Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 968

Chapter 968

Macmillan is still very satisfied with Bao Zixuan's attitude, and the name is also very appetizing. The principal explained that the other party is talking to you as a student, which proves that he has not forgotten his originality.

The old man has made great contributions to the whole of Britain, and the British royal family will not confer a hereditary nobleman just because he married a noble daughter. Not only does it not have that tradition, but more importantly, it fails to convince the public. It is an honor in itself to be awarded with this old man, and it also shows the important position of Bao Zixuan in the hearts of the British royal family.

Macmillan said with a smile: "I have heard a lot of people mention you before, but I have never been able to see you. It is also a fate to be able to meet at Buckingham Palace today. Among the many roles in my life, I am most satisfied with being an Oxford student. Later became headmaster of Oxford."

"Being able to meet the outstanding students who graduated from Oxford here shows that the essence of the school has not changed much. This is even happier than my award, and my life is coming to an end; but you are in the golden age of life. I hope you can not forget your original intention. , a lot of cooperation with the school."

Whether it is true or false, at least it shows the attitude of the old man. At this time, Bao Zixuan could not refuse directly, and he came to the UK to set up an engine R&D and manufacturing center. The old man can become the last person to be awarded a hereditary nobility, and his influence in the UK is beyond doubt. At the same time, the strength of his family cannot be underestimated in the UK, after all, where is his wife's identity.

The richest man Bao will not refuse to push the boat along the way. So he said with a smile: "The teaching students of my alma mater dare not forget that this time I came to the UK to investigate the issue of automobile engines."

"If the cooperation is reached, the R&D center will be established in cooperation with Oxford as soon as possible. I graduated from Oxford, and I will definitely cooperate with the school when I come here. Please rest assured. Cloud Group is ready to increase investment in the UK, and there will only be more projects in the future.

Hearing Bao Zixuan's assurance, not only Macmillan, but also the other people standing beside him were very happy. As long as someone comes to invest, they will definitely be warmly welcomed, especially the high-end manufacturing industry like Heiyun Group.

Macmillan said with a smile: "Very well, it seems that you don't care less about the school than I do. I hope it can go on forever, no matter how high a person's achievements are, they can't forget their roots. The school has the strength to cooperate with any enterprise and institution. , do not have any worries and concerns when encountering problems.

This is a bit exaggerated, how to say that Bao Zixuan's feelings for Oxford are definitely not as good as the old man's. However, it can also explain the old man's recognition of the students from the side.

In fact, I just want Bao Zixuan to understand that Oxford is your foundation in the UK. And the strength of the school is stronger than you think, so don't have any scruples. This is said to Bao Zixuan, more like to the people next to him.

The cooperation between Heiyun Group and Oxford, and Bao Zixuan's investment in the UK. Don't make a fuss about it, or you'll be an enemy of the whole of Oxford. As one of the two best universities in the UK, Oxford has this capital to show its attitude.

After that, the two talked about other things, and the benefits of being alumni were once again reflected.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the award ceremony began.

Today the Queen of England is also dressed up to attend, after all, this is a solemn moment.

Although Bao Zixuan is the protagonist, he certainly cannot compete with Macmillan on this occasion. The old man began serving in the British Army during the First World War and was wounded as a result. Moreover, he is also the teacher in name of the richest man. No matter from that angle, he is not qualified to grab the limelight with the old man.

Although Macmillan is 90 years old, today is his most glorious moment in the UK apart from his inauguration as prime minister. To be precise, it is also the last highlight moment in my life, and there will definitely be no such opportunity in the future.

Tremblingly, he walked to the queen and knelt down on one knee. The queen touched her left and right shoulders with her sword. He also said: "As Queen of the Commonwealth, I confer Maurice Harold Macmillan, Earl of Stock East and Viscount Macmillan, Owendon, hereditary.

After the queen finished speaking, the head of the royal family began to introduce Macmillan's life story.

Although I know a little bit about Macmillan, hearing it from the head of the royal family still brought a lot of shock to everyone. Most of the people who had some complaints about the old man's conferring hereditary nobility before hearing about Macmillan's contribution to the British Empire over the past 70 years have nothing to say.

