Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 806

Chapter 806

Honda, the full name of "Honda Technology Co., Ltd.", is a multinational motor vehicle manufacturer.

Honda's current product line is mainly composed of four major businesses: automobiles, motorcycles, power products and aircraft, of which the automobile business is composed of the core brand Honda and the luxury brand Acura.

Among the world's many well-known car companies, Honda is a relatively late entry into the industry. Honda Soichiro only started to get involved in automobile production in 1962; using the rich experience and a large amount of funds obtained in motorcycle development and operation, he devoted himself to automobile development desperately, and the result was a great success. In particular, the engine designed and developed and the car installed with this engine caused a great sensation in the world automobile industry in 1975 because of its good effect of controlling pollution.

Unlike Toyota, Honda relies entirely on technology to win. Soichiro Honda is not only the saint of Japanese management, but also a genius engineer. The richest man in Bao and the saint of management are both men of science and technology, and they have a lot of common topics to chat with.

Honda Soichiro said with a smile: "The emergence of the Black Cloud car has set off a great response worldwide. Previously, American cars were powerful and more sturdy; European cars were relatively more refined; Japanese cars were cheap and fuel-efficient. It can be said that everyone has their own market and can achieve a basic balance.

"The appearance of Heiyun Automobile has broken the balance. It can not only achieve the fuel efficiency of Japanese cars, but also achieve the exquisiteness of German cars. Most importantly, the materials used are not bad and are very strong. In addition to being expensive, there is no way to find a solution. No flaws."

"This is not leaving a way for other companies to survive. It seems that if we don't change, we may be eliminated."

At present, although Heiyun Automobile is rapidly occupying the market, it has not touched the core interests of Honda. Although Soichiro Honda was a little worried, he had not reached the level he said.

Bao Zixuan: "Mr. Honda thinks too much. Heiyun Motor has just started. At present, only a few models are selling well, and they are not as good as you said. At present, the mainstream in the world is Japanese and German cars. car, other automakers still have a long way to go.

"Although Heiyun Automobile has made some achievements, the market has not fully opened up. For example, the Japanese market is still dominated by Japanese cars, and the European market is still led by German cars. The position of Heiyun Automobile is very embarrassing, even in the United States, it is necessary to Facing competition from many car companies. Without a stable rear, it is really difficult for companies to grow and develop.

"But I think, Mr. Honda invited me to come over here; it shouldn't be just to compliment Black Cloud Motor!"

Soichiro Honda didn't expect the richest man Bao to lose his temper so quickly. He complained first, and then went straight to the subject; it seemed that he was still young. This is exactly the result he wants to see, and only then will Honda have a chance.

In fact, Bao Zixuan knew that he couldn't chat with these people for too long, otherwise he would definitely be the one who made the mistake first. It's better to be direct, and he never thought of any cooperation with Honda.

At present, Japan has reached an agreement with Suzuki, and Black Cloud Motors has become a major shareholder of the Suzuki Group. The chances of working with Honda have become very slim, not at all.

Toyota and Honda, as the two largest car companies in Japan, are not cooperating with other companies in their own country, let alone introducing and producing models from competitors.

I came to Honda mainly because of Soichiro Honda's invitation to deal with errands.

Soichiro Honda: "Don't say that to Baosang. The Japanese and German markets are special. It is difficult for external forces to enter. Hasn't Baosang already found a solution to the problem!"

The Japanese auto industry has no secrets at all, especially such a major event involving foreign investment. Before Soichiro Honda thought that Black Cloud Motors would not have very good sales in Japan, after all, there are many lessons for reference. Major Japanese manufacturers are very confident in the public's support for domestic brands.

At this time, if there are traitors in the middle, then it will be another matter. Suzuki Group actually wants to introduce Heiyun models, not only that, but also agrees to take shares in Heiyun Automobile. Osamu Suzuki is simply the scum of a Japanese car manufacturer, and he is too unscrupulous.

Honda, as the second head of Japanese car companies, faced a situation where its status was not guaranteed. Honda technical department, dismantled more than one Black Cloud car. After professional verification, they found that Black Cloud is at least 5-10 years ahead of Honda in technology. I don't want to admit it, but it's the truth.

If Suzuki obtains the authorization of Black Cloud, it will cause a fatal blow to Honda's domestic sales in Japan. Soichiro Honda knew that he had to take a few steps now. First of all, we need to improve Honda's technical strength, and we need to be **** the iron; in the end of the competition, everything depends on strength. Only by continuously narrowing the gap in technology, or even surpassing, can we be invincible.

