Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Suka not listed

Wang Ye brought An Dong and two other bodyguards up.

I thought Nalan Yaqi would have more things, but when I came up, I saw two large suitcases.

Then let the two bodyguards pick up one each and prepare to go downstairs.

Anton and the three of them are still low-key, Uzi left it in the car and didn't bring it, but he was pinned to the guy with a bulge in his waist.

Originally, the pistol magazine was emptied by Wang Ye in the afternoon. After returning to the management office, Anton asked the security team for some.

So now they can count as live ammunition!

The two bodyguards went straight down with one hand carrying the suitcase, Wang Ye, Nalan Yaqi and An Dong walked behind.

As we were about to go down the stairs at the end of the corridor, the door of a nearby room suddenly opened.

Someone roared "Wang Ye, I am grass..."

shocked both Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi...

But Anton's reaction was obviously much faster, and when the door was suddenly opened, he had turned around and looked over.

I saw a thin and small Asian man who was about to rush out with a dazzling knife in his hand.

Obviously, this is Zhang Ke...

Anton's eyes jumped, and before Zhang Ke could rush out, he quickly stretched out his left hand and caught him by the neck.

At the same time, a pistol was pulled out in his right hand, and the muzzle was directly on Zhang Ke's forehead.

With a little force on his left hand, Zhang Ke's feet were already off the ground, and Anton pushed him against the wall of the corridor.

With a low growl, "Suka is not listed!"

With a move of the right thumb, a "click" sounded, the pistol safety has been opened...

This scene happened too fast. When Wang Ye and Nalan Yaqi came back to their senses, they saw An Dong put Zhang Ke's neck with one hand, "fixed" it to the wall, and held Zhang Ke with a pistol. Ke's forehead.

When Wang Ye brought An Dong and these burly men over just now, Nalan Yaqi felt a little "not right".

However, Wang Ye only vaguely said that this was his friend, and Nalan Yaqi did not continue to ask.

Now that she sees that gun, no matter how stupid she is, she understands that these burly men are not easy...

Nalan Yaqi had never seen this scene before, her legs trembled a little, she quickly grabbed Wang Ye's arm and hid behind him, only sticking out a small head to "peep".

Zhang Ke, this will be even more unbearable.

Feeling the cold muzzle on his forehead, he was shaking all over!

The fruit knife in his hand also fell to the ground long ago.

I'm sweating all over!

The vodka I just drank, probably all came out with sweat, and my mind became very clear...

Wang Ye looked down at the small fruit knife that fell on the ground, then looked at Zhang Ke again, and roughly understood what was going on.

This kid

Is this trying to kill yourself?

Wang Ye frowned and scolded: "Zhang Ke! Are you crazy?"

Originally, everyone was classmates, and Wang Ye also knew that it was not easy for parents to send everyone out, including himself and Zhang Ke.

So even if Zhang Ke left a bad impression on him, Wang Ye never thought about what to do with him.

Everyone walks their own way, and the well water does not make the river water.

But Zhang Ke's actions today made Wang Ye a little surprised, what kind of hatred does he have with this guy, he's about to use a knife?

After being asked by Wang Ye, Zhang Ke finally woke up, his eyes were red, and tears were streaming down his face.

It's not that he found out in his conscience and regretted it!

was frightened...

"Wang Ye, Brother Ye! I really have no ill intentions, just..."

Before she could finish her defense, she was interrupted by Nalan Yaqi. She stared at the fruit knife on the ground and said, "No malice? What is this!"

"Then... I'm just holding a fruit knife to strengthen myself. Brother Ye, believe me, I really don't dare. I just want to kick you a few times to let out my breath." Zhang Ke cried bitterly.

Anton glanced at him with disdain, turned his head and asked Wang Ye, "Sir, do you want to solve him?"

Wang Ye's little heart skipped a beat, this would kill people? !

He waved his hand quickly and said, "No, no, this is a student, and it's just a contradiction with me. Let him go, there's no need to waste time here."

Anton hesitated, but let go of his hand, looked at Zhang Ke with menacing eyes, and slowly put away the gun.

As soon as Zhang Ke's feet touched the ground, she felt her legs soften and sat on the ground...

Wang Ye bent down and patted Zhang Ke's cheek.

warned: "This is the first and last time! If you dare to do this again, you should know the consequences."

Zhang Ke nodded desperately, and said in a panic, "I... don't dare! I don't dare anymore!"

He was really scared!

Don't look at how he brags all day, saying that he is a smuggler in the country, that he often fights and slashes people and so on.

In fact, he is just an ordinary person, at best a street gangster.

When have you seen a real guy!

When An Dong was holding a gun to his forehead just now, Zhang Ke could really feel that the other party really dared to shoot!

He didn't take his own life seriously at all...

He didn't know why Wang Ye was able to mix with this "desperate", and he didn't want to know!

Zhang Ke has only one thought now, that is, he never wants to meet Wang Ye again!

In case of encountering

Then immediately hide away.

The farther away the better!

Watching Wang Ye, Nalan Yaqi and the strong man go down the stairs, Zhang Ke was still sitting on the ground and didn't get up.

It's not that he doesn't remember, but his legs are really weak and he can't stand up...

went downstairs and looked at the two cars parked side by side in front of the dormitory building, Nalan Yaqi paused.

She knew the white Cool Luze, the car Wang Ye just bought, and had seen it before.

But that black Mercedes-Benz Big G, she has never seen it!

After all, it is also from the capital, the yellow flag!

I have seen the world...

Although Nalan Yaqi doesn't know the exact model of this car, she understands that this car must be very expensive!

"Get in the car, Ajielina is in the car too, you and her sit in the back row." Wang Ye helped open the car door and said.

After getting into the car, Nalan Yaqi and Ajielina said hello, and took a peek at Anton sitting in the driver's seat.

Just now, An Dong raised Zhang Ke with one hand and took out a gun, which really scared her...

Although Zhang Ke is thin and short, he can raise one hand, which shows that Anton's strength is outrageous!

What is more exaggerated is, what is his identity and why does he carry a gun with him!

In addition to Anton, there are several other strong men, and they don't seem to be good.

What is the relationship between these people and Wang Ye...

I couldn't hold it back, so Nalan Yaqi probed into the co-pilot seat and asked Wang Ye in a low voice in Chinese: "Brother Ye, what are these people... doing? If you did that just now, would it alarm the police?"

Wang Ye smiled and did not hide it from her.

said: "They are all security personnel, with gun licenses, and now they are my bodyguards."

This made Nalan Yaqi completely confused.

She asked ignorantly: "Our Qingyun Company is in serious business... What are the bodyguards doing please!"

(end of this chapter)