Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 900

Chapter 900

Before anyone could react, the screen entered a snowy environment. You don't have to think about it and know that it is the North Pole. Heiyun Automobile has made a report before. Black Cloud Motors tests new car venues, including the Arctic. And it is still a very important part. Many cars are not worried about how hot it is, but the cold is definitely the biggest test of a new car.

Vehicles that can operate normally in the Arctic basically require special modifications. Bao Zixuan dared to let a new car go to the North Pole for testing. This kid is either stupid or has absolute confidence in his own products.

Without making the audience wait too long, the picture of the car speeding across the ice quickly appeared. Not only that, when the camera was aimed at the dashboard, the car was already traveling at a speed of over 180 km/h; this shows the advantage of the vehicle's speed.

Suddenly there is a drift and the car starts to slide on the ice. People are surprised that the vehicle does not vibrate at all during the taxiing process. The audience began to be curious about the stability of the body, usually; the car is basically accompanied by the shaking of the body during the drifting process, and other conditions. But Heiyun's new military vehicle has no effect at all. What materials are used for the chassis and shock absorption system. To be able to achieve this effect; everyone is full of curiosity.

In the arctic cold environment, the car continuously conducts stop and ignition experiments, the purpose of which is to check the stability of the car in the cold environment.

When night came, the on-board battery system once again shocked people. It can actually drive the electric heater to work. It seems that the battery energy is stronger than expected.

Getting up the next morning, the driver ignited the fire with just one click. You know this is the North Pole, in extreme cold weather. The actual combat performance of this car is constantly subverting public perception.

After the Arctic test was completed, the picture seemed to enter the battlefield. Bullets, rockets, and artillery shells continue to bombard the new military vehicles of Black Cloud, as if the vehicles have driven to the center of the battlefield and are being violently attacked by the enemy.

At this time, everyone closed their eyes, and couldn't bear to see a new car being ruined like this. Through several scene tests, the vast majority of audiences have developed a strong interest in the new Heiyun military vehicle, and even reached the level of love.

Many people are planning, when the civilian version of this car will be available. When the time comes, you must buy one, it will definitely be very cool to drive out.

When the smoke cleared, the audience in front of the TV was pleasantly surprised. Heiyun's new military vehicle has no problems at all. Could it be that he was dazzled, or was it a special special effect made by the Black Cloud Group on purpose? Just now, it was obvious that many artillery shells and rockets bombarded the vehicle wildly. With such a high-intensity attack and intensive firepower, there was no problem with the appearance of the vehicle. The body material makes everyone feel incredible. Could it be that Bao Zixuan invented some new material?

As if the bombing was not enough, an engineer actually took out C4 military explosives and put it under the vehicle.

Compared with fragmentation grenades, C4 explosives have greater power and explosion range, and it takes 16 seconds to detonate after C4 explosives are thrown. Special forces must calculate the time in actual combat; C4 can be attached to non-character objects.

After the C4's chassis exploded, the vehicle shook violently. It can be seen that the strength of the explosion, the black cloud engineer's courage is really big.

The vehicle was not torn into pieces. It seems that the metal strength of the body material is more terrifying than expected.

An even more incredible scene soon appeared, after a saturation attack. The driver took out the key directly, and the ignition was successful at one time. Shift in gear and give oil in one go. There was no problem with the vehicle, and it was running as usual.

What's the situation? Is it April Fool's Day today? Or is Black Cloud making a movie? It's incredible that scenes that can only appear in movies are actually developed in reality.

The vehicle performs various complex operations at the same time while driving, and the driver does not care what is in front of him. I saw that the wall did not come around, but drove directly into it.

The vehicle only came to a stop after damage all the way. Next, the operation of Heiyun engineer made the audience incomprehensible. He picked up a knife and stabbed several holes in the tire.

