Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Latest website: Before coming here, Leon asked the West German staff in the name of his family to cooperate with Jr. Morgan fully. It means that the young master has been authorized by the owner, so his order must be executed unconditionally. Even without the authorization of Old Morgan, as long as the West German staff were not stupid, they would not dare to disobey Little Morgan's orders.

The old man is just such a precious son, the future successor of the Morgan family. As long as it is not a particularly excessive requirement, it should basically be satisfied. Seeing Herman Aubert tonight is a little difficult, but it's not a big problem.

The staff of the West German Morgan family immediately began to arrange staff. At the same time, Leon, who was far away in the United States, was worried that there was something wrong with the young master, and asked staff from other European countries to go to support him. The benefits of European integration are reflected, at least for the speed of reinforcements, and there is really no waste of time.

The CIA was responsible for tracking Herman Aubert from two veteran agents, both in their retirement years. That is, Hermann Obert suffers from Alzheimer's disease, otherwise the job would not be theirs at all. Older age means a decrease in physical strength, and the action is definitely not as good as that of a young man.

I'm so used to this job now that I really want Herman-Obert to live a few more years so they can retire directly.

A black agent said to the white agent: "Man, there was news from the headquarters earlier that Herman Obert's important level has risen. Should we also make corresponding arrangements?"

"The sun cannons and metal sodium solar power generation equipment that have been making a lot of noise recently may all be related to this old guy. And the butler of the Morgan family visited this old man a few days ago, and you reported it yourself. The superior also gave us New instructions, what to do, you have to make up your mind."

After the white agent reported it to his superiors, he regretted it. Isn't it okay to look for trouble! Although he also felt that the old guy was feigning illness, he never exposed it. It's good to get along so harmoniously now. If Herman-Obert's surveillance level is really elevated, then the two of them are definitely not suitable. If you leave this job, you must adapt to the new environment. I will retire in two years, I really don't want to toss.

The white agent thought for a moment and said: "Man, we are all old guys who are about to retire, so there is no need to toss. The matter is serious and there is a big problem, but we will be transferred directly. It means that we have to adapt to new positions, and we can't do it. Fortunately, there is still life-threatening. I have regretted the previous report, and now don't make extra troubles."

"As long as we don't interfere in the actions of some countries and institutions, we may still get benefits. This is NATO territory, and Soviet agents dare not blatantly come to grab people; and it's still a 90-year-old guy. That's legal and moral. Can't stand up."

"As for other institutions and companies, as long as they don't take people away, let them go. I believe that someone will come to us soon, just wait for the money, and don't think about fighting with others. You didn't see it. The number of security personnel in the surrounding area has increased significantly today, indicating that there are big people coming. We are very annoying here, but as long as we don't interfere with others, we will definitely get benefits, which may be higher than retirement expenses.

In any case, it is an old agent with 30 years of CIA work experience, and the changes in the surrounding environment and personnel cannot be concealed from them. It may not be as good as the young man in terms of physical strength, but speaking of experience and situation analysis, the young agent can't catch up even if he beats the horse.

Blacks have always been led by white agents, and since they have given their opinions, just wait here.

Sure enough, the two were not disappointed, and the Morgan family staff came directly to the door. Not only brought a lot of dishes, but also a few bottles of good wine. There are also two boxes of cash at $200,000 each.

Of course, the two old guys understood what it meant, which was to let them drink more drinks this evening; at the same time, they said that Herman Aubert would definitely not take it away, please rest assured.

We are all smart people, and many things are tacit. The white agent said to the black cloud agent: "We have a good drink tonight. We haven't had such a good wine for a long time."

Of course, the staff of the Morgan family can't believe it completely, regardless of their age; but if they really do it, they really don't have a chance of winning. Even after the food and cash are delivered, they are still vigilant not far away.

The young master is here so that no one can know, especially the CIA. Reagan had called old Morgan before, and Leon was very regretful when he found out. This time the young master came, although he knew he couldn't hide it. But the superficial work still has to be done well, and no one can single out faults.

