bear Investment Company, I worked in the investment department of Mr. Kovchenko's bank, so I have a good understanding of Russian Internet companies.

In my personal opinion, at present, there are only two Internet companies in Russia that meet the conditions you specified.

One is Yandex and the other is MAIL.RU.

However, due to the slump in the stock price last year, the situation of these two companies is not very good, and a large number of employees have left. At present, it is barely supported and not closed. "

Other employees also nodded in support of his statement.

Speaking of these two companies, Wang Ye is no stranger.

It can be said that this is also the only two strong Internet companies that remain in the back of the Russian Internet development.

Among them, Yandex started as a search engine. In the field of Russian search, it beat Google and saved a little face for the Russian Internet.

As for MAIL.RU, the company started out as a portal and e-mail.

These two companies are still listed on Nasdaq, but because last year, in 2000, when the global Internet bubble burst, the stock prices fell horribly.

One market value plummeted by 90%, and the other by 97%

According to the owner of Yandex, he once thought that his company was the worst Internet company in the world that year, because the market value fell directly from one billion US dollars to three million US dollars

But this is not the case, because from 2000 to 2004, the period of nearly five years was the darkest moment for the Internet industry, during which countless Internet companies went bankrupt!

If can hold up, it's basically pretty good.

In other words, the current market value of Yandex and MAILRU, the two faces of the Russian Internet industry, does not exceed $5 million!

From this level, we can understand why when Wang Ye said in front of the emperor that the Internet industry could change the world in the future, the emperor almost regarded him as an idiot.

These days, few people still have expectations for the Internet industry, especially investment companies!

Hearing his staff mentioned these two companies, Wang Ye's heart moved, don't say, this time is the best time to buy Internet companies!

It doesn't take a few dollars at all to get industry leaders like Yandex and MAILRU in the bag.

Inspired by the words of employees, Wang Ye also thought of two companies worth investing in, namely Penguin in China and Amazon in America!

In 2001, Penguin had not yet been listed, and it is estimated that Xiao Ma was still begging for investment everywhere.

After all, we are in the "cold winter" of the Internet industry, and everyone's life is not easy.

And Amazon, the biggest "star" in the Internet industry, also saw a sharp drop in its stock price last year, and the company's market value plummeted. It's a good time to officially buy the dip!

However, there is no need for Wang Ye to tell the employees about these things for the time being, and he just instructed: "I have heard of these two companies. You should collect information first and make preliminary contacts to see if they are interested in accepting investment."

In fact, if you really want to acquire a company that has already been listed, there is absolutely no need to contact it, you can just go directly to the stock market to buy shares.

Because of the impact of the bursting of the Internet bubble, there is no need to worry about not being able to buy shares. A lot of stocks are eagerly sold, but no one has taken over.

After the meeting, Wang Ye did not go back to his office, but went downstairs directly, intending to go to work at the New Sun Group.

Now his daily schedule is quite tight.

The Kitty Eagle Group needs to visit from time to time. The Polar Bear Investment Company must also set work tasks and goals for everyone. As for the New Sun Group, there are many things there...

Hey, this is the trouble of the rich!

Especially for young people like Wang Ye, whose career is still on the rise, he can't be lazy at all. A lot of "old guys" are staring at him.

Whether it is for himself or something else, Wang Ye can only work hard.

Just went downstairs and hadn't gotten into the car, but Wang Ye unexpectedly met an "acquaintance"...

In fact, it cannot be said that they are acquaintances. The two have only dealt with each other and have only met once or twice.

A police car with flashing lights was parked in front of the office building. Wang Ye didn't pay attention to it at first. He bypassed the police car and prepared to go to the parking lot not far away. She was waiting for him there.

As a result, the police car door was pushed open, and a man came out and shouted, "Mr. Mikhail?"

Wang Ye stopped and turned his head to look.

I saw a middle-aged man in uniform looking at him in the back row of the police car.

This guy looks familiar...

But I can't remember the name for a while.

Wang Ye was frowning thinking about this person's name, the middle-aged man in uniform had already got off the car and walked over.

said with a big smile: "It's really you, Mr. Mikhail, I'm Vlamir, some time ago... I helped you with things."

Wang Ye immediately remembered that it was the sheriff.

When Song Xiaogang had an accident, Wang Ye was looking for this person, and he brought Song Xiaogang out.

I didn't expect to meet again here.

said with a smile: "I remember you, Sergeant Vlamir, hello, I remember that your jurisdiction is not here, are you here to do business?"

Indeed, Vlamir is in charge of the security of the great area, and since this place is close to the Red Square, it is definitely not his turn to take care of it.

Vlamir said beamingly: "Mr. Mikhail, you may not know that my job has changed recently, and now I am in the city bureau, hehe."

It turned out to be a promotion, no wonder!

Wang Ye knew very well, and estimated that the $500,000 he gave him last time also played a big role in Vlamir's promotion...

"Congratulations, Sergeant Vlamir's ability is outstanding, and he is young and strong. He will definitely be able to advance to a more important position in the future." Wang Ye congratulated him with a smile.

Wang Ye also liked Vlamir's promotion, after all, he was an acquaintance.

(end of this chapter)