Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1024

Chapter 1024

YANDEX&MAIL.RU United Technology Corporation and Facebook Russia, these two companies are considered to be the first to go public among Internet companies controlled by Wangye.

Of course, companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon that have already been listed are not counted, and Wang Ye does not hold a controlling stake in these companies, so they can only be regarded as strategic investments.

Especially the shares of Google and Amazon, Wang Ye will cash out when the stock price is right, and he does not plan to hold it for a long time.

That is, he intends to hold the shares of Apple for a long time. After all, Wang Ye clearly remembers that Apple's stock price has continued to rise in the next ten years. At the peak, the company's market value was as high as US$3 trillion!

What is this concept...

A few years ago, when Wang Ye invested in Apple, he spent a total of 800 million U.S. dollars. According to the stock price of 5 U.S. dollars per share, he won 160 million additional shares issued by Apple in one fell swoop.

Occupying 16% of Apple's total share capital, becoming Apple's largest shareholder!

Pioneer, the second largest shareholder, only owns 100 million shares, accounting for 10%.

As for other shareholders, they have even fewer shares.

In the past few years, with the global sales of Apple's iPod products and the launch of the Apple Music Store, the stock price has continued to rise, reaching around $400!

Compared to the price when Wang Ye invested in the stock, it has increased by about 80 times, and the market value of Apple has also reached more than 400 billion US dollars!

This increase is very amazing.

But Wang Ye knew that this is where it is. Apple will launch a truly epoch-making product next year, and that is the IPHONE!

At that time, Apple will truly become a global technology giant. The stock price has repeatedly broken new highs, and the market value has exceeded trillions, two trillions, and three trillions...

However, based on the current market value of Apple, the value of the shares held by Polar Bear Investment Company has already reached more than 60 billion US dollars!

This is not counting the shares of Penguin and Google and Amazon held by Polar Bear Investment Company.

Why did Wang Ye dare to buy everywhere and "scatter coins" everywhere? This is his confidence.

Even if his other companies are not making money, or even losing money, as long as there is no problem with the polar bear investment, and those technology companies continue to develop as they remember in previous lives, he doesn't need to worry about money...

Wang Ye also sorted out the newly acquired industries.

The shares of Yukos Group are the simplest. Originally, he was the major shareholder and chairman, but now he only holds more shares.

However, several other industries are a little more troublesome.

Like First United Bank, it needs a strong professionalism to engage in finance, and Wang Ye himself really doesn't understand it.

Fortunately, Hovchenko left him a complete team of professional managers, and Wang Ye didn't need to worry about it.

So, the assets acquired from Uncle Hovchenko are considered to be of very high quality, saving worry and trouble and making money...

The media group and the aluminum group purchased from Abramovich are a little trickier.

Especially the Aluminum Group, the major shareholder of this company is Drepaska, and Wang Ye just "offended" him because of the strike at the aluminum factory a few days ago.

Of course, Wang Ye didn't pay too much attention to this matter, and he didn't have much thought about the Aluminum Group for the time being, as long as Drapaska could guarantee his annual dividends.

What he really needs to worry about is the media group with the lowest market capitalization!

The media group originally controlled by Abramovich was called "National Media Group". It sounds like a big name, with the prefix ""!

But in fact, this is nothing more than a private media company, because Da Mao's media industry is open to private capital and even foreign capital.

National Media Group is the largest private media group in Russia. It controls a national TV station, a dozen large and small newspapers and magazines, and has newly established an online news platform. It also has its own professional reporter stations at home and abroad...

Anyway, the scale should not be underestimated, and it is still very powerful and influential.

After the acquisition of Wang Ye, he plans to add some more investment, and the key point is to build that TV station!

Although with the rise of the Internet, the influence of traditional media channels began to slowly decline, but it is undeniable that the influence of authoritative TV stations among the public cannot be ignored.

Especially since Wang Ye is now in politics, it is even more important to master his own propaganda channels.

