Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 915

Chapter 915

Bao Zixuan went back to the hotel alone last night, and little MacDonald was not surprised by this. The recognized saint in this world really doesn't know what kind of woman he likes.

But because of this move, Old William admired the richest man Bao even more, and at the same time was more afraid. This man who is younger than him seems to have almost no flaws, which is simply incredible.

Little MacDonald said with a smile: "Bao, my friend. Sometimes you can't be too strict with yourself. You can relax occasionally. Of course, this is just my personal opinion. Don't take it too seriously; just take it as a joke."

The two are not yet familiar enough to interfere in their private lives, but they just want to gain more opportunities for Debbie Dickinson. This is what Janice Dickinson promised himself when he came over in the morning.

Bao Zixuan didn't care, but said with a smile, "What are the arrangements for today, I want to go to the McDonnell Douglas workshop to see if it is convenient or not."

As long as they are customers, they can visit the production workshop of McDonnell Douglas. We must let people know the manufacturing process of our own company's aircraft, otherwise who will easily pay for it.

Bao Zixuan's identity is somewhat special. On the surface, he is a partner; at the same time, he is a competitor. He is also an expert in the field of aircraft manufacturing, and the issue of leaks cannot be underestimated.

But at this time, the richest man in the package has already proposed, don't you agree? How to cooperate after that, Boeing is a formidable enemy.

MacDonald Jr.: "Of course, all McDonnell Douglas workshops are open to you, including orders for the Department of Defense."

In this way, Little MacDonald drove Bao Zixuan and his party to the production workshop.

After all, this is McDonnell Douglas, and little MacDonald is very familiar with it. Besides, as the host, he must introduce the products on the production line to the guests.

First of all, when he came to the passenger aircraft production workshop, Bao Zixuan saw at a glance the aircraft being assembled on the production line-DC10.

The DC-10 is the American Douglas company, which of course has now been incorporated into the McDonnell company. The three-engine long-range wide-body airliner developed in response to the needs of American Airlines can also be used for military use.

The DC-10 carries less passengers than the B747, and has a range similar to that of the Boeing 747. It can fly both routes across the continental United States and international routes across the ocean. Development plans began in 1967 following the merger of Douglas and MacDonald.

With the advent of the oil crisis, the cost of using three-engine airliners has risen sharply. In the 1970s, the Airbus A300 wide-body aircraft, newly designed by European Airbus, began to be delivered, equipped with two high-bypass ratio turbofan jet engines with greatly improved performance. The relaxation of ETOPS restrictions on twin-engine airliners has further broadened the route range of twin-engine airliners enough to fly transatlantic flights. The A300 is significantly better than the L-1011 and DC-10 in terms of performance and operating cost, and is very popular in the 250-seat wide-body airliner market. DC-10 gradually lost orders due to relative fuel consumption.

Since 1972, the DC-10 has been involved in many major air crashes. Bao Zixuan has little interest in products destined to be eliminated. Moreover, it turns out that the three-engine passenger aircraft is very immature at the current stage, and even tasteless.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan was not very good, Little MacDonald took him to other assembly lines.

Bao Zixuan himself was very disgusted with the three-engine airliner, and staying here for too long would only add to his troubles.

A military transport aircraft appeared in front of everyone, and even military fans basically didn't know his name; fortunately, Bao Zixuan had seen the technical information of the aircraft.

In the 1970s, the U.S. Air Force planned to choose one of the Boeing YC-14 and McDonnell Douglas YC-15 to put into production, that is, try to bid by Boeing's YC-14 and McDonnell Douglas YC-15 together, and then replace the C- 130, this program was finally cancelled because the development cost and performance were not much better than the C-130, which is the most famous advanced medium short take-off and landing transport aircraft program. This competition for medium jet transports led to the Boeing YC-14 and the McDonnell Douglas YC-15,

McDonnell Douglas's YC-15 is different from YC-14. It is not "blown to the upper surface of the wing" like the YC-14, but "blown to the lower surface of the wing", which is the external blowing flap technology.

The YC-15 uses four Pratt & Whitney JTSD-17 turbofan engines, each with a thrust of 71 kN. The engine is installed under the front of the wing, its nacelle is almost completely extended in front of the wing, and the tail nozzle is close to the front of the wing. the underside of the edge.

