Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 951

Chapter 951

It's good to have someone give you free clothing and training equipment, how dare you ask for anything else. At this time, the Chinese mainland may have no problem in sports performance, but the concept is at least several decades behind the Western countries.

The market economy has just begun, and the planned economy is still being implemented in some regions and individual departments. In my brother's unit before, it was already grateful to be able to give you an internal price, which means that they gave you face. As for the free offering, don't even think about it.

Zhang Yuliang followed closely and said: "As a Chinese, it is only natural to be able to do trivial things for the country. If Director Zhang has any requirements, you can ask me, and if I can move it, I will definitely do it; even if I can't do it, I will try my best to do it. ."

Zhang Yuliang's statement, Director Zhang may not understand what it means; but as Bao Zixuan's father-in-law, he should be recognized. In short, in Director Zhang's mind, Bao Zixuan is a golden sign.

Director Zhang: "It's good to be able to provide the best clothing and training equipment. As for others, I don't dare to force it."

Donations are not excluded in China. After all, Fok Yingdong has set an example before. But you can't look for Mr. Huo alone for everything, and everyone is embarrassed for too many times.

Zhang Yuliang didn't expect to give money or not, but he was really moved by the kindness of the domestic people.

After all, the Zhang family is a well-known family, so don't be stingy when you do anything. So he said without hesitation: "The sponsorship fee is in line with international practice, so Director Zhang should not refuse."

"We are willing to spend 500 Hong Kong dollars as the sponsorship fee for this athlete's clothing."

5 million Hong Kong dollars is not a small amount. I didn't expect the other party to say to take it out, so I took it out. For a while, Director Zhang didn't know what to say, except to thank him.

Director Zhang: "Thank you very much. When I think that there are so many patriotic businessmen in Xiangjiang, I believe that athletes will be more motivated."

I didn't expect that 5 million Hong Kong dollars can be done. It seems that the General Administration of Sports in this era should not have a good time. As long as you can contribute, you will not stand idly by.

Bao Zixuan: "I will take care of the transportation to and from the United States for the members of the Huaxia Olympic delegation. At the same time, I will also be responsible for the board and lodging in the United States.

Seeing Director Zhang's expression, he knew what the other party was thinking. So he continued: "Director Zhang, don't refuse, everyone is the descendant of Yan and Huang, and can make a trivial contribution to the motherland, so don't worry too much. This matter is settled as it is, and the domestic foreign exchange reserves are still used for other needs."

Huo Yingdong didn't expect Bao Zixuan to be so generous, and he didn't ask for anything in return. It shows that this kid is really thinking about the development of the country. It seems that some things can be advanced.

The Weng husband-in-law has already done this, and he can't stay out of it. So he said: "For every Chinese athlete, coach, and other staff members who used to be in the United States, I will give some of the funds and let them sell some souvenirs to bring back. Don't refuse, it's a little bit of my heart."

Although I knew that these three people were good money makers, I didn't expect to get such a big harvest once they came here. I was worried about the lack of funds before, but now it seems that everything has been solved, and it still does not require the state to spend a penny.

Seeing the confused expression on Director Zhang's face, Bao Zixuan decided to give some advice to the State Sports General Administration in advance, so that they could generate income, so as to avoid athletes who often feel wronged due to insufficient funds when participating in sports events.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Actually, Director Zhang is guarding a small golden mountain, but he didn't use it."

In fact, Bao Zixuan wanted to say that he was begging for the golden rice bowl, but that was too derogatory to say it on this occasion.

When Bao Zixuan finished speaking, several people had different expressions. Huo Yingdong and Zhang Yuliang knew that this kid must have some good ideas. It would be impossible to say otherwise, and it would certainly be a money-making idea.

No one dared to doubt Bao Zixuan's business sense; both Huo Yingdong and Zhang Yuliang recognized it very well. President Li was even more excited, because Bao Zixuan's idea meant it was feasible. This is the evaluation of Xiangjiang people, and I believe this time will be no exception.

Although Director Zhang did not know why the young Hong Kong rich man said this, there must be a reason for others to make such a big business.

Huo Yingdong will definitely come out at this time to smooth things out, otherwise Director Zhang will be embarrassed when he speaks out untimely words.

