Reborn Russia As An Oligarch - Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003 New Fiscal Year Budget

Farewell to the reluctant Tonya, Wang Ye returned to Irkutsk, and met with Governor Valsili, and had some things to discuss with him.

As soon as we met, Valsili asked with a smile on his face: "Is the speaker satisfied with his two-day vacation? The conditions are too simple. Next time you go to Lake Baikal, I will prepare it a few days in advance. I promise it will be better than this." Well arranged!"

In fact, he has already arranged very meticulously, even if it is on the ice of Lake Baikal in the wilderness, there are large tents, generators, guaranteed RVs, professional dining cars, and even heating. This condition is no worse than that of ordinary hotels. Already...

It's hard to imagine better conditions. Is it really necessary to build a holiday villa on the lake?

Wang Ye smiled and nodded, expressing his satisfaction.

Valsili looked at Wang Ye, and asked tentatively: "That girl who dances ballet, do you need any arrangements from my side..."

Obviously, he also knew that Dongia accompanied Wang Ye on vacation, and he should have guessed what happened between the two of them.

What he meant now was to know how Wang Ye planned to arrange that girl.

Donia doesn't know much about Wang Ye's situation, but Valsili knows it very well. Of course he knows that Wang Ye is engaged, and his fiance is Rosiana, a rookie who has suddenly risen in the Moscow political arena recently!

In terms of family background, background, and personal ability, then Rosiana absolutely completely crushes Dongia.

In this case, if Valsili was replaced by Wang Ye, he would definitely not bring Tonya back to Moscow, for fear of making his fiance unhappy.

So, the best arrangement is to keep Tonya here, and let her accompany her for a few days every year when she comes on vacation.

Although such an arrangement is too "cruel" for Tonya, there is no other way. If you want to get something, you have to pay.

As long as Mikhail mentions it casually, or even hints at it, then I will definitely arrange a leisurely and high-paying job for Dongia, so that she will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life!

If you want to develop in the entertainment industry, there is no problem. I will ask the relevant state departments to find some good opportunities for Dongia.

Wang Ye was not surprised why Valsili knew about himself and Tonya.

In fact, he had already guessed that the reason for arranging the "Swan Lake" ballet and selecting the heroine Dongia was all to cater to his own preferences!

I have to say that Valsili is really "meticulous" in his work!

He is really impeccable in catering to the preferences of his superiors, because he can even accurately guess his own aesthetics for girls, which is not something ordinary people can do...

Wang Ye actually didn't dislike this kind of subordinate, because Valsili not only catered to his superiors, he also did a good job in his own job.

The opening ceremony of the pipeline and the preparations for welcoming the Chinese delegation have been well done.

Strong working ability, thoughtful, and will please the boss's preferences...

For such subordinates, maybe no leader would hate them!

So he didn't point out this matter, everyone just knew it.

Now that he heard that Valsili wanted to help him with the "aftermath" work, Wang Ye shook his head and said with a smile: "No need, Tonya will transfer to Moscow soon, where it is more conducive to the development of her dance career .

Valsili was a little stunned. He really didn't expect Wang Ye to take him away so "blatantly". Isn't he worried that his fiance Rosiana would find out...

But this question is not something I need to consider.

Since Chairman Mikhail made such a decision, it must have been carefully considered, but his preference for that little girl is too obvious.

But this also shows that I really chose the right person!

Valsili quickly laughed and said: "The speaker's arrangement is of course the best. If Tonya can be favored by the speaker and cultivated, she will definitely become a big star in the future."

Wang Ye didn't discuss this matter much. He had something serious to talk about when he saw Valsili, and he didn't come to discuss Tonya's future development with him.

He changed the topic and said: "I have talked with the Chinese delegation, and we will cooperate in the development of commercial large aircraft projects in the future, and you have a large aircraft production base here, so I will consider putting this project in your place. "

Valsili almost couldn't contain the ecstasy in his heart. Is his "investment" going to pay off so soon!

Commercial large aircraft project, once this thing is successfully put into production, the annual output value will be tens of billions of dollars, or even hundreds of billions of dollars!

And what is the annual GDP of Irkutsk this year?

It's only more than 20 billion U.S. dollars...

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as this large commercial aircraft project can be successfully put into production, the output value created in the future will be higher than that of the entire Irkutsk region!

This is the charm of large-scale industrial projects...

He said incoherently: "This... is this true? Speaker, don't worry, I will definitely concentrate the power of the whole state to ensure the smooth implementation of this project. Whether it is necessary to expand the factory or train skilled workers, we They will not make any discounts, and cooperate unconditionally!"

Indeed, the future economic development of Irkutsk may depend on this large commercial aircraft project, and of course he will attach great importance to it.

Wang Ye smiled, waved his hands and said:

"Now is the initial stage of negotiation. Even if both parties are very sincere, it will take next year for the actual implementation.

I'm telling you in advance to let you have a psychological preparation. Make a plan for the land around the existing aircraft factory, make sure to reserve enough space, and do a good job in worker training in advance.

Once the project is negotiated and implemented, it must be promoted as quickly as possible. After all, after we cooperate with the Chinese side, we will have the technology, capital, market and orders, and the development will definitely not be bad. "

It's not that Wang Ye's vision is superior, but that at that time, it was really not difficult for China and Russia to jointly carry out large aircraft projects.

Da Mao itself has a technical reserve here, and has been producing commercial large aircraft, but the technical iteration is a bit slower, and the technology is a little behind.

The main reason is that the produced aircraft can only be "digested internally" and cannot seize the market share in Europe and the United States. Of course, there is not enough money to replace them.

But with the huge market in China, the biggest problem is solved.

