Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 Establishment of a group company

Since the last time Wang Ye went to see Hovchenko, Hovchenko promised to lend him 200 million US dollars. It has only been a few days, and the money has arrived!

From this we can also see how exaggerated Hofchenko's capital flow is

Wang Ye quickly said in surprise: "Thank you, uncle! I just went to see Uncle Geblev, and I got the gambling cards. Now that the money is in my account, I will buy the hotel as soon as possible and build a gaming and entertainment center!"

"Do it with confidence. Young people just have to try more and don't be afraid of failure. Yukos Group is your solid backing." Hovchenko said cheerfully.

After hung up the phone, Wang Ye was filled with emotion.

I have to say that Hovchenko is still very courageous.

I have nothing to say to myself. Sometimes Wang Ye really has an illusion, that is, he feels that he is more and more integrated into the identity of "Mikhail", and Hovchenko is really his uncle...

"Go to the Kitty Eagle Hotel!" Wang Ye instructed Seriosa.

Selyosha started the car and started to drive in the direction of Kitty Eagle Hotel.

Wang Ye made a phone call and called Katya.

"Check it out, there should be more money in the hotel account." After the call was connected, Wang Ye said simply.

"Okay sir, I'll go to the finance department to check now." Katya responded immediately.

The phone didn't hang up, and after two or three minutes, Katya's voice came.

"Sir, more...a lot of money!" Her tone was full of shock, obviously frightened by the number.

"200 million dollars?" Wang Ye asked calmly.

"Yes! It's 200 million dollars, my God, that's that much money..." Katya sighed, apparently still not calm down.

"Let Yuri summon the heads of various departments of the hotel to wait for me in the large conference room. I will be there in a while and prepare for the meeting." After Wang Ye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Now that the gambling cards are in hand and the funds are in the account, what are you waiting for, you will start to show your skills immediately!

In the large conference room of the Kitty Eagle Hotel, Yuri, Katya, Anton and the heads of various departments gathered together.

Everyone is waiting for Wang Ye to come.

Yuri is the general manager, and the news is relatively well-informed. He also learned about the sudden increase of a large amount of money in the hotel account, and contacted what Wang Ye said a few days ago.

He understands that this is the acquisition of funds!

The new boss, Mikhail, doesn't look young, but he is really resolute in his work!

The door of the conference room was pushed open, Wang Ye strode in, and everyone in the conference room stood up quickly and greeted Wang Ye.

Wang Ye nodded to everyone and walked straight to the top of the long conference table.

This position is empty, of course it is reserved for him. As for Yuri and Katya, they are sitting first on both sides of the long table, which is the position of Wang Ye's left and right hands!

As soon as he sat down, Wang Ye said: "What I said last time has been implemented. This is the only gambling card I just got, the only one in Russia!"

said, he raised the black leather document in his hand.

Everyone in the conference room looked over in unison. Everyone's eyes were focused on the document. No one has seen this thing before, it's rare...

Wang Ye handed it to Yuri and said, "Read it to everyone."

Yuri opened the file with a trembling hand, cleared his throat, and started reading to everyone.

The specific content is quite simple, and it takes less than two minutes to read it.

After he finished reading, Wang Ye said: "In the company's public account, 200 million US dollars have been transferred in. This is a sum of money that I borrowed in the name of the company to acquire hotels in Petersburg and the Crimean Peninsula. ."

This money was remitted by a little-known investment company, which obviously belongs to Hofchenko.

After Wang Ye finished saying this, there was a little commotion in the conference room.

Betting cards, although it is amazing, after all, everyone has no intuitive concept of this, but vaguely feel that this thing should be quite valuable.

But $200 million in cash is too intuitive!

In Moscow in 2001, it was estimated that the number of companies that could come up with $200 million in cash could be counted with one finger.

No one thought that Kitty Eagle Hotel could become one of them now...

Obviously, Mr. Mikhail's economic power is too strong!

The future Kitty Eagle Hotel has unlimited prospects...

Katya sat aside, looking at Wang Ye with tenderness in his eyes.

She feels so lucky!

Being able to follow a young and rich "master" like "Mikhail" is her best home, no one!

Leaving aside Wangye's uncle Hovchenko, Mikhail himself is also a very good boss, with unlimited potential. His future achievements may not be worse than Hofchenko and Abu...

Next, Wang Ye began to arrange work.

"Yuri, you can go to Petersburg as soon as possible, conduct an on-the-spot inspection and screening, and find a hotel or a building that can be converted into an entertainment center. Don't worry about whether the other party sells it or not, I will solve that matter, you just need to choose Just set the right goals.

Wang Ye looked at Yuri and said.

Yuri nodded quickly and said, "I'll arrange the hotel today, and I'll set off at night!"

He knew very well that the next period of time would be the most important transition period for the Kitty Eagle Hotel.

If you perform well in this process, then you don't need to worry about your future position and income, and it may even skyrocket!

hesitated for a moment, then he asked: "Don't you need to go to the Crimea Peninsula to investigate? The hotels over there don't seem to be relatively well-known, and the scale is not very good."

Wang Ye smiled and replied: "The target has been chosen over there, the Livadia Palace!"

There was an exclamation in the conference room, obviously everyone present knew what the "Rivadia Palace" was...

"Now you understand what kind of target building you should choose?" Wang Ye looked at Yuri.

Yuri nodded vigorously, he understood that Wang Ye was giving him a standard, that is, the acquisition target he was looking for in Petersburg, the grade and building scale must not be worse than the Livadia Palace!

"The current registration body of the Kitty Eagle Hotel is no longer suitable. We need to re-establish a group company, let's call it Kitty Eagle Group. It is mainly engaged in hotel accommodation, gaming entertainment, tourism and other businesses. Also, Anton, you are responsible for preparing for Wagner Security. The company is also registered under the Kitty Eagle Group, so the expenses are paid by the group!" Wang Ye looked at Anton again.

Anton also nodded simply, Wang Ye talked to him about this yesterday.

The current registered entity of Kitty Eagle Hotel is actually called "Kitty Eagle Company", and the following business entity is only Kitty Eagle Hotel.

Now that we want to expand our business and diversify our business, the original "company" is no longer suitable, and a group company needs to be established!

(end of this chapter)