Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 966

Chapter 966

One thing that Prince Charles is still very satisfied with is the occasions where he needs to bring his wife to attend. It seems that Princess Diana has never let herself down, at least in terms of appearance and temperament, ordinary women simply cannot compete with it.

However, the difference between the two is 13 years old, and there is some generation gap; Prince Charles treats Diana more as a little girl. But Princess Diana was a very assertive person; so when she was destined to get married, the contradictions had already begun to appear.

Charles: "Diana, what do you think of Bao Zixuan?"

I didn't expect my husband to ask myself, which I couldn't imagine before. Is there anything different today, or the sun is coming out from the west.

In fact, Charles' idea is very simple. Unlike other successful people, Bao Zixuan is too young; his wife, who feels like his age, will definitely know more. And many media have reported before that Bao Zixuan is the world's No. 1 diamond king. Women are born to gossip, and even if Diana isn't paying attention, she'll hear some from other women.

Diana didn't have such complicated thoughts in her mind, since her husband asked her. Be sure to give your opinion, isn't this exactly what a princess should do! So he said seriously: "I have seen some reports about Bao Zixuan before. Although this person is young, he is very assertive. The things he is looking for will not change easily. Since he came to the UK, he must invest. They are all busy people. There's not that much time to waste."

"But there is one thing that can be used. This person is soft and not hard. As long as he shows enough respect for him, then everything is easy to talk about. Now it's up to you to put your face down. After all, he is just a civilian."

Hearing Diana's analysis, Charles immediately understood what it meant. There is an old saying in China, called to accompany the prince to study, obviously now the two of them are going to change their identities; the crown prince of the British Empire is here to play with Bao Zixuan. Although not very willing, it is also a way.

The economic development of the United Kingdom is lagging behind, the domestic unemployment is serious, and the contradictions are intensifying day by day. The people are already very dissatisfied with the royal family and nobles. If there is no Falkland Islands war, it is estimated that public demonstrations and parades will surely occupy the streets and alleys of the United Kingdom.

Wherever Bao Zixuan goes, it will bring qualitative changes to the local economy, which can be said to be globally recognized. Israel, a barren land in the Middle East, cannot guarantee even the most basic fresh water, and the most important surrounding situation is very unstable. But it is because of this kid's words that the major chip companies in the world are rushing to invest and build factories in the past.

Of course, it has a lot to do with the unity and promotion of the Jews, but no one can erase Bao Zixuan's contribution to this matter.

The British people in Hong Kong know better. The rapid economic development in the past was mainly due to policy and geographical location. In the industrial field, it can be described as a blank. But this industrial desert has become the most important industrial town in the world in just five years. All of this comes from a company, and this company is the Heiyun Group founded by Bao Zixuan.

Britain has too many natural advantages over Israel and Hong Kong. Youde has already reported to the country. In the name of the automotive engine R&D and manufacturing center, he invited Bao Zixuan to visit the UK. And the engine field, the British advantage is very obvious. It's just that there are no large-scale auto companies in China, so mass production and rapid development have not been achieved.

The British themselves know that domestic car manufacturers, like them, are nobles. Of course, this is a good saying, and there are some bad ones. To put it bluntly, the British car industry is too delicate. It is well-known in the world, but its practicality and earning power are not even a star.

High-end cars can only belong to a few people, there is no problem with playing a concept. But if you want a strong country, you must take the road of intensive and systematic large-scale industry. Relying on pure hand-made, simply does not work. What can be done by a CNC machine in a minute, does it have to be done by a senior mechanic for an hour? And the accuracy is not as high as that of machine tools, of course there are people who like pure handwork; but relatively few, it is not an exaggeration to describe it with phoenix hair water chestnut.

Heiyun Group came to the UK to lead the engine R&D and manufacturing center, which will be a significant improvement for the British auto industry. It can realize the whole industry link between high-end models and mid-end mass-produced vehicles. In that case, the car will definitely become a business card of the British Empire, and it will definitely have a place in the world.