After everything was arranged, Jr. Morgan came to Herman Aubert's house. A beautiful woman in her 20s opened the door and said at the same time, "Several gentlemen, what's the matter!"

Jr. Morgan: "I was commissioned by the elders of the family to come and see his old friend, Dr. Herman Aubert."

Seeing this battle, the little girl didn't say anything, she really complied with Grandpa's words, what should come will come.

Invited a few people into the living room and saw Herman Obert sitting in a wheelchair. Little Morgan was not polite either, and went directly to the sofa.

Herman-Obert knew that since people could come to the door, they must know that he was feigning illness, so there was no need to hide it. In fact, there is another point. From the age of young Morgan, as well as his dress and momentum, he knew that this is a person who can decide things. It must be the second generation of a family, or the heir. I didn't expect that after so many years, I was still so important.

The old man said suddenly, "I don't know what your Excellency is called."

Seeing this, Morgan thought, these old guys can really pretend. It's really hard for him, if it's him, he really can't do it.

Jr. Morgan: "Mr. Obert call me Jr. Morgan!"

When you hear this surname, you don't need to say more, this is the guarantee of power and wealth. At the same time, it is also a passport to success. In Europe and the United States, no one dares to question this surname. The other party directly addressed him as Little Morgan. Apart from the direct descendants of the Morgan family, the descendants of the descendants did not dare to call him that; his identity combined with his age, it turned out to be the heir of the Morgan family. No wonder he dared to walk in directly. It is estimated that the CIA agents who were monitoring him were either bribed or controlled.

Herman-Aubert: "No wonder he has such a bearing. It turns out to be a member of the Morgan family. I don't know what Mr. Morgan can teach him when he comes to the humble house."

Talking to literate people is tiring, especially when you are older.

Little Morgan understands that many things can not be rushed, but also maintain a little tolerance and depth. Negotiations and communicating with people are the most tiring, not only physically, but also mentally. So he said with a smile: "Why should Dr. Obert ask for it!"

"Everyone is a smart person. You are already a 90-year-old man. I don't want to disturb your rest too much. If you have any needs, you can say it, so that everyone can save trouble."

Herman Aubert was really intimidated by Jr. Morgan, thinking that he was worthy of being the successor of the Morgan family; in terms of ability and bearing, ordinary people are really incomparable. If he had known what Little Morgan had done in the past, the old man probably wouldn't have said that.

Herman Aubert: "I'm already a 90-year-old man, and I'm afraid I won't have a few days to live. My son was killed during World War II, and my grandson saw me like this and didn't make much contact."

"There is only one great-granddaughter now, who will take care of me for a few years, at least leave something for her. I have a batch of technical drawings and working notes in a Swiss bank, which should be what Mr. Morgan needs. Now that I am older, let me I went to research and development, and it is estimated that I am powerless.

These old guys really have a backer, and they must be reluctant to destroy the results they worked so hard to develop. After all, some things are too precious, and it may be a sudden inspiration; it may be difficult to recall them later.

Now that he can't do research and development, Jr. Morgan doesn't care. Taking the old guy back is too risky and unnecessary.

Little Morgan said to the little girl who had just opened the door, "Miss can you give me your bank account number?"

Seeing the great-grandfather nodding, the little girl immediately wrote it.

Without any nonsense, Jr. Morgan directly picked up the phone: "Now, immediately, transfer $20 million to this account." Then he quoted a series of numbers.

After a while, the phone rang at home, it was the bank, and a remittance of $20 million had arrived.

Seeing that Jr. Morgan was so refreshing, Herman Aubert took out a key and an envelope directly from the middle of his clothes without any hesitation.

After the subordinates took it, they nodded to indicate that there was no problem. Little Morgan said with a smile, "The younger generation won't bother you."

At the same time, he said to the old man's great-granddaughter, "We have never met before. I hope Miss Aubert won't be too ostentatious."

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