Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 944

Chapter 944

After John Chambers finished his report, Bao Zixuan began to summarize the meeting. I was going to ask Zhao Tingting to summarize, but this woman knew the depth and seemed to refuse. As the only woman at the top of the Black Cloud Group, she has already received a lot of care. The power in the group has exceeded his ability; he dare not be in the limelight in the transition.

Although her emotional intelligence is not high, she also knows that this woman has complicated the problem. But this is very good. It is also the boss's happiness to meet a subordinate who is dedicated to work and does not like to be in the limelight.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "All branches have reported their research and development projects, which is very good. As the senior management of the group, you should pay more attention to the development of the enterprise. Maybe one day you will meet new challenges, and more importantly, these It will be the mainstream product on the market in the future.

"Positions and positions in Heiyun Group will not remain the same, you must learn to adapt."

"General Manager Yokoi Junpei, who did a good job in a game company before, had little foundation in computers. But since he became the general manager of Heiyun Computer Company, he not only managed the computer company in an orderly manner, but also became a computer expert himself. , and even a little bit of fame at MIT.

"Oblak was the deputy general manager of a mobile phone company before, but whether he was in a mobile phone company or seconded to a car company. His serious and responsible attitude and professionalism are commendable."

"So when Heiyun established a network engineering company, the group first thought of Oblak. In the future, the society will be a network society, and the network engineering company will inevitably become the main revenue source of Heiyun Group. Oblak, your burden is very heavy. But don't have any burdens in your heart, as long as you work hard, I believe that any difficulties will not be a problem for you."

"As for President John Chambers, he only knew how to drive a car before. But now he can discuss technical issues with professional engineers; this is something that he never dared to think about before."

"Whether it's before, now, or in the future; Heiyun Group will never stick to the situation. It's right for professionals to do professional things; but it depends on what to do. Knowing engineering technology, not necessarily management."

"I always have a big industrial dream in my heart, and Heiyun will set up many companies. As long as you work hard, there will be a platform to play."

"Heiyun has no plans to go public because of its size. Therefore, it will not sell its shares, but Hutchison Whampoa is a feast for the executives of the entire group."

"After the year, I will further reduce the shares of Hutchison Whampoa, and the senior management of the group can buy it."

What I said before was more of chicken soup, with no real benefit. But the shares of Hutchison Whampoa are real. At present, Hutchison is already the company with the largest market value in Heungkong, which is higher than that of HSBC. Of course, that's because Heiyun and several companies branched out by Bao Huodong have not been listed, otherwise they will definitely give up the first throne. But it's scary enough to know that HSBC's position has not been shaken since Hong Kong owned the stock market.

As Hutchison entered the Chinese mainland and the Middle East market, everyone saw the company's development prospects. Shanghai Pudong Port and Fuchaira Port in the United Arab Emirates have begun construction. When other companies in Hong Kong were still competing for wharfs and ports in the local area, the richest man Bao once again took the lead.

Moreover, Heiyun Town in Heung Kong New Territories has the largest shopping plaza in the world. The name is also called Hutchison Square, when all Heiyun products will be sold in it. Of course, there are other ways to buy, such as experience stores of various brands.

At the same time, as a listed company, it must announce its results. Although Hutchison has not made much profit, the amount of investment is increasing every year. This shows the company's ability to generate revenue without increasing debt.

Hutchison also announced a series of investments in mainland China, and plans to build more than 30 Hutchison Plazas in the future. Although mainland China is not rich, there is no place that will always be poor. The people of Hong Kong have seen how hard the mainland workers can endure and how seriously they take their work.

With such people, the country will become prosperous and strong sooner or later.

And no one would doubt the business vision of the richest man Bao. Facts have proved that if you doubt Bao Zixuan's business sense, it is difficult to make money.

Hutchison stock is something that you can't even buy if you want to. I didn't expect that the boss would take the initiative to reduce his holdings. This is obviously to make money for everyone, and the executives in the conference room don't know what to say.