Whether it's running for the election later, or helping one's own faction to raise votes, or helping Rosiana, the cooperation of the media is indispensable anyway

The TV station under the National Media Group is called "Russian Independent Television Station", or "NTV" for short, and it also has a lot of background.

This TV station was established in the 1990s by Gusinski, one of the "Seven Oligarchs". It has a national coverage rate of 87%. It is a very famous TV station.

In the past few years, with the increase of national fiscal revenue and the change of corresponding policies, state-owned assets have acquired and "reorganized" many private TV stations.

So NTV has become the only wholly-owned private TV station left in the country. Other so-called private TV stations have more or less state-owned shares or even holding shares...

But how long NTV can remain a sole proprietorship is anyone's guess. According to Abramovich, relevant state departments have already approached him about investing in NTV, but he refused.

However, the Kremlin should be aware of the importance of mastering publicity channels, and has begun to tighten policies on the media industry. Perhaps in the future, corresponding regulations may be introduced to directly prohibit private capital or foreign capital from controlling important media channels.

Abu may have seen this, and felt that he could not carry it for too long, so he simply packaged it and sold it to Wang Ye.

After all, this guy Wang Ye must be better than himself...

Wang Ye is naturally very clear about these things, but after he takes over, he doesn't need to worry about the issue of NTV being nationalized. After all, no one wants to take the risk of offending him to do such a thing.

And even if corresponding regulations are introduced, it is impossible to bypass him, the Deputy Speaker of the Duma!

Wang Ye controls this TV station, and he will not do anything too extreme, let alone allow some capital with ulterior motives to invade.

Besides, with his strong financial resources, he will invest more money in the TV station than the national TV station every year, and then he will produce better and better programs.

Speaking of capital investment, as far as Wang Ye knows, the Russian public television station, which is the largest and most authoritative television station controlled by the state, has an annual budget of just over $100 million...

For a large-scale TV station, the money is really a lot of money, not to mention the big investment and big production, even maintaining the normal operation of the TV station requires careful planning!

It can only be said that without money, it is really difficult to move an inch, and it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice.

Lao Maozi's literary and art circles actually have quite a lot of talents, and masters have always been born in large numbers, but now there is not enough funds at all, and everything has become empty talk.

NTV is headquartered in Moscow. It was formerly the national channel 4 in the former Soviet Union, that is, the education channel.

But after privatization, it became a comprehensive channel.

After Abramovich took over a few years ago, he also invested a lot of money and produced some well-received drama series, so now the ratings are second only to public TV stations, ranking second.

The matter of NTV changing hands was not publicized, so it did not cause any repercussions in the society.

But within the TV station, the senior management has been notified that from now on, the TV station, including the parent company, is owned by Speaker Mikhail.

After receiving the notice of the change of owner of the TV station, the head of the station, Serev, did not look very good.

It is said that the new owner of the TV station, Mikhail, is richer and more willing to invest. In the long run, NTV TV station may even become the largest TV station in Russia. He should be happy.

But Serev is not thinking about the development of the TV tower. The first thing he has to consider is whether he can keep his position as the station director...

After all, ancient and modern China and foreign countries, the habit of one emperor and one courtier is common.

When a new boss comes to power, the first thing he does is usually replace the key position with his confidant...

In the past, when the owner of NTV was Abramovich, Serev was very comfortable as the head of the station, because Abramovich would not intervene in the affairs of the TV station. Although the budget was not much every year, the ups and downs of the TV station were said by Serev. It's up to you!

But obviously, after the boss is replaced by Mikhail, this kind of good life probably won't exist...

Selyov was right. After Wang Ye acquired the National Media Group, the first thing he did was to ask his assistant to bring over all the group's materials, and he closed the door to study for a whole day.

The focus of his attention is naturally NTV. Other magazines and newspapers are not important, because with the development of the Internet, these magazines and newspapers are basically facing bankruptcy. Even Wang Ye has no way to reverse the development of the times. The general trend.

