Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 933

Chapter 933

Ben Austin has been working for the Rothschild family for nearly 20 years, of course this is just him, in fact the Austin family has been working for the Rothschild family. If it is really serious, it may take four generations to go up. That is to say, since the great-grandfather, he has already advised the Rothschild family.

Definitely a member of a very credible think tank, old Rothschild in order to help his granddaughter. Ben Austen was specially transferred to Xiangjiang, in name only to help, of course, it also meant surveillance. The interior of the Rothschild family is very complicated, and it is difficult for outsiders to analyze it clearly. In fact, not only outsiders, but also family members do not know who is the enemy and who is the friend.

In fact, Angela Rothschild didn't want to kill Ben Austin with a stick, and she doesn't have that ability now. There are too many people in the Austin family who serve the Rothschild family, and even this mistake can't do anything for Ben Austin. At most, it is marginalized, and it is not fatal at all. If someone else might be like this, any family would be shy about favors.

Ben Austin may have been a grandfather before, not sure from now on. If you can make good use of this mistake, the man in front of you will definitely use it.

Ben Austin: "The responsibility this time is mainly on me, and I didn't analyze Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan clearly. This is a man who can't be viewed with ordinary people's eyes. He always does things in a wild way, and people can't find any rules. "

"However, as long as people do things, they must have their own unique rules. As long as you look carefully, you can still find some clues. In retrospect, we only paid attention to Bao Zixuan, and did not pay too much attention to his mother. I think such an excellent young man, mother It won't have a big impact on his marriage. At most, there are some suggestions, and it won't play a decisive role at all."

"These are normal in the UK, but Bao Zixuan is Chinese after all. He is very traditional at heart, otherwise he would not respect any woman."

"Huaxia women are more in line with Li Yulin's appetite. At least he hopes that his future daughter-in-law will be a Chinese. It was Zheng Jiajia from the Zheng family before, and now it is Zhang Youran from the Zhang family. They all gained Bao Zixuan's favor by courting Li Yulin. It's just that Zhang Youran knows the situation better and knows what to do. Only then can he have the last laugh."

"Zhang Youran has been with the man's mother almost every week since Bao Zixuan left Xiangjiang for more than half a year. The mother and son have been dependent on each other since childhood, so there will be no problem with getting the mother and son."

"In addition, Bao Zixuan is relatively insensitive to feelings, and will not take the initiative to attack. Even if the girl takes the initiative, she will back off, and this kind of thing has happened more than once."

Ben Austin is ostensibly taking responsibility, but he is also suspected of dumping the blame. I had suggested to Miss Angela Rothschild before that she had the opportunity to visit Bao Zixuan's mother. However, she has been rejected by the other party for various reasons. Now that there is a problem, even as the eldest lady, you cannot completely blame the think tank.

It's not that we don't give you advice, don't give you advice. It is obviously inappropriate that you don't listen and put the blame on think tanks and intelligence agencies.

Of course, the think tank and the intelligence department should bear the main responsibility. Bao Zixuan won't get married within two years is the result of their analysis. This led Miss Rothschild to think that she could wait until Bao Zixuan came back to visit. After all, a girl goes on a pole to meet a man's mother, and it's in the man's absence. There is some embarrassment, the most important thing is that men are pursuing her in Europe, and there may be some loss of face.

Of course, one or two sentences are not clear. The Rothschild family has suffered serious damage since World War II. There is simply no ability to control the entire world economic situation. We can only settle for the next best thing and run the base camp well.

Although Hong Kong is ruled by the British, there are too many interests involved. The Rothschild family did not dare to get involved easily, because in an Asian market, it is not worth offending too many people. What they didn't expect was that Xiangjiang's development was so rapid, even beyond everyone's imagination.

The rapid development of Hong Kong's economy, coupled with the recovery of the strength of the Rothschild family. Only then did it decide to re-enter the Asian market. If Rothschild Bank wants to expand, it must have a place in Asia.

The sudden emergence of Bao Zixuan has given the Rothschild family an opportunity. The traditional giants are inextricably linked with other families in Europe and America. Although the Rothschild family is not afraid of any challenges, there is no need to offend so many people for no reason.

Before, I thought about being able to control Bao Zixuan and Heiyun Group; with the deepening of understanding, coupled with the development speed of Heiyun Group, the Rothschild family cut off this unrealistic idea.