The basic principle is that the jet flow of the engine blows along the lower surface of the leading edge of the wing to the double-slotted flap, and then the flow of the double-slotted flap is directed to a larger downward deflection angle by the drainage effect of the double-slotted flap, so as to improve the lift coefficient. The effect of shortening the take-off and landing distance, so some people call it "lower surface blowing and increasing lift technology". When loaded with 150 soldiers or 36.7 tons of cargo, the YC-15 can take off and land on a runway within a length of 572 meters.

Although the YC-15 aircraft has not been qualified for service, the development experience of this model directly led to the birth of today's McDonnell Douglas C-17 "Globemaster" transport aircraft.

The C-17 is the U.S. military and the most advanced military transport aircraft in the world. The C-17 has been experimentally improved on the McDonnell Douglas YC-15 test aircraft, especially the inflatable flap technology, supercritical airfoil, thrust reverser and head-up display that have been verified on the YC-15 aircraft.

This is definitely a strategic transport aircraft, and the most successful strategic transport aircraft in the world. Seeing that Bao Zixuan is very hot, he really wants to collect technical data.

Although the Black Cloud Group has ground effect aircraft, it is mainly due to the technical data left by Germany during World War II. Most of them are copied, and their own research and development investment is not large.

There is not much technical reserve for civilian super-large passenger aircraft and transport aircraft. After all, the Germans had not developed these aspects, and the technical foundation of Black Cloud itself is still too weak.

Now that there is a strategic transport plane right in front of you, how can you not be tempted.

Seeing Bao Zixuan's expression, little MacDonald knew something. This aircraft is definitely the core product of McDonnell Douglas in the future, especially after the four-engine super-large passenger aircraft has been widely recognized, McDonnell Douglas is more confident.

You don't have to think about it to know that Bao Zixuan is interested in this product. It seems that you can use this transporter to exchange something with Heiyun.

Little MacDonald said with a smile: "Bao, my friend. This is a product specially developed for the U.S. military, and you have to keep it a secret. It is still in the experimental stage, but I believe that in the face of the strong technical strength of McDonnell Douglas, it must be To be able to win the order for the new transport aircraft of the Ministry of Defense before Boeing.

"I don't know if there is any interest in Heiyun. In this regard, the two of us can cooperate completely."

At this time, Bao Zixuan was a little regretful, the city government was still not deep enough. It's easy to suffer a loss when you see something good and don't know how to hide it. Little MacDonald knew that he liked it, and others would have seen it long ago.

I have often suffered losses in dealing with many entrepreneurs before, so why can't this problem be corrected!

Bao Zixuan: "The plane is good, but Heiyun already has ground effect aircraft, so the demand for strategic transport aircraft is not that great."

I don't need that much expression, and I really think I'm a three-year-old child!

MacDonald Jr.: "Of course the more the better, the more the better. The two of us can cooperate completely or exchange technologies."

It seems that the other party is determined by himself, but technology exchange is also a method. As long as the degree is well grasped, I believe that McDonnell Douglas will not be able to take advantage of it.

Bao Zixuan: "Of course there is no problem sharing good things with each other."

"I just don't know what McDonnell wants Heiyun to offer in exchange. We are friends, and many things are easy to discuss."

Although the YC-15 transport aircraft is not mature enough, the foundation is very good. As long as it is obtained, I believe that the engineers of Heiyun Group will be able to develop a model that is no weaker than the c-17 Globemaster transport aircraft on this basis.

Moreover, Heiyun also has Bao Zixuan, at least in the field of aero-engines, he is not afraid of any opponents.

Little MacDonald thought for a moment and said, "Since you just mentioned the ground effect aircraft, the two are completely interchangeable."

In fact, what Little MacDonald wanted most was the HH-01 Ghost fighter-bomber, but he knew that Bao Zixuan would definitely not agree to So he settled for the next best thing and chose a ground-effect aircraft.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It's not that it can't be considered. At present, the McDonnell Douglas transport aircraft is not very mature. Although we are friends, you can't let your friends suffer too much. It's not enough to have an incomplete transport aircraft. Swap ground effect aircraft."

"The exchange is not in a hurry. McDonnell should have more than this. After the visit, we will discuss the technical exchange, so that both parties have a bottom line."

It seems that Bao Zixuan has great ambitions, but little MacDonald also knows that the YC-15 will definitely not be able to exchange the relevant technology of the ground effect aircraft, which is Heiyun's fist product. He has a high reputation all over the world, and he would not agree with him.

Let's take a look at them, at least Bao Zixuan doesn't reject the exchange; that proves that McDonnell Douglas has the opportunity to obtain the technical data and patent authorization of the ground effect aircraft.

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