In fact, the auto industry is just a pretext. At present, the Black Cloud Group, together with McDonnell Douglas, Motorola and Mitsubishi to build a large aircraft; it has been reported by the media, of course, several companies intend to do it.

The desire for the manufacture of finished aircraft in the UK has never stopped; if there is a chance, I will definitely hope to win this big project.

At present, the world's largest aircraft manufacturing companies are mainly Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Airbus, and of course the Soviet Union's factories in the civilian field.

The Soviets will never build heavy industries such as aircraft manufacturing abroad, and even some republics of the Soviet Union will not necessarily enjoy this kind of treatment.

Although Boeing and McDonnell Douglas are in the United States, Airbus is the product of the whole of Europe. But mainly in France, who let people in the aviation field have the most obvious technical advantages!

There is still no airline manufacturer in the UK that can do it well, and the arrival of Bao Zixuan has given hope to the UK side. If four companies can jointly build factories in the UK, the whole of the UK will rise more than one level in the fields of communications, machinery manufacturing, and aircraft design.

In addition, the Black Cloud Group has a lot of good things, just take out one and set it up in the UK. There will be huge benefits for local employment and economic improvement. No matter what this time, Bao Zixuan must be taken down. As long as this kid nods, then everything will be a matter of course.

Charles seems to have made a very important decision. Although he is very tormented, it is nothing compared to the fate of the British Empire.

As the crown prince of the United Kingdom, the future king. It must be considered for the destiny of the entire country. The glory of the British Empire in the past may be difficult to achieve, but it is not a big problem to make the country prosperous and strong and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

The British royal family has long known that there is not much room for negotiation on the Hong Kong issue. Losing the last piece of the colony is inevitable, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

At this time, it is no longer than 200 years ago, and no country can easily occupy the land of other countries. The Soviet Union has not yet disintegrated, even the United States does not dare to be too presumptuous.

Then it is imperative to develop domestically, but the situation in the UK is bad; let them know that they must attract foreign capital to enter. Domestic businessmen prefer to be engaged in the financial field and have little interest in industry.

Bao Zixuan, as the head of the most famous industrial group in the world, if the Black Cloud Group fully enters the British mainland. Then the speed of development will inevitably exceed that of the headquarters of Hong Kong, and the British have absolute confidence in this.

After all, the UK has many advantages over Hong Kong in terms of education, scientific research, and talent reserves.

As long as Bao Zixuan is not stupid, of course he knows how to choose. And Charles has already thought about it, or is ready to invest his capital.

His son was born, and Bao Zixuan was just married. If conditions permit and the age is appropriate, it is not impossible to become a relative.

At this time, the richest man Bao still doesn't know that has been remembered before the child has been filmed. But this is also normal. The emperor's daughter is not worried about marrying, as long as the dowry is rich; plus the richest couple are not bad, I believe that the daughter has a high chance of becoming a beautiful woman. In this case, of course, everyone will miss it.

Charles: "The country's problems are more serious than you think, if it weren't for raising enough funds in Hong Kong. It may be unknown whether the war in Afghanistan can last."

"Huaxia's attitude on the Hong Kong issue is very strong, and there is basically no room for negotiation. There is basically no suspense when the British Empire loses Hong Kong."

"If you want a country to be prosperous and strong, it is necessary to develop industry. High-end industry is the most important thing, so Bao Zixuan is an extremely important presence in all countries in the world."

"As the crown prince of the British Empire, if you can't make your subjects happy, that's dereliction of duty. So don't worry about my side, you may be wronged. After all, it's a bit mismatched to have a princess accompany a civilian woman in Xiangjiang."

Hearing this, Diana was both happy and sad at the same time. Happy because her husband cares about her, sad because she still treats her as an ignorant little girl. Bao Zixuan's influence in the world is no less than that of the British royal family, and his wife cannot be summed up in a simple commoner.