Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 68

Chapter 68

After Bao Zixuan left Professor Bowman's house, he went directly back to the company. He was going to rest at the company tonight. After all, I have to pick up Professor Bowman tomorrow to pick up the drawings, and we have to arrange it; I also promised that EvBauman's Walkman is also in the company.

Mrs. Bowman said to her daughter, "Aiwa, you are so unreasonable today. Why did you ask for help when we first met? Do you know how much trouble this will bring to your father!"

EvBauman: "Didn't he ask me too! This is a fair deal, and I'm just buying from him, not for nothing. Isn't it meant to be sold when he is born! What's up."

Mrs. Bowman: "My silly daughter! You are also a big girl now. I hope you are more innocent, but I don't want you to have no analytical skills. Do you know how much a titanium alloy version of the Walkman will cost in the United States now! Just As you said, your roommate offered $10,000 to buy the set that your father gave you. One can imagine how hot the world is, but Bao Zixuan has kept some of it from the market."

"That's because there are two aspects, one is that he wants to release it slowly, and the other is that he wants to give these to people who can help him. It happens that your father is one of them. You say that he asks for you, then It is because she already knows what you are going to say, and she is afraid that your father will be embarrassed, so she asks for you, which not only increases your internship experience, but also can get the photographic equipment you want but are reluctant to buy. Moreover, the operation is impeccable, No one can pick a problem."

EvBauman: "He should be about the same age as me, how can he have such careful logical thinking and emotional intelligence! Isn't it too scary."

"You think that Bao Zixuan looks like a big boy who is harmless to humans and animals. How could he have made the company so big if he is as naive as you. In addition to the genius brain, there is also the emotional intelligence in dealing with people. But it's not a big deal. Yes, after all, we are also a cooperative relationship, you don't have to worry about it, after all, you still have a father and me. But next time you talk, you have to think through your brain, or else you will be sold and help people with money. And many times the buns Xuan still wants my help, for example, this time, everyone can get what they need!" Professor Bowman was helping his daughter analyze the stakes.

After the Bowmans returned to the room, the couple chatting was another scene.

Mrs. Baumann: "You really have to give him all the information about your grandfather. That's what three generations of your family have been trying to keep. Many of them are the core secrets of German machinery manufacturing."

In fact, Professor Bowman is not very willing, but those are traditional machine tool materials after all, and they are their treasures, but grandpa and father did not expect that the development of electronic computers would be so rapid that many machine tools can meet the requirements of accuracy, but the efficiency is impossible. Compared with CNC machine tools, the most important thing is skilled workers. Without more than 20 years of skill, it is impossible to operate these equipment well.

"Many of those products are outdated, even if they are sent back to Germany, they will not be taken seriously. It is very likely that they will continue to be stored in the warehouse as they are at home. But handing them over to Bao Zixuan can turn them into products from drawings, although If it is modified, it will lose its original flavor. But the development of electronic computers has been irresistible, which is driven by the general trend.

Actually, when Professor Bowman saw his daughter and Bao Zixuan together, he felt that the two were a good match. If he could go a step further in the future, he would have no regrets.

After breakfast the next day, Bao Zixuan arrived at Professor Bauman's house on time at 8 o'clock. At the same time, there was a container truck with him. They were waiting for them outside. In order to pick up Professor Bauman, Bao Zixuan deliberately changed the car. Became a German Benz. Usually he is basically a Cadillac, which is a very common car in the United States and does not attract attention.

After handing the Walkman to EvBauman, Eva Bauman gave Bao Zixuan a note and said, "This is the photographic equipment I need, you must buy it as soon as possible!"

Bao Zixuan didn't take the note, and said to Aiwa, "I don't know Aiwa very well, and no one in the company knows about it. See if you can buy it yourself, and then take the bill to the company to write off the account. All right; how much are these roughly!"

Eva Bowman: "About $500,000! These are the most professional equipment. A lot of them need to be customized."

Bao Zixuan signed a check for $1 million and handed it to Eva Bowman, "Then buy two sets first, it's not enough."

Looking at this man who doesn't take money as money, Eva Bowman, a girl from a teacher's family, was a little shocked. After all, she didn't even blink an eye when she paid $1 million. What a boldness.

It wasn't until Professor Bowman and Bao Zixuan left the community that they looked at the check in their hands and realized that all this was true. It turned out that it was the legendary feeling of being friends with local tyrants.

Professor Bowman smiled and didn't say anything. When he arrived, he would let this kid know that what he paid for was worth it.

In about half an hour, they arrived at their destination, which is a small town below Boston. Professor Bowman brought the people from Black Cloud to the gate of an abandoned factory. This is where we are going. To be honest, I Some people can't afford to rent it anymore, and it costs no more than 20,000 yuan per year, but it is also the hard work of my father and grandfather to preserve these technical treasures of Germany. After greeting an old man at the door, Bao Zixuan and the others came to the warehouse.

After the iron gate was slowly opened, the entire warehouse area was about 1,500 square meters. But when the light was turned on, Bao Zixuan was very excited, looking at the irregular utensils tightly wrapped in waterproof canvas, which should be the old German machine tools.

When I walked to the end, I found that all the boxes were crates, each of which was a standard size of 2 meters long, 0.5 meters wide, and 0.5 meters high, and they were neatly arranged.

Professor Bowman: "There are 38 boxes here, each of which is an important machine tool drawing from Rheinmetall. My grandfather spent almost all of his savings to save them."

When Bao Zixuan asked someone to open a, he saw a layer of thick oiled paper wrapping the drawings inside, and after opening the oiled paper, there were neatly arranged scroll drawings; outside each donated drawing It was wrapped with another layer of oiled paper, and there was a desiccant in it. Once again, I was shocked by the strictness of the Germans.

Professor Bowman: "From today onwards, they are yours, including the old machine tools, which are assembled piece by piece from the parts that my grandfather bought, including an industrial mother machine. But how to transport them back to Xiangjiang is yours. Things have happened, but I don't think it is difficult, after all, they are products 30 years ago."

Bao Zixuan: "Professor, these things are really valuable and cannot be measured by money. I will give you 10 million US dollars, and then you will have a 3% profit after the transformation of the machine tool. At the same time, you have to contact Professor Bruman, without him it is difficult to deal with these things. CNC machine tools.

Professor Bowman: "You can do it as you please, and it's just to fulfill the family's last wish. The gatekeeper at the door used to be the best fitter in Rheinmetall. You can give him a job, although he is old, but Work is still fine."

Bao Zixuan: "He will join the program as a consultant, and I will accept all the retired Rheinmetall workers and obsolete machine tools you mentioned. As long as the price is right, I will rejuvenate the German machine tools that used to be in warehouses and scrapyards. Vitality, even if it is eliminated, I will keep a production line dedicated to making limited-edition products. Let these excellent workers work decently. And their wages are all paid according to engineer standards, but how to convince them to work in Hong Kong may require you to go out!"

"As long as they pass by, their families don't have to worry. I will advance their salary for half a year, and then give them half of the salary every month. It is definitely much better than living in Germany."