Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 919

Chapter 919

After Nancy Reagan took the gift, the entourage immediately followed. If there is radiation in it, even President Ronald Reagan may have bad luck. Of course, Bao Zixuan wasn't so bold yet, but he couldn't help it. Everything had to be done according to the procedures, and no one could be exempted from it.

At this time, everyone is a little different about Bao Zixuan. How did this kid become so sensible? It seems that he has grown a lot recently. Although they are all top scholars, no one in the United States dares to pretend to be arrogant and look down on the president and the super rich.

This kid's gift is really clever, at least it makes people speechless. Mother is a Nancy Reagan fan, how is that possible. The first lady is not so popular yet, it is more of an excuse and an excuse. But there is no way to verify it now, at least no one dares to question it face to face.

It is normal for movie fans to ask for autographs when giving gifts to celebrities. And the value of the gift is reasonable, no one can say anything wrong.

Circle parties have always been where men talk about business and women make circles. Of course there is an exception, that is our richest man. There is no female companion in the United States, but it is a lot cleaner.

Seeing that Professor Harry Roland's wife was chatting with a noble lady, Bao Zixuan walked over and said with a smile, "Mother, long time no see."

Mrs. Roland is quite familiar with this title. And there is only one person who would call her that. After learning about the Chinese tradition, he became a lot closer to Bao Zixuan.

This young rich man never forgets his roots, and he will never forget his old couple during the festivals. The etiquette is very well done, and people can't pick out a single fault. Mrs. Roland had no opinion on her husband helping him.

Mrs. Roland said with a smile: "Bao, I have become more energetic recently. Thank you for the gift you brought me last time. When will you have time to go home and cook for yourself to thank you."

Some time ago, Bao Zixuan went to MIT, and Mrs. Roland happened to take her child to Europe for a vacation. The richest man Bao did not forget her, and all the gifts were still presented.

Bao Zixuan: "I'm really looking forward to my cooking skills, but I'm going back to Xiangjiang recently. I can only wait until the next time, when you have time to go to Xiangjiang for vacation, and let the students show their friendship as landlords."

No one is unfamiliar with Bao Zixuan. Including the lady chatting with Mrs. Roland, to be exact, she is here waiting for Bao Zixuan to come.

Mrs. Roland came here just to say hello. This is the most polite question. It's not that easy to leave.

Mrs. Roland said with a smile, "Bao, this is Mrs. Moore."

Now that it has been introduced, you must say hello. It's a matter of politeness, and the richest man can't be arrogant on this occasion.

Bao Zixuan: "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Moore."

Being able to come here at this moment and being called Mrs. Moore, then there is only one possibility. Her husband is the real **** of integrated circuits, Gordon Moore. That is, the proposer of Moore's Law and one of the founders of Intel Corporation.

At this time, Gordon Moore has been following the movements of Bao Zixuan and his wife, and asked his wife to come and chat with Harry Roland's wife; the purpose is to attract Bao Zixuan to come over, and it seems to be working well now.

Mrs. Moore said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Bao. I often hear people mention you, but I haven't been able to see you. Today is to satisfy my curiosity and finally meet the real person."

Although he is not good at dealing with women, there is still no problem in basic chat. The three of them chatted quickly, which made people a little confused.

Gordon Moore saw that the time was almost ripe, and walked over with a glass of wine. At the same time, he said with a smile: "Dear, who is so happy to chat with."

At the same time, he looked at Bao Zixuan and said, "Hello! Mr. Xiao Bao; I'm Gordon Moore, from Intel."

Looking at this elegant middle-aged man, who would have thought that the other party would achieve such an achievement.

Moore was born in San Francisco, California, in 1929. He holds a BS in Chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology. In the mid-1950s he worked at William Shockley Semiconductor with the inventor of the integrated circuit, Robert Noyce. Later, eight people including Noyce and Moore resigned collectively and worked for the famous Fairchild Semiconductor Company in history.