So it's better to save some snacks, and integrate those magazines and newspapers later, and let it fend for itself...

The most important thing, or the only thing he valued in acquiring the National Media Group, was NTV!

Wang Ye knows that the key to a successful company is to choose the leader of the company, that is, the general manager!

NTV TV station wants to make a move, and the position of the director is very critical.

So, Wang Ye carefully looked through the archives of Director Serev.

Judging from the files, Serev is a very senior media expert who has been working in TV stations for nearly 30 years. He used to be an executive of a public TV station and was hired by Abramovich with a high salary.

Since then, he has been in charge of the operation of NTV.

And under his control, NTV has developed fairly well over the years.

Has been ranked second in ratings and second in coverage among national TV stations...

The first place is naturally the public TV station controlled by the state, which is incomparable. After all, the resources that public TV stations can mobilize are not comparable to private TV stations.

After reading the materials and having a plan in mind, Wang Ye asked his assistant Nova to call Serev and asked him to have dinner with him.

The location is naturally set at the old place, Turandot restaurant.

Wang Ye has a private private room in the Turandot restaurant, which is convenient for him to invite some guests over for dinner and talk about things. Usually, this private room will not be open to the public when he does not come.

In this private room, Wang Ye and many high-ranking officials have met and talked about matters, and many important national affairs have been discussed between cups and cups!

Inviting Serev to meet and chat here today, it can be seen that Wang Ye still values Serev...

At around six o'clock in the evening, Serev arrived at the Turandot restaurant ahead of schedule in his own Jaguar.

He is no stranger to this restaurant, and occasionally invites guests to eat here.

However, when he came here today, his mood was different from usual. Serev felt a little uneasy. He didn't know what he would face later.

For Mikhail, the new boss, although Serev has never dealt with him, he is no stranger to him at all!

After all, NTV has done many TV programs about Mikhail, including two interviews.

Based on Serev's understanding of Mikhail, he believes that although the new boss is young, he is very decisive in doing things and has a good wrist. As long as it is what he looks for, he will definitely do it.

If the new boss is not satisfied with me, then I really don't even dare to resist...

After all, even a giant like Luzhkov was defeated by Mikhail. A small person like himself is like an ant in front of him.

Led by the waiter, Serev came to Wang Ye's exclusive private room, thinking about his thoughts while waiting for Wang Ye's arrival.

He was holding a cup of black tea and was drinking one mouthful at a time. The door of the private room was pushed open, and Wang Ye arrived...

Serev quickly put down his teacup and got up to say hello to Wang Ye.

Wang Ye nodded at Serev with a smile on his face, and then told the waiter to prepare the dishes. He wanted to chat with Serev while eating.

"Director Serev, I heard from Abramovich that under your leadership, NTV has developed quite steadily."

After sitting down, Wang Ye spoke.

Serev carefully observed Wang Ye's expression, not sure whether this "stable" evaluation is a compliment or a derogation...

However, he didn't see anything on Wang Ye's face. After so many years in the political arena, Wang Ye had already been tempered to the point where he couldn't show his emotions or anger.

Let's not talk about small characters like Serev, even real top old foxes like foster father, Gobrev, and Gryzlov don't want to see Wang Ye's thoughts through their faces.

Unless Wang Ye deliberately wants them to see it...

After deliberating for a while, Serev smiled cautiously and said, "Chairman Mikhail has won the award. I just did some basic management work. The main reason is that the colleagues in the TV station are very good, so in the case of insufficient funds Under the leadership, we also tried our best to increase income and reduce expenditure, and produced some good programs.

Wang Ye is quite satisfied with Serev's answer.

Knowing not to take credit or shirk responsibility in front of the boss, and to record performance on the heads of subordinates, this is already a qualified manager.

But if there are only these, it is not enough... (End of this chapter)