Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036

Putting forward such a seemingly "unreasonable" request, Wang Ye is really not greedy for Li Fuzhen's beauty...

After all, for him now, ordinary beauties are no longer in his eyes.

But Li Fuzhen's status is quite special, she is a veritable daughter of a wealthy family, especially in Bangguo, she can be called a "princess", so this adds some "BUFF" and adds some attractiveness to her.

And Wang Ye has no more reliable means to control such an ambitious woman for the time being.

Then having a child with her to inherit the future family business of the Samsung Group, which sounds traditional and ignorant, seems more reliable.

It can only be said that the commercial wars and political competitions in reality are far less exciting and thrilling than those in movies and TV shows, and most of them use traditional or even backward methods.

After all, thousands of years of history have proven that marriage is the most effective way to win relationships, otherwise those political giants and business leaders would not be so keen on various marriages.

Wang Ye's request can be regarded as an invisible marriage with the Li family of Samsung, but except for Li Fuzhen, the rest of the Li family don't know about it for the time being...

Today's negotiations are not going well. Elena is simply not willing to accept anything. No matter what kind of promise Li Jae-young makes, she will bite to death. She must first see Samsung's investment land and pass the strict review of the industry fund office. Funding will be formally disbursed.

Of course, in order to successfully obtain support funds, there is also a certain threshold for the amount of investment. For a large project like a fab, the initial investment must reach more than 2 billion US dollars, and the total investment scale must exceed 5 billion US dollars. Only then are eligible to apply for industry support funds.

Allowing Samsung to enjoy the support policies of Russian local companies, this is already the biggest discount, if there are more, then don't think about it...

This made Li Zairong so angry, if he was in Seoul, he would have jumped up and slapped this hateful woman a long time ago!

It's a pity that this is Moscow. Not only did he not dare to do anything, but he also greeted others with a smile...

In the end, Li Zairong could only express depressedly that he had no authority to make a promise on this condition, and had to convene the group board of directors after the meeting, and make a decision only after the group board of directors discussed and approved it.

Irina shrugged, and responded lightly: "Then I will wait for the good news from Mr. Li."

When Li Zairong led his entourage back to the hotel where he was staying, he happened to meet his younger sister Li Fuzhen who came back in a courtesy car provided by the hotel with two luxury bags in her hand. It seemed that she had just returned from shopping.

Li Zairong just nodded at her lightly, without saying a word, he walked into the hotel lobby with his head held high.

Li Fuzhen behind him didn't care either, with a smile on his face, watching his back disappear at the hotel gate.

Two days later, the Samsung delegation left Moscow. This visit did not reach any substantive agreement. After all, Lee Jae-young did not come with sincerity.

I just wanted to try to see if I could fool the "bumps" who came to Moscow to get some subsidies. In the end, Wang Ye came to slap him first, and then Irina did business. Li Zairong had no choice but to return.

It's just that he didn't know that it was his sister Li Fuzhen who really gained a lot from this visit to Moscow!

After two days of secret talks, Wang Ye and Li Fuzhen drew up a "power seizure plan" and planned to fight for the control of Samsung Group step by step.

Of course, Wang Ye will not come forward, he just hides behind to provide necessary help for Li Fuzhen.

For example, after Li Fuzhen returns this time, he will replace his security team quietly, and the newly hired security personnel will be a new security company that has not yet been registered in Seoul...

Obviously, this new security company to be established will be inextricably linked with the Wagner Group, and even its key personnel were directly dispatched from Wagner.

Don't think that Wagner is a Russian security company, so its members are all blond and blue-eyed old men. In fact, there are many ethnic groups in Russia, and there are many ethnic groups with East Asian faces. Naturally, there are many East Asians with black hair and yellow skin in Wagner. Members with faces will not be conspicuous when they are sent to South Korea.

After ensuring Li Fuzhen's personal safety, the next step will be decided according to the situation.