Bao Zixuan continued: "At present, Heiyun Town has begun to take shape, and you have to choose where you live. What style you like, please contact the designer immediately. I hope you can always work in the Heiyun Group, of course, if anyone leaves me It won't stop you."

"Today is the 30th New Year's Eve, and you all know that I just got married. Tomorrow I will bring my bride to greet you all. I won't be with you this time."

"Mr. Zhao is responsible for arranging everyone so that everyone can experience the traditional Chinese New Year festival."

This time, Bao Zixuan is very willing, and it is also to make everyone feel at ease. People with higher annual salaries have a sense of crisis; they always feel that maybe the boss won't need him at any time. After all, for less money, you can find someone more capable than his job.

Owning shares is a kind of guarantee, and after reaching a certain amount, there is no unemployment at all. Not only can you get huge dividends; you can also go to the company as a director, and it's something that no one else can refuse. Of course, if the business goes out of business, that's another story.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hutchison Whampoa is unlikely to close down. The asset portfolio is now very healthy, with a large number of properties in itself. The most important thing is not to put all the eggs in one basket, there are fixed assets in many places.

Obviously, the boss has made the worst plan. There may not be a healthier listed company in Hong Kong than Hutchison Whampoa.

Leaving behind the happy executives, Bao Zixuan came to the office. Where there is already a person waiting for him, to be precise, he is also reporting to the richest man.

As the inventor of the Rubik's Cube, Professor Rubik has a high reputation all over the world. This time, Bao Zixuan was appointed as the chief designer of Heiyun Town.

Extreme things turn against each other, and under such limelight, it is inevitable that they will be remembered and hated. Others may not say it, but they all wish him bad luck. Of course, the old man knows the mentality of the outside world. His Hungarian identity alone will be criticized by mainstream European and American societies. Therefore, this year can be described as conscientious, and dare not make any mistakes.

It is under the pressure of working on thin ice that the Black Cloud Town project is very meticulous. As long as there is one place that is not perfect, it must be reworked.

That is Bao Zixuan's project, and the funding was very timely. No one dared to say anything more. If Party A were to be replaced, it is estimated that Party B would have to jump up.

Although he is not in Xiangjiang, someone reports the progress of Heiyun Town to him every week. Of course, Bao Zixuan knows Professor Rubik's work attitude.

Seeing Bao Zixuan come in, Professor Rubik quickly stood up. Although he is a well-known scholar and a great professor, he also depends on what people eat. In front of the richest man Bao, he really doesn't dare to trust They are not only your current boss, but also a world-recognized academic expert. It has achieved immortal achievements in many fields, and it is an existence that many professors and scholars can only look up to.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Professor Rubik, we are not so polite. Please sit down, please wait!"

"But I heard that you work a long time every day, depending on your age. At the same time, you should give students more opportunities and pay attention to rest."

The old man in front of him has obviously lost a lot of weight. It seems that the Heiyun Town project involves too much energy.

Rubik didn't expect Bao Zixuan to come up so politely, he didn't say anything else, but he first asked himself to pay attention to his body. Whether it's out of politeness or hypocrisy. It is very rare, and some people may not even be polite, especially the rich.

After the two sat down, Rubik said with a smile: "Don't look at me losing weight, but my body is much better than before. Even the old problems are cured, not only because of the comfort of work, but mainly due to the contribution of Xiangjiang Diet. "

The food here is very particular about nutritional matching, and it is not even a little bit better than Hungary. Now it's not just me, even my family likes Xiangjiang cuisine.

One of the reasons why Europeans and Americans generally live shorter than Asians is because of their diet; eating steak and eating more meat is no problem when they are young. But with age, the digestive system is bound to degenerate. At this time, you are always eating big fish and big meat, and your body will not be able to bear it.

There are not so many problems with whole grains, and Xiangjiang is also a famous food capital, which is a paradise on earth for the elderly.

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