Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 77

Chapter 77

Back to the factory or directly to the shop, almost all employees are aware of their dark boss and other Hong Kong business tycoon is not the same. Like other bosses to guide the work of subordinates in the office, in the conference room like Qiu Hui Fang exclusion. Their bosses prefer laboratories and workshops reflect their value.

Buns Xuan came to the transformation of CNC machine tools and production workshop, see the ancient city Jiro is with the engineers in CNC machine tools in industrial settings, all steps have been completed, just waiting for the buns Xuan activated control system Miyao.

Not harm anyone there, defenses can not do without people. About Old CNC machine tools related to the interests of too much, and mostly technical jobs working in the factories are dark RB and Germans. If any problems arise, then as technical reserves of these two industrial powers can easily rolling black clouds. I told myself no advantage at all.

As the input code section, IBM neutral industrial computer starts calculating the screen data, the Hin buns designed workpiece into the system input to the drawings, the chuck saw machine immediately started. Seize the piece began to enter the confined space work. 8 begins while rotating bearing, four faces simultaneously started in a closed space changes in accordance with the drawings in shape.

See here, everyone muster spontaneous applause, less than three minutes a large part was working out. It began immediately after detecting the workpiece data detection. After seeing the results of data detection finished, everyone cheered this directly.

Buns Xuan also very excited because of CNC machine tools has been plagued by bottlenecks in China finishing technology hard, making many projects have to rely on imports.

Now dark clouds have been engineered industrial machine tools, CNC machine tools is good, but needs a total of 15 Taiwan CNC machine tools industry if completed, then the entire black cloud will be able to process any parts he needs. Do not have technical problems, as long as the complete transformation of all the machines, then you can start the next step, you can develop and produce a large industrial products.

But according to the current rate of biotite want to transform so many good equipment also need at least three years, I have looked at the first industrial machine tools in the workshop after successful transformation, motivated technical staff enough a lot.

After leaving the buns Xuan transformation of CNC machine shop, go to the cafeteria to eat. German workers are seen, Hector just next to empty a position, sit down.

I heard mechanic in chatting, buns Xuan also joined in,

Buns Xuan: "Hector, you are not also used here, live and work there is not any difficulty, if there is please and Administration Department said they could not solve report directly to me."

Hector did not expect to see here in his later years so that they can also play heat small business owners, in fact, he lives here or very satisfied. After all, food here is much better than in the Rhine metal, and each of them are in accordance with engineers wage standards issued, the appropriate treatment is the same, everyone is assigned a one bedroom house.

Inside the room all the appliances should be a whole, as well as TV video recorder, you want to see what movies can borrow at any time. The factory everything is almost free of charge, but you can not waste. Waste, then nothing comes for free; however, in the strict German appears to be a normal thing.

Hector: "This is very good, but that those of us who are older, many large workpiece handling some difficult, but processing trade is no problem, you think you could recruit apprentices part, after all, we do not want a lot of unique skills lost in our hands . "

Hearing this buns Xuan also thinking, if you want to handmade Go straight afternoon, so students must be able to keep up the reserve.

Buns Xuan: "Do you have any idea, I can give you the students, how many people you want to do, but you descendants have any idea, if they want to join in. I know you will be better treatment of dark Yes. not bad, I can not always nest in Hong Kong, in the future I really want to open the factory to the world's most powerful industrial nation. "

Hector: "We have some young people here, but you now to our work very much on our side to produce the Transformers you said, this is all titanium alloy products is really too wasteful, and if the year Germany has so much titanium we will be able to produce 1000 aircraft. while also produce your design according to Rheinmetall off-road vehicle chassis Knight XV. "

Yes, after the purchase of off-road vehicle technology and patents Rheinmetall, the buns Xuan according to military off-road vehicles Rheinmetall chassis, the Knight XV to advance the design out.

Although the overall performance is weaker compared to the original, but Germany's industrial base is much better than in Canada, the materials better than I, but is lacking in electronic technological factors.

The Black Cloud Knight XV of this life is equipped with a 6.0l diesel engine with a maximum horsepower of 380 horses. It can run at a speed of 60 km/h on harsh roads such as the Gobi and desert. It can run at a speed of 120 km/h on flat roads. All designs are matched to the highest standards. It is estimated that the cost of each car should be between 1.2 million and 1.5 million US dollars. After all, a lot of tungsten-titanium alloys are used in order to increase the body strength and reduce the body weight.

In order to wait for this batch of Metal Black Cloud Company to pay 1000 game consoles, this is beyond the official quota for the Soviet Union. But now it seems that if there is not too much waste, 20 Knights XV can be built.

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, next time I'm recruiting, you can give priority to choosing apprentices. The Heiyun selected by you will focus on training, and the salary will be appropriately increased."

After the meal, the two went directly to the Transformers production workshop, where all limited edition titanium alloy products are produced. A total of only 5,000 were produced, and there were 20 characters included, the smallest of which were 1 meter high and nearly 80 kilograms, and the largest 1.8 meters and nearly 300 kilograms. However, all of them are powered by hydraulic devices, otherwise they will not change their shape at all.

In fact, the purpose of producing such a large product is to create a gimmick. Consumers don't buy them for deformation at all, they are mainly used in offices or living rooms. And each is equipped with a professional base to ensure that it will not fall down, otherwise it will be more troublesome if it often hits people.

I saw that the parts were produced in the hands of these excellent technicians, and then they were assembled in the assembly workshop as a whole. There is no error in every part. This is not produced by the hands of mortals. It should be the hand of God.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan was convinced by a German industry, it is no wonder that after being crippled in the two world wars, he can still become an industrial It is the strength shown by these skilled workers that any country does not possess of.

With this group of workers, no machine can be built, no product can be produced. Rheinmetall will regret their departure and pay for their stupidity.

Under the leadership of Hector, Bao Zixuan came to the custom car manufacturing workshop. These workers who have produced tanks and armored vehicles are measuring the parts. They are ready to start building the car, but the engine and variable box are still imported from Rheinmetall. With the continuous completion of the transformation of the machine tool, it will soon be possible to produce it by itself. After all, there is a full set of technical materials, and the materials that are not available can be exchanged with the Soviets!

"At this rate, it takes 4,000 man-hours to build a car, and the people here can produce two cars a month," Hector reported.

Bao Zixuan: "I'm not in a hurry. You can produce slowly. I only want high-quality products. I don't expect these cars to make money."

The two chatted about something else, Bao Zixuan went to the game console production workshop to go around. After all, in addition to producing Xiangjiang cubes and Pac-Man. Donkey Kong and Space Invaders are also being produced simultaneously.

To produce one Space Invader with two Donkey Kongs, after all, the majority of the space invader's market is in the hands of Taidong Co., Ltd., but due to the opening of the Soviet Union, Heiyun has included the Soviet market into its own share. After all, Michal was a Russian nobleman, and it was impossible for his company to sell its products to the Soviet Union.

These days, Bao Zixuan patrols the production line in the workshop during the day, and goes home to eat with Li Yulin at night. Li Yulin has always been preoccupied recently. Bao Zixuan was not easy to ask, so he could only accompany her more.

I don't know, Bao Zixuan is going to leave Xiangjiang and go back to the United States. This time it's not gray school, he's going to Los Angeles to participate in the third electronic technology exhibition.