If it really doesn't work, the last guarantee plan is to eliminate Li Zairong from the physical level

Of course, a seamless action plan will definitely be drawn up at that time. It will definitely not make people see that Lee Jae-young's "accident" is man-made, but will make everyone feel that it is Lee Jae-young's bad luck.

If the first successor had an accident, then there would be only two heirs left in the Li family, that is, Li Fuzhen and her second sister.

The second younger sister has already married, which is equivalent to automatically losing the inheritance right, so Li Fuzhen, the only one who has the inheritance right, does not need to take any action, the inheritance right will automatically fall to her head!

This plan was proposed by Li Fuzhen on his own initiative...

Wang Ye couldn't help sighing, it really is the most poisonous woman's heart!

Samsung's matter will not make any progress in a short time, and Wang Ye doesn't need to handle it himself, just hand over the matter to Petrov, and everything will be arranged properly there.

So after Li Zairong, Li Fuzhen and others left, Wang Ye turned his energy back to his own affairs.

The Duma regular meeting in July was presided over by Wang Ye, the first deputy speaker, because Gryzlov was visiting abroad.

However, recently there is nothing important to do in the Duma, and the atmosphere inside the Duma is also very good. Everyone is harmonious, and they discuss things when they encounter problems, and basically there will be no major differences.

Wang Ye's voice and influence in the Duma are also increasing day by day. In addition, Gryzlov has also taken it easy and plans to officially retire after finishing this term. In the first session of the Duma, Wang Ye was successfully promoted.

In the current Duma, everyone has reached a consensus that the next Speaker of the Duma must be Wang Ye!

After all, under his leadership, the Duma also took back a lot of power that should have belonged to the Duma from the Kremlin and the government, and even more. The previous Duma was a "voting machine" in everyone's eyes, and there was no What actual power, but the situation is quite different now.

Regardless of whether it is the Kremlin or the government, it depends on the Duma's face if you don't say anything. That's not too much difference. When you want to withdraw any important policies or regulations, you must get the support of the Duma, otherwise the Duma Marco won't give them face...

Gryzlov intends to retire, so the real power in the Duma is Wang Ye, and of course there is the little old man Zhirinov.

Among the 450 seats in the Duma, although the Hilavik Group represented by Gryzlov is still the largest faction, it actually occupies no more seats than the second largest faction led by Wang Ye.

Don't forget, the third faction led by Zhirinov, and the fourth faction, the Moscow faction, which has existed in name only, are basically only the king's business, which can be regarded as the "sub-clique" of the second faction.

So Wang Ye actually holds about 300 Duma seats...

That also means that as long as Wang Ye wants to advance or pass a certain law in the Duma, he does not need to discuss with anyone, and he can do whatever he wants with the seat he holds!

Of course, under normal circumstances, Wang Ye would not do this. Anyway, he should give Gryzlov, the speaker, and the Hilavik Group a little face.

This is also giving face to the Kremlin...

Speaking of the Kremlin, Wang Ye went to see his adoptive father several times recently, and the foster father also vaguely mentioned the next general election.

According to the regulations, the adoptive father will retire after finishing this term, and he will not have the right to compete in the next general election, so he has to start thinking about his successor.

Although Wang Ye has stated several times before that he will stay in the Duma forever and is not interested in the Kremlin's position.

But people will always change. Maybe he was really not interested in the position of the Kremlin before, but who can guarantee that the current Wangye, or that he will still not be interested in the position of the Kremlin a year or two later? Interested?

After all, no matter what, the Kremlin is still the highest position in Moscow's political arena, both legally and in fact!

As long as you are a politician, who can resist this temptation if you have a chance...

So the adoptive father is also inquiring about Wang Ye's attitude to see his attitude towards the next general election.

Of course, Wang Ye stated very simply that he will not participate in the next general election, but he will try his best to compete for the position of Speaker of the Duma, and then he will serve as Speaker of the Duma for another two terms or even more years...