After a while, the tires flattened. The test driver did not stop, and continued to drive the vehicle that had been deflated. After running about 10 kilometers, it doesn't feel very comfortable. With a few button presses, all four tires are deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But after all, there are a lot of air leaks on the tires, and you can only drive while inflating once. Fortunately, the optimal air pressure is always maintained, which shows how powerful the automatic inflation system of this military vehicle is.

This technology is too advanced and important, if it happens that politicians are sitting in the car. In exceptional circumstances, the tires were blown out. It is completely possible to borrow the car air system to buy more time, so that the killer has no chance.

At this time, many wealthy people have already developed a strong interest in Heiyun's new military vehicle, which can save lives. As long as you drive this car out, your family can absolutely rest assured.

The last shot was mainly shot inside the Detroit Black Cloud Auto Plant, where Black Cloud engineers were initially producing parts. A row of large CNC machine tools appeared in front of them, and many people saw it for the first time. The processed parts are simply works of art, which shows the machining accuracy of the machine tool.

After the parts are produced, engineers begin testing them with various instruments; they are then aggregated to the assembly shop.

The assembly of other parts is not very bright, but when it comes to engine assembly, engineers are seen working in specific protective clothing. At this time, the temperature in the assembly workshop showed minus 50 degrees. In other words, the engine has to be assembled in an environment of minus 50 degrees.

Those who know it immediately understand what it means. The engine is "patched" through the combination of holes and shafts to form a complete machine. Some need to be riveted and some need to be screwed up.

When encountering the connection of the hole and the shaft, it is necessary to consider the different clearance sizes of different parts. For example, the piston and the cylinder block can be regarded as the connection of the "hole shaft". The clearance should not be too large or too small. There are three types, one is a reasonable fit, one is a transition fit, and the other is an interference fit.

Among them, the interference fit needs to be assembled at low temperature. After the low temperature assembly, the high temperature work of the engine can achieve a tight joint state.

At this time, the audience in front of the TV was once again shocked by Heiyun's powerful technology. No wonder the performance of Heiyun's cars is so superior. Other car companies cannot do it in the environment of assembling engines alone, which requires huge capital investment; and companies that truly understand technology and consider consumers can do it.

During the assembly process, the audience saw a lot of professional tools. This includes a 16-link screwdriver for the cover, which can seal the entire engine cover in one go. This not only improves work efficiency, but the main purpose is to achieve a balanced force.

The force at each point is the same, and there will be no loosening of a screw, which will cause problems with the entire engine.

After the engine was assembled, engineers went over it in detail. Then, the engine nameplate will be stamped with its own code name. Although the mask is separated, the satisfied smile of the engineer can still be seen.

It seems that the engineers are satisfied with the engine they have assembled, otherwise they would not have such a confident smile.

The assembly of the engine is completed, and the quality inspector begins a detailed inspection. If there is no problem, they stamped a steel seal under the code of the assembly engineer to prove that the engine has passed the inspection. If there is any problem, both of them will be held accountable.

Next, start to assemble the whole vehicle. The engineer will hoist the core components such as the engine and gearbox; assemble with the aid of equipment.

It's basically the same as other and nothing new. However, there is one thing that the audience admires very much, that is, the large parts assembled by Heiyun Automobile will have steel stamps with the codes of corresponding engineers and quality inspectors.

That is to say, the responsibility lies with the person, and the person concerned can be found at the first time if there is a problem. Although it will waste some time, it is also in the attitude of being responsible to consumers; this kind of craftsmanship is worth learning from all walks of life.

After complex assembly, a new car appeared in front of the audience. At this time, everyone sighed that the original car was produced in this way. It looks simple; the science and technology contained in it, but I never dared to think about it before. It seems that Heiyun cars are expensive to sell, which is really expensive.

The engineer works in a minus 50 degree environment, and such a responsible attitude can be accepted by 20% more expensive than other cars.

After the car is assembled, various tests are carried out directly on the proving ground. The driver performed a series of complex operations on the internal test ground of the black cloud, but it did not attract special attention. After all, I have seen too many wonderful pictures before, and the audience's light has become very picky.

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