The second is to advise Bao Zixuan, this kid, not to do things absolutely, then everyone will have nothing to eat. But this kind of situation where fate is in the hands of others is never a thing.

Japanese car companies are eager to push the deal between Suzuki and Kuroyun on hold through administrative pressure. But Heiyun Auto is an American company, and it is also a major American employer and taxpayer. If he dared to veto the transaction at this time, then Bao Zixuan would definitely not give up. At that time, it will inevitably be mentioned in the United States. With the addition of public opinion, it will not be so easy for Japanese car companies to gain a foothold in the American market.

At that time, the United States will definitely support domestic companies, and the life of Japanese car companies will definitely not be easy. Other U.S. automakers will also contribute to the flames. After all, they are also the beneficiaries of suppressing Japanese automakers. Japanese car companies cannot afford to lose the US market, and the domestic market alone cannot support so many car employees.

Bao Zixuan: "The Japanese market is too closed, which is not conducive to economic development. However, even if the entry of Heiyun Automobile will not have a great impact on the whole, you must know that Japanese manufacturers are very strong themselves. External pressure has no impact on you at all. , Heiyun Automobile will only try a few models. It can't influence the overall situation at all, and Mr. Honda is too nervous.

Soichiro Honda understood what Bao Zixuan meant, but he couldn't believe it. Black Cloud Auto develops new models every year, combined with the identity of the major shareholder of Suzuki. In the future, the Japanese market will definitely be handed over to Suzuki, so it will be a huge challenge for other manufacturers, especially Honda.

At present, it seems that the advice has no effect, and it is estimated that it is impossible for him to be told back in a few words. Then we need to develop new technologies, and we can cooperate with Black Cloud in this regard.

Soichiro Honda: "Inviting Bao Sang is not to discuss the Japanese auto market, but more to communicate with Heiyun Auto on the future development of automobiles."

"Both of us have a background in learning technology, and I think there should be common topics in this regard."

"Honda wants to send its children to Yulin Institute of Technology to study, Bao Sang should not refuse!"

The topic of this old boy changed so quickly, most people really couldn't react. It seems that several plans have been prepared, and the meticulousness of the Japanese is commendable.

Bao Zixuan: "The purpose of Yulin Institute of Technology is to teach and educate people, and any aspiring young people in the world are welcome to study there. If Honda's children can meet the admission requirements, of course there is no problem."

As long as Bao Zixuan agrees to recruit Honda children, they will definitely continue to work for Honda after their studies are completed. Soichiro Honda is still very confident about this, after all, there is a tradition.

Japanese and German companies attach great importance to inheritance, and many people are engaged in the work of their fathers. In fact, Bao Zixuan also wants to do this, but the company's background is not enough, and the employees are too young.

Although this has many disadvantages, it is very effective for technical research and development and finishing. Fathers teach their sons that they will basically be wholehearted, and there will be no left-handed phenomenon.

Soichiro Honda: "I still have great confidence in Honda's children, they should be able to meet the admission requirements of Yulin Institute of Technology. At the same time, Honda will also provide some funds to help them complete their studies. Not only that, they will also send engineers to the automotive major. Teaching live, collaboration is all about being wholehearted.

Engineers communicated in the past to bring back the most advanced concepts and technologies. It takes a while for students to graduate, and pulling the seedlings to encourage them will not have any good results.

The two happily decided to enroll Honda's children and send engineers to teach. Of course, Bao Zixuan knows what Honda Soichiro means, although it will let Honda master some of the design concepts of Heiyun Automobile. But Honda also has to pay, there is no free lunch in the world; it depends on who has the better ability to understand.

When Bao Zixuan left, he suddenly said that Honda could go to Shanghai and Pudong to investigate. In fact, I didn't want to say it, but in the end I couldn't hold back.

What does this mean? Soichiro Honda was thinking about the Pudong New Area. It seems that I really want to go out and take a look. I heard that Huaxia is developing rapidly. Honda can't miss any opportunity, or it will be thrown farther.

Honda Soichiro soon decided to build a factory in Shanghai after some investigation. A few years later, the profit of the Shanghai plant has been ranked first in Honda, which is believed to be due to Honda Soichiro's wise decision.

After speaking, Bao Zixuan will not continue to pay attention. Because he has more important things to do, he has gone to a company that no one can think of at this time.