You should know that the Duma is one term for six years, and two terms are twelve years, and the speaker of the Duma does not have a saying that he cannot be re-elected. As long as the Duma members approve and support you, you can always serve as the speaker of the Duma...

Such a statement, in fact, Wang Ye is tantamount to showing his attitude, he will not participate in the Kremlin election competition, and let his foster father consider other candidates, there is no need to worry that he will jump out of the competition.

Regarding Wang Ye's attitude, the adoptive father couldn't say whether he was happy or disappointed...

Perhaps in his heart, he also thinks that Wang Ye is the best candidate to take his position!

But on the other hand, he is not completely relieved of Wang Ye, and he still has a little worry deep in his heart, even if Wang Ye is about to become his "son-in-law"!

After all, he is very clear about Wang Ye's true identity.

Over the years, he has been observing Wang Ye's every move. Basically, most of Wang Ye's things have not escaped his "eyes".

Generally speaking, Wang Ye's behavior reassures him, and sometimes he even forgets Wang Ye's true identity, thinking that Wang Ye is indeed a Russian-Chinese...

Although Wang Ye is more recognized, the position of the Kremlin is still too important, so if he had to choose, he would rather let Rosiana take this position and let Wang Ye "assistant" Rosiana.

Doing this is killing two birds with one stone.

It not only ensures that the most important position of the Kremlin is still in the hands of "one of us", but also does not waste Wang Ye's talent.

After all, Rosiana and Wang Ye are husband and wife, Wang Ye will never fight against Rosiana...

That means Rosiana is there, otherwise, the adoptive father would not be at ease if anyone else took over from him.

Because Wang Ye's power and influence are too great!

When I was in power, I could still suppress him. When I was down, a newcomer came up. In terms of qualifications, influence, reputation, and ability... No matter what aspect I was overwhelmed by Wang Ye, how could I have the ability to compete with Wang Ye? .

Rosiana solved this problem perfectly. Thinking of this, the adoptive father secretly praised himself in his heart!

Rosiana and Wang Ye got engaged back then, it was definitely a stroke of genius...

However, if Rosiana is allowed to come up next time, there is actually a small problem, that is, Rosiana's qualifications are too shallow, and I'm afraid she won't be able to convince the public.

What's more, Rosiana is not yet a member of the Hilavik Group, she is the leader of the "Royalist faction". If the internal faction of her own faction does not agree with Rosiana's succession, wouldn't she be caught in the middle? Be a man.

Thinking of this, foster father felt a little headache again.

Glanced at Wang Ye, he asked with a smile:

"Hey, Misha, actually I am most optimistic about you!

But everyone has their own ambitions. Since you are not interested in my position and prefer to work in Duma, then I will not force you.

But, Misha, do you have any good candidates to recommend? "

Ordinarily he asked this question inappropriately, because according to common sense, he and Wang Ye cannot decide who the next term is, because it is elected by the people, and only the votes of the voters can determine who will be in charge of the Kremlin!

But the problem is that many things in the world cannot be viewed according to common sense...

Yefu and Wang Ye, if they can join forces to support a certain candidate, that person is almost certain to take over the position of Ke Gong.

Hearing the question from the adoptive father, Wang Ye pondered for a while and replied:

"There are only a few candidates who are really qualified to participate in the election, Gryzlov, Zhirinov, Medev, and Rosiana. If Luzhkov hadn't had an accident, he would certainly be a strong contender. Unfortunately, He is hopeless now.

Among the above candidates, Speaker Gryzlov said that he planned to retire after finishing the term of the speaker, and there is a high probability that he will not participate in the general election.

Although Zhirinov has very old qualifications and high prestige, he has never worked in the government and is not suitable.

So, I think Medeff and Rosiana are more suitable.

But both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. It's hard to tell who is more suitable.

Father, what do you think? "

Normal updates will resume soon...