Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 905

Chapter 905

St. Louis is a large city in the eastern part of Missouri, USA. It is located on the banks of the middle reaches of the longest Mississippi River in the United States. It is almost in the geometric center of the United States and has important strategic significance in terms of geographical location.

Saint-Louis was founded in 1764 by a French fur merchant, named after King Louis IX of France. Because of its contribution to the spread of Catholicism, Louis IX was awarded the title of "Holy" by the Pope after his death, and the city of St. Louis was named accordingly. On November 2, 1979, St. Louis and Huaxia Jinling became sister cities, which is the first sister city of Huaxia.

The urban area of St. Louis is 170 km2, of which 6.2% is water; the population is 311,404 people, and the metropolitan area has a population of 2,806,588 people. It is the second largest city in Missouri, and the largest city in Missouri is Kansas City. .

Don't look at the size of the city, the population is small. But it is a veritable economic center in the central region of the United States. Well-known companies include Budweiser, Monsanto, and McDonnell Douglas, which Bao Zixuan plans to visit.

ABC TV broadcast a report on the comparison of American car companies and models, and McDonnell Jr. watched the whole process. Very interested in the Black Cloud George Patton military vehicle and would love to buy one right away.

In fact, it's not just him, the girlfriend he just met also wants to get a George Button military vehicle to show off.

To say that little MacDonald has no other hobbies, he has almost no ability to resist beauties. And there is only one requirement for the women they associate with, tall and sexy. To put it bluntly, I like models, so I have basically wandered among the major supermodels for so many years.

After seeing the Black Cloud George Button military vehicle, a tall woman said to little MacDonald, "Dear, didn't you say that Bao Zixuan is your partner!"

"I want a car like the one on TV, I wonder if you can talk to him about it."

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the beautiful woman, little MacDonald couldn't bear to refuse. But the friendship with Bao Zixuan can only be regarded as ordinary, after all, everyone has only met once. I don't know if I will give you face or not, but you must not have stage fright in front of beautiful women.

You must know that this beauty is very famous, and he also pursued it for a long time before winning it. Wouldn't it be a shame if it couldn't reflect that it was different from other people!

And I believe that Bao Zixuan should give this face, after all, the cooperation project between the two sides is about to land.

At this time, there are not only beautiful women around, but also other friends. Today is the weekend, a few friends have a vacation together, and when they hear an important content from ABC TV, they sit down and watch it.

Under the expectant eyes of the beauty, Little MacDonald called Bao Zixuan.

Little MacDonald said: "Bao, is that you! I'm MacDonald, so I didn't bother you!"

It was very out of character to hear little MacDonald speak so formally. There must be something in there, or it wouldn't be.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mike calls me, but I can't ask for it. As a friend, don't say anything disturbing next time; then I'm going to be angry, because you didn't take me as a friend at all."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan gave face like this, everyone looked at Little MacDonald with admiration. Bao Zixuan is a person that most people don't like, and being able to communicate with this kid shows that the other party is not bragging.

Little MacDonald also gained confidence at this time, so he tried to say: "I just watched the whole process of Heiyun's new military vehicle, can you sell me one first."

At this time, he looked at the beautiful woman next to him, and immediately changed his tune: "Two cars, I know it's a bit too much to ask for, but who made us friends!"

I was planning to cooperate before, but I investigated Little MacDonald, who was also an aero-engine engineer in his previous life. Knowing a little about the heads of major aircraft manufacturing companies, little MacDonald's preferences can be described as clear.

If you ask for two cars, you don't have to think that there must be beautiful women next to you. The George Patton military vehicle is so domineering, the beauties next to it must be tall and slender.

Bao Zixuan still prefers the character of Little MacDonald. So he smiled and said, "When do you want it?"

Hearing that the other party did not hesitate, everyone was full of curiosity. Still, little MacDonald has the face and has friendship with Bao Zixuan.

Little MacDonald: "Of course, the sooner the better. I really can't wait."

Bao Zixuan thought for a moment and said, "Just buy it, if you don't mind that there are two test cars in the Heiyun Proving Ground, both of which have been trained by engineers. I will give it to you directly, and I happen to be looking for you. Tomorrow, the Ministry of Defense After the bidding meeting is over, I will come to you the day after tomorrow."

"You arranged for McDonnell Douglas to open a runway and send it directly to you."

