Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Chapter 166 Let's touch it

In the whole big market, all the small workers who pull goods are black hairs, it can be said that they are monopolized by them.

Really, if there is no small worker here to do the hard work, then Xinyang will really be in trouble.

You can't let those bosses go and move the goods by themselves...

Another Hei Maozi had a slightly better attitude and persuaded: "Don't worry everyone, aren't we talking now, it's better to come up with a plan that everyone can accept."

At this moment, Wang Ye spoke.

He extinguished the cigarette **** in his hand, looked directly at Lokayev and said, "You want a solution, right? Then I'll give it to you."

All three black hairs looked over.

"Return all the deposits and compensate you with an additional $100,000. This is the final solution." Wang Ye said calmly.

As if humiliated, Lokayev stood up abruptly, waving his arms and said, "Are you insulting us? Are we Gaosuo people so greedy in your eyes? I tell You, I came here this time just for a fair deal! Fairness, do you understand?"

Watching his performance, Wang Ye wanted to smash the ashtray in front of him into his face...

Is it fair to say that this product still has face?

Just now, the lion opened its mouth to ask for five districts. Is this fair?

He no longer has the patience to talk to these black hairs anymore, because he already understands that the other party is here to make trouble!

Since this is the case, then I don't have to give him any good looks.

"Since you don't want it, just terminate the contract without any compensation. Now, you guys, get out." Wang Ye reached out and nodded at the three black hairs.

This time, Lokaev didn't show much anger anymore.

His face was full of haze, and his sharp eyes were fixed on Wang Ye, "Are you sure? Have you considered the consequences of saying this?"

"Go away!" Wang Ye didn't even bother to say one more word.

Boss Kong was a little nervous beside him.

Lokayev didn't say anything, just sneered twice, got up and walked out with the other two black hairs.

Seeing the three black hairs go out, Boss Kong hurriedly asked: "Why did you drive people away suddenly, didn't you say we should talk about it? Oops, I guess it's going to be a lot of trouble this time, these black hairs..."

Wang Ye said impatiently: "How can we talk about this? You should have heard it, they didn't plan to talk about it."

Boss Kong had no choice but to spread his hands and said, "Then what should we do?"

"Let the security guards drive people away! Is it a waste to keep so many security guards? It's time to use them for a thousand days, and now is the time to use them!" Wang Ye said word by word.

Boss Kong sighed and said, "Hey, you can make money with your anger. When you get into trouble with these black hairs, you won't get anything cheap, and you'll get into trouble. But since you've made up your mind, let's do it first, but you have to pay attention recently. Just be safe, these people are not good people."

After finished speaking, Boss Kong went out, leaving Wang Ye alone in the office.

He lit another cigarette and stood at the window and looked out.

At the entrance of the Xiaohonglou, a group of tall and strong security guards began to coax people out, pushing and shoving the black hairs who were surrounding the door away from the Xiaohonglou.

Those black hairs didn't have any drastic reactions, just kept yelling and scolding.

After the people were driven away, a dozen or so security guards lined up in two rows at the door, so that those Chinese merchants could enter the management office to sign the contract and go through the formalities.

But obviously, everyone was rushing to rent a shop to sign a contract, but now many people are hesitant.

There are very few people who actually enter the Little Red House...

Wang Ye let out a long breath, feeling a little depressed.

Management of such a large wholesale distribution market will definitely not be easy, and all kinds of troubles and problems will follow one after another. Wang Ye was already mentally prepared for this.

But he didn't expect that this market has not yet opened, and it has encountered such a thorny problem!

It seems that even if you are unlucky, making money will not be smooth sailing, and you will encounter the same ups and downs that you should encounter.

He watched for a while, then took out his cell phone and dialed Mailov.

Briefly recounted what happened here and asked, "Do you know these people, and what is their reputation on the ACT?"

Mailov was silent for a moment before he said sincerely: "Misha, in fact, I just heard about this, I was about to call you, and you just called. Then I want to emphasize one point first, this I don't know about it at all, and it's not my order!"

They are all smart people. When something like this happened, the first person Wang Ye suspected was Mailov.

When Mailov and Wang Ye talked about this, they were the first to express their position, saying that it had nothing to do with them.

Wang Ye smiled, "I believe you, or else I wouldn't call you."

Hearing what Wang Ye said, Mailov was relieved and said with a smile:

"That's good, that's good!

This Lokayev can be considered the number one person. Basically, more than half of the black haired workers on the ACT side belong to them... It can't be said to be a gang, but a gang, or something like a fellowship.

But this fellow's association must also be involved in the underworld, and there are some core characters in it who don't work and live on the management fees paid by those small workers. They also bought a lot of shops in ACT and rented them out to make money

Mailov introduced the background of this Lokaev to Wang Ye, and finally said earnestly: "Seriously, I don't want to mess with them, we are all in business. Fight with them! If you can reconcile, pay some money and let it go, as long as you don't have enmity with them, they usually know the rules."

Wang Ye had something in his mind, so he said with a smile: "I see, thank you, our cooperation is still valid, and I won't make an exception first."

Came to Moscow from the beginning of January, Wang Ye did a lot of things.

Agency phone cards, Qingyun study abroad service company, Huaxing communication company, but these are actually making money in the small circle of Chinese, and making small troubles is not worth mentioning.

Strictly speaking, joining the New Sun Group is Wangye's first appearance in the Moscow business circle!

And the cooperation with Mailov's ACT Group is also his first big move.

But it was not good to be a teacher, and I encountered the current trouble...

Wangye did not ask for help from Khovchenko, and did not even tell him about it.

Because he needs to use his own strength to solve this!

When encountering a little trouble, he would cry and go to the "parents", that is the behavior of "children", and Wang Ye disdains to do it!

Perhaps, there are also many pairs of eyes staring at him now, wanting to observe and see how he solves this matter.

Only if this trouble can be solved quickly and beautifully, then in the eyes of those big men, Wang Ye will no longer be the identity of "Hovchenko's nephew"!

But the "real" president of the New Sun Group, Mikhail, Ivanovsky, Khodorkov...

(end of this chapter)