Bao Zixuan is already a partner who can talk to them on an equal footing, and sometimes he even needs to give up some benefits to the other party.

Only then did the French meet, and Angela Rothschild went to Hong Kong to sit in person. Although the family has thought about marriage, it has not been implemented. Women of the Rothschild family basically do not marry outside; marrying a Hong Kong person is a problem that has never been thought of before.

Angela Rothschild said with a smile: "It's time to find a way to remedy that, you can find a breakthrough in other ways; as for you, you may not have a chance to go back to the UK."

As a think tank member, quick response is the basic condition. Angela Rothschild finished speaking; she knew what the other party wanted to express! This is to nail oneself to Xiangjiang and use it for life.

As an affiliated family member who has served the Rothschilds for over a century, Ben Austin knows a lot about the family. I feel incredible about some strange practices, and I understand why Angela Rothschild took the initiative to send it to the door.

In Europe, because of the power of the Rothschild family, almost no family dares to let their children marry Angela Rothschild. Pursuit is one thing, and eventually getting married is another.

Angela Rothschild is known as the first beauty in the family in the past century, and many people in the family have coveted her for a long time. It is a tradition that family women do not marry outside, and many powerful children are gearing up to get Angela Rothschild.

Originally, I thought that with my beauty, I would definitely be able to impress Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Xiangjiang. As long as the richest man in Bao agreed to marry her, the other children of the family, even the elders in the clan, dared not object, and were even happy to see it succeed.

Getting rid of the family shackles is just around the corner, and you can register your marriage with Bao Zixuan. Everything needs to be re-planned, trying to find such a person, but it is very difficult; almost impossible.

Angela Rothschild will not accept fate easily, and Ben Austin is a good help. As the key training object of the Austin family, if it can be used by oneself, then it is equivalent to having a direct line around him. Bao Zixuan's sudden marriage is not necessarily a bad thing, at least it made Ben Austin make a mistake that is difficult to clean up.

Ben Austin thought for a moment and said, "In the future, I will follow the instructions of the eldest lady, and I will never dare to have two hearts."

This answer Angela Rothschild is very satisfied, although it is impossible to marry Bao Zixuan. Cooperation can still continue, as long as enough strength is accumulated, then everything is not a problem.

Angela Rothschild: "You know some of the family's situation better than anyone else, and you also know my character. You will never give up easily, as long as you can free me from the fate of the family woman. Whatever you want, it's not a problem. ."

It seemed that this woman finally told the truth, with an expression of consolation; she obviously regarded him as a confidant. Ben Austin didn't know whether to be happy or sad; none of the think tank members seemed to obey a Father knew that he had to be mad, but now he had no other choice.

Ben Austin: "Please rest assured, Miss, and I will do my best to assist you next time. Although Bao Zixuan is married, it is impossible to marry him; there is no problem in cooperating with each other."

"And I've found such a breach, it's just that the time wasn't ripe before."

Sure enough, this kid still kept his back, but fortunately he was not allowed to return to England to plead guilty. Otherwise, relying on a woman alone, it is difficult to do much. Angela Rothschild knows how much she has; apart from her beauty, she may not have any special skills that she can take out.

Now that I hear that the think tank has found a breakthrough, many problems can be solved easily.

Get a hint from the eldest lady; Ben Austin continued: "Our plan was to enter the Japanese market, which is not wrong in itself. Japan's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and there are many opportunities."

"With access to the Japanese financial market facing cutthroat competition, Rothschild will not have any advantage."

"Isn't Bao Zixuan cooperating with China mainland in the development of the so-called Pudong New Area! We can follow in the footsteps of the other party. As long as the Black Cloud Bank sets up a branch, the Rothschild Bank can directly enter the market."

"Not only can it shorten the relationship with Bao Zixuan, but it can also increase its influence in the Chinese mainland. As long as the operation is done well, it will definitely bring a lot of benefits."

"Black Cloud Bank has no foundation in Europe, and major companies in mainland China need settlement banks in Europe. Rothschild Bank's strength in the world, especially in Europe, cannot be ignored by anyone."

Ben Austin's vision was very unique, and it was from this time that he started. Rothschild Bank opened many branches in mainland China, laying a solid foundation for its subsequent rapid development.