It turns out that Macmillan still has so many unknown secrets, no wonder the royal family attaches so much importance to it. Hereditary nobility is the best tribute to Macmillan's 70 years of service to the British Empire, and it deserves it.

After the old man obtained the title of nobility, it was finally Bao Zixuan's turn to appear.

I've thought about seeing the Queen of England countless times before, but I didn't expect it to be on such an occasion. They come, the security. It's also not good to stand and let the queen award him a medal. Although he was reluctant, Bao Zixuan knelt down on one knee according to etiquette.

The current Queen of England was born on April 21, 1926, the eldest daughter of the late King George VI. The full name is "By the grace of God, the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and other territories and dependencies, and the head of the Commonwealth. At present, the richest man Bao is also a subject of his family.

At this time, the queen was still very young, at least later generations were much younger than when Bao Zixuan saw it. For the future record holder of the longest reign in British history, it cannot be easily offended.

The Queen said: "As Queen of the Commonwealth, I grant Bao Zixuan a Lifetime Baronet; at the same time I grant you the Order of the British Empire; in recognition of your contribution to the Commonwealth and the world as a whole."

Life aristocracy, also known as a generation of aristocracy, is a type of British aristocracy. Unlike ordinary nobles, lifelong nobles are limited to individuals and cannot be inherited by their children. Life peers are currently regulated by the Life Peerages Act, enacted in 1958, and titles are limited to barons. Life peers are called the same as Lords, and they can all be members of the British House of Lords. To become a lifelong noble, you can choose a fief, but this "fief" is only symbolic and will not contribute tax to the nobility.

The Order of the British Empire, also known as the Order of Great Britain; was created for George V; it was to fill the gaps in the British awards and awards system at that time. First, the Order of the Bath is only awarded to senior officers and public officials; the Order of St Michael and St George is only awarded to diplomats; and the Royal Order of Victoria is only awarded to those serving the British Royal Family. As a result, George V wanted to give credit to those who fought in the First World War but never fought on the battlefield. But it is precisely because there is no suitable medal, which prompted the establishment of this medal. The medal was originally classified as one category, but since 1918 it has been divided into military and civilian categories.

Compared with the Order of Bath and the Order of St. Michael and St. George, the people who have obtained the Order of the British Empire are not only officials and heroes. On the contrary, the people who have been awarded come from a very wide class, so they have a more popular nature.

A brief introduction to Bao Zixuan's life was also made, and his main achievement was his performance in the logistics of the Falkland Islands War. At the same time, it also introduced the award for winning the picture and its contribution to the development of Hong Kong's economy.

From this point of view, Bao Zixuan deserved the title of life aristocrat and the Order of the British Empire; at least those present couldn't fault him.

In fact, strictly speaking, there are still some unreasonable things about Bao Zixuan's status in obtaining such a high After all, he is a native of Hong Kong, and only nominally belongs to the British Commonwealth at this time; the British have long been honored and humbled in their hearts for loss.

As for the Order of the British Empire, it's okay, after all, there are a lot of people who have won it. And compared to titles of nobility, medals are less important.

It's just that with Macmillan as the foreshadowing today, people feel that Bao Zixuan's conferring lifelong noblemanship is not a big problem. After all, the United Kingdom has been granting hereditary nobility to people other than members of the royal family for a long time. Although they are both nobles, there are essential differences between the two.

In fact, the British had long thought that the purpose was to make the domestic people not so strongly disgusted with Bao Zixuan. Conferring seals is a good thing, but it can't be a bad thing.

Compared to Bao Zixuan's calmness, Zhang Youran was extremely excited. From now on, people in the UK will call her Sir Lady, which is also a status symbol.

After the award ceremony, the richest man Bao experienced a British state banquet at Buckingham Palace. To be honest, there is not much to eat, but there are many rules. In short, it is very awkward. Knowing what day it is today, I can only endure it and finish it.

During the banquet, the Queen of England was quite concerned about him, and it seems that the British people's attention to him has risen to a new level.