Hearing that Bao Zixuan so lightly sent two Heiyun's latest military vehicles to little MacDonald, everyone felt incredible. What kind of friendship is between the two, and the nearly million-dollar items will be sent as soon as they are sent.

It seems that the world of the rich is really incomprehensible, at least Bao Zixuan's thoughts are unpredictable to many people.

The beauties next to her heard that two units were sent directly over, and began to face Little MacDonald squarely. Before, I felt that this kid was a rich second-generation, and at most he was just a good child. I didn't expect the other party to have friendship with Bao Zixuan, so things are not that simple.

Bao Zixuan is arrogant and arrogant, and most people don't look down on him at all. There are many people who want to make friends with the richest man in the package, but I have never heard of anyone who can let the other party deliver the car directly.

In the United States, only Phil Hawkins and the eldest lady of the Morgan family can do it. I didn't expect little MacDonald to have this doorway.

Little MacDonald felt very good-natured, this kid really knows how to be a man. So he smiled and said, "Thank you very much, we will have a good drink when you come over. I know you are going to prepare for the Ministry of Defense bidding meeting, so I won't bother you."

Many things need to use McDonnell Douglas, and now to give little MacDonald some sweetness and face is also trying to form a good relationship. In the future cooperation process, the other party will definitely not say much, this is the purpose of the richest man.

The large aircraft project needs McDonnell Douglas, and the current Black Cloud has not been able to develop and produce independently. Even if it is developed, it is difficult to obtain an airworthiness certificate. McDonnell Douglas does not have so many concerns at all, and it is also a domestic company in the United States. Having deep connections in aviation will save you a lot of trouble.

Moreover, the super-large passenger aircraft project cannot be missed. At present, Japan's Mitsubishi and American Motorola have been fooled in. The sudden failure of the project has a great impact on the reputation of the Black Cloud Group and Bao Zixuan.

Seeing the adoring eyes of the beauties, little MacDonald was very satisfied. You must know that the beauty next to her considers herself the world's No. 1 supermodel, but she is a confident master.

With just one phone call, Bao Zixuan can send the car over. It's weird not to be envious. In fact, little MacDonald didn't dare to think about it before the phone call. It's already very good to be able to sell it, but I didn't expect to send it directly, and it's the kind of test car that the engineer personally tunes. It can be said that it has given enough face, this kind of human relationship is not so good.

Little MacDonald's new girlfriend is not only a supermodel, but also famous.

Janice Dickinson, born February 15, 1955 in Brooklyn, New York, is a model.

She was one of the judges for America's Next Top Model from seasons 1 to 4, launching a reality TV show about training models.

Janice is known for her straight-to-the-point, vicious-tongued style, and her vicious comments in supermodel life-and-death battles are unabashed and fairly direct.

This is a wild woman, not to mention conquest by ordinary men. He may not even dare to try, that is, little MacDonald is not afraid of any challenges.

Janice Dickinson said to little MacDonald: "I heard that Bao Zixuan doesn't have a girlfriend yet, and it happens that my sister has been bored at home in recent days. Otherwise, call her over, at least one more person to talk to."

Although I know that Janice has a younger sister named Debbie is also a model. But usually the care is very close, what happened today. The person who suddenly thought about it was Bao Zixuan, who is known as the world's No. 1 diamond king and fifth. It is estimated that there is no such woman who will not be moved.

Not to mention introducing his younger sister, as long as Bao Zixuan expresses his thoughts, it is estimated that the woman in front of him will embrace him without hesitation. This is the charm of people, and I can't envy it at all.

This idea is really good. With one more person to accompany, Bao Zixuan will not be so embarrassed.

Little MacDonald: "This proposal is very good, but you can only ask your sister to come over. If there are too many people, it will be counterproductive. Bao Zixuan is very hard to figure out. He came here to give me face, and it will not be good for everyone if it ends badly. ."

A fool would call someone else, and she wasn't a pimp. If my sister can have some relationship with each other, she will definitely not suffer. You must know that Bao Zixuan has always been known for his generosity, which can be seen from the boldness of the car he just delivered.

Bao Zixuan didn't know yet that Little MacDonald had arranged for a beautiful woman to be waiting for him. But destined to disappoint the other party, the richest man Bao is still a little slow in this regard.

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