Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Chapter 219 Trouble is coming

"If it's five million, it's acceptable. But can you decide to sell this matter in your city?" Wang Ye asked with a smile.

"Of course! Our Crimean Peninsula is an autonomous republic. Many buildings on the island are owned by the republic. Why can't we make the decision. As long as the parliament agrees, there will be no problem." Natalia said proudly.

Since this is the case, then this matter is easy to handle.

Wang Ye thought about it, and after Yuri got Petersburg, he went directly to Crimei to buy the Livadia Palace.

Yalta was so poor that he couldn't even wear his pants, so he directly slapped them with five million dollars, I don't believe they are not interested!

He didn't bother to use any connections anymore, he didn't spend much money anyway.

Things that can be solved with money, try not to use personal connections, so as to save yourself from falling behind...

Even, Wang Ye planned to go to the Crimea Peninsula in person at that time to meet and chat with several big figures in power.

Now the Crimean Peninsula is in an economic crisis, and I am engaged in tourism and gambling there. Anyway, it is a big investment, which can bring a lot of job opportunities and a lot of financial income to the local area!

If you talk well, it is possible to take the Livadia Palace for free.

"On your side, is it the president who has the final say or the parliament has the final say?" Wang Ye asked curiously.

As far as he knows, although the Crimean Peninsula is nominally under the jurisdiction of Uzbekistan, it is actually in a "semi-independent" state. It is a republic and even has its own president and parliament!

However, it seems that the president and the parliament are fighting fiercely. It is really uncertain who has the final say.

Natalia frowned and thought for a long time before hesitatingly said: "I'm not sure, the two sides are evenly matched, sometimes the president has the upper hand, and sometimes the parliament has the upper hand..."

There is a saying that the water is shallow and there are many people. The area of Krimi is 26,000 square kilometers, and the total population is less than 2 million, but the politics is very complicated.

The president is pro-Russian, but he does not advocate the annexation of Crimei to Russia, but hopes to be independent.

This is understandable, after all, he is now the leader of the country!

After independence, he was even more powerful and became a real national leader.

If it is incorporated into Russia, wouldn't it be "downgraded"...

The parliament is vacillating, and sometimes pro-Russian factions prevail, pushing for the annexation of the Crimea to Russia.

Sometimes pro-Ukrainian factions prevail and are firmly opposed to any ties with Russia.

But the parliament has a common goal, which is to suppress the president and make the parliament the highest authority in the Crimei.

Therefore, these three parties also made a lot of jokes in order to seize power.

Even if Natalia is a Crimean, it is difficult to explain the local political situation clearly, after all, she has not been able to reach the real high-level.

Wang Ye nodded slightly, it seems that there is quite a mess on Krimi's side.

But that's a good thing...

After talking about the acquisition of the Livadia Palace, Wang Ye turned the topic to Natalia and asked with a smile, "How is it, you came here for training this time, so you should make progress. After you go back, It is estimated that he will be promoted.

Natalia raised her head proudly, "Hmph, please call me Prosecutor Natalia in the future! Also, you must abide by the law when doing business in our Yalta, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

This girl's appearance and Ajielina should belong to two styles.

Although they are all beautiful, their styles are completely different.

Agelina has a small face and delicate features, while Natalia's face is a little baby fat.

The eyes of both of them are very big, and they are both blue...

Wang Ye smiled and did not go to compete with Natalia.

To be honest, when he entered the Crimean Peninsula, the people he came into contact with should also be the top high-ranking people in the autonomous region, Natalia, a small prosecutor, if it wasn't for the relationship with Ajeelina, I don't think I have the right to talk to him!

seemed to remember something, Natalia suddenly asked: "By the way, is the security in Moscow very bad? Why do you hire so many bodyguards, it seems that they all have guns!"

She didn't know what business Wang Ye was doing now, she thought it was really a regular hotel.

This question is more troublesome to explain, and Wang Ye said vaguely: "This is how it is here, most companies will hire security personnel, and there are many security companies, even state-run ones. Okay, let's go eat and taste. Agelina's craftsmanship."

I have to say that Ajielina has made considerable progress in her cooking in the past few months.

At the beginning, she could only cook the simplest kinds of meals, and now she can even cook some simple Chinese dishes.

"Where did your training take place? Is there a place to stay, or it's better to live here." Ajielina asked during dinner.

Natalia quickly waved her hand and said, "That won't work. We have arranged dormitories. It doesn't matter if you come to play on weekends. You can't live here on weekdays. Besides, if you live here, it will bother you too much."

That's not polite, Natalia really doesn't want to live here.

The main reason is that Wang Ye and Ajielina are in a relationship, so what if he is a girl in the middle...

Agelina didn't insist either.

After lunch, Wang Ye was about to go to work in the company, and let Ajielina and Natalia go out to play by themselves.

Just arrived at the company, Ivan knocked on the door and walked in, looking a little serious.

"What are you busy with these days?" Wang Ye asked with a smile.

He didn't see Ivan very much in the past two days. Of course, it may also be because he came to the company less often, and the two happened to be staggered.

Sitting across from Wangye's desk, Ivan let out a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "I went to the group to help with something recently. Mr. Hovchenko is in trouble these days."

The "group" he said definitely meant the Yukos Group, not the New Sun Group.

Wang Ye frowned and asked, "Uncle, is he in trouble? What trouble is he?"

"As you know, Mr. Kovchenko has always wanted to acquire the Siberian Oil Company in Abu's hands, and the two sides have been talking. But for some reason, Abu's side has been hesitant and can't make a final decision. This matter can't be delayed for too long. For a long time, otherwise there will be problems." Ivan explained.

This thing hasn't been done yet?

Wang Ye was also quite surprised.

Because last time at Abu's manor, Hovchenko, Abu and Geblev talked about it.

And, at that point, the acquisition had actually been going on for a while.

It's been so long now, why hasn't this matter been decided yet!

Wang Ye remembered that when he went to the Kremlin last time, Geblev also chatted with himself about the acquisition, intentionally or unintentionally, and then contacted Abu's attitude. It seems that there is a shadow of the Kremlin behind this matter...

(end of this chapter)