Huo Yingdong: "Director Zhang may not know much about it yet. No one in Xiangjiang Bao Zixuan doesn't admire his business judgment. As long as Xiao Baosheng is optimistic about that stock, it will definitely skyrocket tomorrow. Now that the Sports Bureau is a golden mountain, it must be If you have any idea, we should study it hard."

When Mr. Huo said this, he was obviously reminding the two of them to listen carefully; they must not express any objections before that time.

In fact, losing money in sports has always been a problem through the ages, and there is even no good way to solve it.

Take the Olympic Games as an example. To successfully host an Olympic Games, a country needs to do enough homework in at least four aspects. They are bidding costs, construction costs of venues and the Olympic Village, infrastructure construction costs such as roads, and operation guarantee costs. Taking bidding costs as an example, no matter whether the bid for the Olympic Games is successful or not, the participating countries will spend more than 100 million US dollars in bidding costs, which is a big loss for the countries that lose the bid.

With the gradual increase of Olympic events and the continuous increase of the number of participants, the International Olympic Committee's requirements for the Olympic Village are also getting higher and higher. During the Olympic Games, the Olympic Village will provide more than 10,000 athletes, coaches and related security personnel with accommodation, medical care, entertainment and other services. Typically, the International Olympic Committee asks the host country's Olympic Village to prepare 46,000 rooms, of which about 16,000 are reserved.

As for infrastructure costs, the cost is even greater. This item is quite friendly to developed countries, because the infrastructure construction of developed countries is generally relatively complete, and most of them can be used off-the-shelf. For developing countries, it would have to build from scratch, a cost that is often astronomical.

Before the 1970s, due to the lack of data on the costs and benefits of each Olympic Games, we did not know whether the country hosting the Olympic Games lost or made a profit, and how much it lost and how much it made. The only certainty is that every Olympic Games from 1968 onwards have actually costed more than originally estimated budgets, often several times over.

In the 1970s, after fierce competition, Montreal, Canada, finally defeated its rivals Los Angeles, Moscow, and Florence, Italy, and won the right to host the 21st Summer Olympics. Montreal Mayor Jean Dapoor said, "Just like men can't have children, the Olympics can't lose money," and claimed that the city of Montreal will host the most frugal and perfect Olympic Games.

However, how beautiful the wish is, how cruel the reality is. An Olympic Stadium built specifically for the Olympics in Montreal, with a budget of $145 million, actually cost as much as $2 billion. One Olympics cost Canada a huge loss of $2.4 billion.

The hard lessons for Canada were immediate. By the time of the bid for the 23rd Olympic Games in 1979, only one city had participated in the bidding, Los Angeles, and other cities were scared off.

To tell the truth in the modern Olympics, there are not many countries that can make money. Originally, the modern Olympics is a business of spending money. At the beginning, the design plan was that each host country would take money. Of course, if you take money, you will become famous internationally.

Until the Los Angeles Olympic the organizers of that year were very talented and introduced a large number of advertising sponsors, and as a result, the Olympic Games became a profitable Olympic Games.

The Olympics are still like this, not to mention other sports. Therefore, in the view of the General Administration of Sports of China Mainland, engaging in sports is definitely a loss of money. But some money has to be lost, at least in line with its great power status.

Now that Bao Zixuan says he can make money, could this kid be able to make money out of thin air?

Bao Zixuan: "Although in the 1980 Olympic Games, that is, the last Olympic Games, the Soviets lost at least 8.8 billion US dollars. But have you ever thought about it? That's because Western countries, and of course China, did not send delegations to participate."

"The Soviets invested a lot in infrastructure, and without tourists, they couldn't drive consumption. It can be said that they can't make ends meet, and losing money is inevitable."

"Sports is a long-term undertaking. If it does not have the ability to generate income, there will inevitably be many people who will stand up against it, especially when the country and nation are not yet rich."

Bao Zixuan said that Director Zhang's heart would have been spoken by the highest level. It is estimated that no delegation will be sent to participate in the Los Angeles Olympic Games; after all, going out to the competition is a matter of money, and it does not bring any economic benefits.