In 1968, Moore and Noyce together withdrew from Fairchild and founded a field dedicated to developing data storage that had not yet been developed in the computer industry at that time. The company's first important product, the Intel1103 memory chip, was launched in the early 1970s. In 1972, Intel's sales reached $23.4 million. In the past 10 years since 1982, there have been 22 major breakthroughs in microelectronics technology, of which 16 were developed by Intel Corporation.

In the more than ten years that Moore dominated Intel (1974-1987), the personal computer industry represented by PC sprouted and developed rapidly. With his keen eye, Moore accurately predicted the success of the PC. He made a decisive decision, and Intel made a strategic shift to specialize in the "heart" component of the microcomputer - the CPU.

Gordon Moore is the biggest promoter and winner of this change and progress. In the high-tech IT field, people who have struggled for ten years can be called veterans. So what should Moore, who has been shining for more than 40 years, be called? Gordon Moore is not only a veteran, he is an icon of the information industry.

In later generations, although Moore, who served as Intel's honorary chairman of the board, has faded out of daily management affairs, he still appears in the Intel headquarters building several days a week.

This is definitely an explosive character, at least so far I haven't seen anyone who is better than him in the field of integrated circuits.

Bao Zixuan quickly stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Moore; it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I often say to the company's employees that Moore's Law is the future direction of computers. Black Cloud Computer Company will develop research and development around Moore's Law, and I am a firm supporter of Moore's Law."

Gordon Moore didn't expect Bao Zixuan to be so polite, and the look in the eyes of the other party didn't seem to be pretending. If I had known this earlier, I didn't need the lady to come to the front station at all, just show up directly.

Bao Zixuan's attitude makes Gordon-Morgan very satisfied. It seems that in the field of integrated circuits, he is still the king.

Gordon Moore: "Mr. Xiaobao has won the award and was able to gather at the White House today. I would also like to thank the Black Cloud Group for its multi-protocol routers; and the great breakthroughs in the field of optical fiber transmission."

"Professor Harry Rowland has already introduced to you his thoughts on the upgrade of the ARPANET; we can cooperate in this regard, which should be beneficial to both companies."

Regarding the customer of Heiyun, Intel has long had an idea. The company that consumes the most CPUs in the world, the supplier is not the most professional R&D and production company for CPUs, which is simply an irony for Intel.

Perhaps in the field of communications, they still have a certain gap with Motorola. But in the CPU field, Intel is definitely the king. The daily CPU consumption of Heiyun Group is astronomical, and the payment speed is very fast. It is a customer that no company in the world can ignore.

It's not good to go to the door directly, so Gordon Moore only remembered to use his wife's diplomatic method to meet with Bao Zixuan. At least it won't be so abrupt, and it will allow both parties to get off the stage.

Bao Zixuan has no female companion as his mentor. Harry Roland's wife will definitely appear at the banquet, which is why Bao Zixuan saw the scene just now.

At this time, Bao Zixuan was not surprised when he heard that Gordon Moore wanted to cooperate. It's just that the relationship with Motorola is very harmonious, at least there is no contradiction in the process of cooperation between the two parties. The hasty change of suppliers is not conducive to the Group's future strategic planning.

Gordon Moore is another important figure in the field of integrated circuits, and it is rude to refuse rashly. At this time, the richest man Bao was a little embarrassed, because he was worried that after rejecting Moore, something bad would definitely happen.

It is not so easy to get the secondary root It is not a wise move to offend Intel at this time, but it is not easy to refuse to explain to Motorola.

Bao Zixuan thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Moore is very reasonable. Cooperation is good for everyone. I just don't know which fields you want to cooperate in. At least let me know."

Moore knew that this kid must have a plan, otherwise he couldn't have thought about it for so long. But that doesn't matter, as long as it can win the Black Cloud Group to stand in line, today's goal has been achieved.

Gordon Moore: "The expansion of the ARPANET requires a large number of servers. At present, it seems that both Heiyun and IBM are very competitive. In the United States, IBM is definitely dominant, but not necessarily in other countries in the world. Therefore, in this regard, our two Countries can work together to develop large-scale industrial computers for the future."

Both knew that this was just the first step in the collaboration. Compared with industrial computers, personal computers are the market that each other sees.

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