Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 130

Chapter 130

Chapter 130 Wang Ye's "Life Experience"

In addition to the development of the business field, Hofchenko wants to do more!

Wang Ye, because of his excellent performance and his "death" relationship with himself, also entered the key training list of Hofchenko!

This Russian identity is a very important threshold, and it is also convenient for his future arrangements...

Don't think that Wang Ye doesn't look like a Russian. You must know that in Russia, there are many black hairs, Mongolians, etc.

Wang Ye's facial features are also relatively three-dimensional, and he speaks Russian very well. As long as he is not of Russian ethnicity, there is no problem at all.

In addition, there is no nationality column on the Russian passport...

"By the way, do you know your background, Russia's background?" Kovchenko laughed.

Wangye: "..."

He can only shake his head, he doesn't know his background, it seems ridiculous to say it...

"I have a cousin who moved to Siberia with her family when she was very young."

"Because the communication is inconvenient and the distance is too far, I slowly lost contact."

"Later I heard that she married a Russian-Chinese and only has one child, that's you! So you look like a Chinese..."

"You were born in a small town in Krasnoyarsk, which belongs to the Siberia region and is more than 4,000 kilometers away from Moscow. It is one of the most remote areas in Russia."

"There is a vast area and sparsely populated, often hundreds of kilometers without seeing people, and many villages and small towns are slowly disappearing."

"The town you were in is now gone because people died or went elsewhere to develop."

"After I learned about the situation, I sent someone to pick you up, and I have the current Misha, haha..."

This so-called "life experience" is a bit full of loopholes to be honest and cannot stand scrutiny.

But so what...

In the past ten years after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, there have been many absurd things in Russia!

No one cares at all.

So, when Wang Ye said that this "life experience" sounded a little unreliable, Hovchenko just shrugged.

said indifferently: "Who cares? Who will question your background, and you will not run for president! So, as long as you can legally prove that you are a native of Russia, it's fine."

Wang Ye was speechless, as Hofchenko said, don't take yourself too seriously, others won't pay attention to you at all...

He could only say: "Okay, what... where is that?"

Wang Ye can't remember where he was born...

"Krasnoyarsk," Kovchenko reminded.

"Oh, Krasnoyarsk, the name of this place is really hard to remember. Then I am the only relative left now?" Wang Ye asked helplessly.

"Of course, that's why I took you by my side and nurtured it." Khovchenko replied with a smile.

"What about my other identity, Wang Ye, an international student, do I need to disappear?" Wang Ye asked again.

"No, no, you can do whatever you want with your identity. It doesn't affect you. You can continue to study. Of course, if you find it troublesome, you can also choose to drop out and not study, and let that identity disappear." Hovchenko said indifferently.

After talking about the question of "life experience", the assistant brought another thick folder and handed it to Hovchenko.

"Here is the letter of appointment for you, the work contract, and the share transfer agreement, you can just sign it." Hovchenko pushed the folder in front of Wang Ye.

After a simple look, in the name of the board of directors of the New Sun Group, Mikhail (that is, Wang Ye) was hired as the president of the group.

The annual salary is not high, only 600,000 US dollars.

However, according to the market operating conditions, as long as the board of directors' established goals are achieved, they can enjoy a minimum of 2% and a maximum of 5% dividends.

In addition, all kinds of corresponding benefits and benefits for the CEO position are readily available!

For example, housing allowance, $10,000 per month.

with car, security personnel, etc...

means that the group is on him, and the annual expenditure is at least one million dollars, and this does not include dividends!

The first year of the board of directors is to make the new sun market achieve at least 80% of the opening rate!

The opening rate is between 80% and 90%, and Wangye can receive 2% of the group's income as a dividend.

The opening rate is above 90%, and the dividend is 5%!

This kind of wholesale market, as long as it can operate normally, there is no possibility of loss, that is, the problem of making more and making less.

In addition, in the share transfer agreement, Hofchenko took out his own shares and "sold" them to Wang Ye for a symbolic one dollar!

Of course, the name of the assignee is still the Russian identity of Wang Ye...

Wang Ye didn't hesitate. After simply flipping through it, he picked up the signature pen handed over by his assistant and signed all of them.

He is also not worried about being "pitched" by Kovchenko.

To be honest, with Hovchenko's net worth, people don't have the leisure to pit themselves.

Besides, what can I do to be tricked by others...

All kinds of documents and certificates have been stamped in advance, and after Wang Ye signed it, it will officially take effect.

The assistant checked it carefully and divided the documents into two parts, one for filing and one for Wang Ye.

After finished, Hovchenko got up satisfied and patted the assistant on the shoulder.

introduced to Wang Ye:

"Misha, his name is Ivan, is my right-hand man.

You just went to New Sun Group, and you must be unfamiliar with many things. I sent him to assist you in your work.

At that time, you can control the main business direction of New Sun Group, and Ivan will help you coordinate external relations.

As for Kong, he can help you with the specific management of the market.

The three of you work together, and you will definitely be able to build a new solar group! "

The male assistant bowed slightly diligently and stretched out his right hand to Wang Ye, "President Mikhail, if you have any work in the future, just tell me, I will definitely try my best to assist you."

Wang Ye stood up with a smile on his face, and also stretched out his hand to hold Ivan's hand tightly, and said with a smile: "Haha, that's great, I'm worried that I'm not familiar with the work of the group. Now Ivan's Help, then there will be no problem."

"Very well, Ivan will arrange security and car distribution for you later. You should go to the New Sun Market in the afternoon. It is estimated that there is already a mess there, haha." Hovchenko said something.

As for what is "chaotic", Wang Ye also understands...

That must be what Liu Jun said in the morning, that the old market was blocked!

Obviously, this is Kovchenko's revenge against the ACT Group.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wangye can also start the new sun market as soon as possible...

(end of this chapter)