As for technical upgrades, some problems that are difficult to overcome in the short term, at worst, should be purchased from other countries first, and then gradually replaced with spare parts with independent property rights.

After all, at that time, whether it was China or Russia, the relationship with Europe and the United States was still good. If you want to purchase some high-tech product accessories, as long as it does not involve sensitive areas, you will not be stuck.

After more than ten years, if the relationship really deteriorates, it will have already developed its own substitute by then.

So Wang Ye believes that as long as the conditions are negotiated, this large aircraft project should go smoothly.

After a brief communication with Valsili, Wang Ye didn't even have time to stay for lunch, so he rushed to the airport without stopping, boarded the plane and prepared to return to Moscow.

Because there are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

Bakova and Nova can still help with ordinary business affairs, but for some important matters, the two of them don't have the authority to handle them, so they can only wait for Wang Ye to come back.

Now it's December, and it's the end of the year. Other things can be put aside temporarily, but there is one very important thing that must be dealt with as soon as possible.

That is the "2005 Annual Financial Report & 2006 Annual Budget Plan" submitted by the government.

This is also the most important job responsibility of Wang Ye as the director of the National Economic Commission, and there may not be one of them...

After all, this is related to next year's national fiscal expenditure budget, involving countless departments, industries, institutions, and personnel!

If the delay continues, the government will shut down next year, so Wang Ye has to go back and hurry up to review the budget plan.

It is said that this plan should have been submitted to the Duma earlier, but it seems that there are some disputes on the government side, and Medev spent a lot of effort and energy to settle the disputes within the government and reach an agreement Opinion.

So this budget proposal has just been submitted.

As for why the government is having disputes, Medeff also called Wang Ye and explained it cryptically.

The general idea is that some departments of the government, especially those in the financial department, have proposed to greatly increase the fiscal expenditure budget for next year, and the increase is quite alarming.

Medjeff and some conservatives think that this is too risky, and it will be difficult to pass it in the Duma. Since it is certain that it will be beaten back, it is better not to mention it.

After talking with Medjeev on the phone, Wang Ye also considered the reasons behind this internal government dispute.

He also probably guessed something, it is nothing more than some people are jealous when they see the huge amount of money in their hands, and want to transfer the money of the industrial fund to the government for control, and even find someone who has the power to issue new national bonds. excuse to take away...

Speaking of which, the power to issue debts originally belonged to the government, but it was directly "deprived" by Wang Ye. Now it is reasonable for others to want to take it back.

But Wang Ye does not intend to compromise in this regard!

He is very clear that the money is in his own hands, and he can do some practical things to promote the development of several key industries.

If it is really given to the government, I really don't know what kind of mess they will make.

After returning to Moscow, it was already afternoon, and Wang Ye did not go back to rest. After getting off the plane, he went directly to the office of the Duma Building from the airport.

Because the budget plan is on his desk.

A thick document, divided into two parts, the first half is the 2005 domestic economic data summary report, most of which Wang Ye already knew, so he read it roughly.

It can be said that 2005 is coming to an end. During this year, the economic development speed of Damao was quite astonishing.

The national GDP has reached 765.8 billion US dollars!

In 2004, the figure was only $648 billion.

In one year, it has increased by 120 billion US dollars, with a growth rate of 18%.

This growth rate is amazing!

Of course, this is mainly because during this year, international crude oil prices and natural gas prices began to rise, and Yukos Group and Gazprom Group have opened up many new markets and increased production.

That is, the growth is mainly coming from the energy industry

However, the Internet industry, the automobile industry, etc. are also beginning to exert their strength. The foundation laid by Wang Ye in the past few years has not been in vain.

So, for the next year, that is, the GDP estimate for 2006 is about US$900 billion, which means a growth rate of about 15%.

At the same time, in 2006, the government's fiscal revenue will also be as high as 240 billion US dollars!

Of course, this number is also estimated...

Fiscal expenditure budgets are all based on fiscal revenue estimates, so the government has drawn up the 2006 government fiscal expenditure budget plan on the basis of this "240 billion U.S. dollar fiscal revenue"...

Wang Ye frowned as he watched.

Because the total budget given by the government is a bit unexpectedly high.

"Eight trillion rubles"!

According to the real-time exchange rate, one US dollar is exchanged for about 27 rubles, so the eight trillion rubles is equivalent to 300 billion US dollars.

The government's estimated fiscal revenue for 2006 is only 240 billion dollars, and the gap in the middle is as high as 60 billion dollars!

In the past, the habit of the government was that fiscal expenditure should be less than fiscal revenue.

Firstly, it is afraid that the economic goals will not be achieved, so there must be some room for maneuver.

Secondly, the country still has foreign debts to repay, so we must not spend all the money.

Take 2005 as an example, the annual fiscal revenue was more than 180 billion U.S. dollars, and the fiscal expenditure was 150 billion U.S. dollars.

This is the result of Wang Ye increasing the amount when he reviewed the government budget last year.

The budget plan submitted by the government this year is completely different from the previous style.

It is a bit outrageous to be true...

And according to what Medeff said, this amount is still the result of his reduction, and the original budget to be submitted is even more exaggerated!

Wang Ye certainly knows what those people want to do.

Also, don't look at what Medjeeff said on the phone "soundingly good", but he should also hope to increase the budget amount.

After all, who doesn't want to have more money in their hands.

This is human nature and understandable.

After reading the budget plan, Wang Ye pondered for a long time. He was not in a hurry to veto it, but calmly asked Bakova to make dozens of copies of the budget plan, and then gave it to the members of the Economic Committee and the Duma The other vice-presidents of the council were sent separately.

Then inform the relevant people, and hold a special meeting the morning after tomorrow to discuss the budget plan.

(end of this chapter)