Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 789

Chapter 789

After making arrangements for Shanghai, Bao Zixuan planned to return to Hong Kong. As for the shark guts and the charter king, I can't take care of it for the time being; I'm still young, and I'll have the opportunity to clean them up in the future. And there is no surefire way to treat others, after all, where is the strength of the two.

However, an invitation from Xiangjiang forced him to change his schedule, and Matsushita Miyuki was about to get married. Matsushita Konosuke personally invited him to participate, and this face could not be denied.

For Panasonic Miyuki, Bao Zixuan never knew how to deal with it. Bao Zixuan is the richest man in Hong Kong and a banner for the Chinese. Marrying a foreign woman rashly will bring a lot of trouble, and will become the target of attack in the future.

With status and status, there will certainly be unsatisfactory in other aspects. It can be said that among so many women, Miyuki Matsushita has the best character, and it can only be said that she has no part in it.

Bao Zixuan of course knew about the chartered boat king's family to go to Huaxia Kyoto. It seems that the other party is also a smart person, so let them be happy for a while now, and it is not too late to wait for the opportunity to clean up them.

As for Shaqiantong, he can't be so polite, no matter whether he is involved in this matter or not. If you don't give him some color for the previous provocation, you will really think that you are easy to bully!

Bao Zixuan has joined the Rothschild family to enter the Hong Kong jewelry market, and the current supply of diamonds has begun to effectively limit Chow Tai Fook. Boil the frog in warm water, and slowly consume the Zheng family's business.

On September 12, 1983, Bao Zixuan set off from Huaxia Shanghu and flew to Tokyo, Japan by special plane. At this time, there are still 2 days before Matsushita Miyuki gets married. The richest man Bao also wanted to take the opportunity to learn about the operation of the Japanese branch and the Blackstone Fund.

The first order for the Heiyun 919 passenger plane came from Bao Zixuan himself, without any particularly luxurious decoration. The overall collocation of the interior is very simple, which is in line with the living taste and standard of science and technology men.

After coming to Tokyo, I saw a lot of people coming. Many people are for the wedding. You must know that Matsushita Miyuki is married to the heir of the Mitsui family, Mitsui Fengwen. The Mitsui family has a huge influence in Japan and even the world, and this time it is to marry the granddaughter of Matsushita Konosuke, of course, it is more grand.

Chen Yuesheng, deputy general manager of Heiyun Group Japan Branch, came to the airport to greet Bao Zixuan, which was specially requested. Hayao Miyazaki is usually very busy with work, and it is overkill to have a master of art as a driver.

Chen Yuesheng said with a smile: "The boss has worked hard all the way, but you haven't come to Japan for a long time. In recent years, the place has changed a lot, and the company has developed rapidly. This time, it will take a long time to come here. Many new employees, They all say that they have never seen the legendary boss."

The rapid development of the company is not a good thing. At present, the high profit of Heiyun Group can be supported. But once that branch loses money, the problem will be very serious and even bring about a chain reaction. Bao Zixuan has been laying the foundation, all office buildings, shops, factories, and operating sites are all owned by Heiyun. I am also worried that the situation will change in the future, at least the rent is not to worry about. It can also be regarded as leaving some industry for future generations, and it can last for a while in case of crisis.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "I am very relieved to have you and Master Hayao Miyazaki here."

Hearing what Bao Zixuan said, Chen Yuesheng was very happy. Although he is the deputy general manager of the Japanese branch, Hayao Miyazaki is more of a name and basically doesn't care. The old man still likes to engage in art, and is not very keen on company management. Therefore, in the Heiyun Japan branch, the operation and management are basically in charge of Chen Yuesheng.

Now the boss ranks him in the front, which proves his position in Bao Zixuan's heart.

Chen Yuesheng: "It's mainly because of the company's good products, the talent of Master Hayao Miyazaki, and the huge capital investment of the group. I don't care if I take credit, I'm just an executor at most."

Chen Yuesheng was basically able to correct his position, which made Bao Zixuan very gratified. If there is no reconciliation at all, the company will lose in the end.

Bao's richest man came by private jet, although it can take up to 36 people. Bao's richest man travels in a low-key manner, usually only 4 people, even if he arrives in Japan, there are only 8 bodyguards.

The three vehicles departed from Tokyo Airport in Japan, where staff, passengers, and Japanese police officers have become accustomed to it in recent days. The marriage of the Mitsui and Matsushita families has made many dignitaries from all over the world come to Tokyo to attend the wedding. Private jets landed almost every day, and the three-car convoy was normal, so there was nothing strange, and no one was watching.

When I came to the headquarters of the Tokyo Black Cloud Branch, I saw that Hayao Miyazaki was instructing the animation engineer to modify the pattern.

Among all the branches of the Black Cloud Group, only the Japanese branch is the strangest. Except for Chen Yuesheng, and financial and administrative staff, no one, including Miyazaki, has an independent office. It has the feeling of a Hong Kong weasel factory, but the work efficiency is indeed very high. Any new ideas, different opinions, and denial of certain productions can be communicated at the first time. New projects can be launched at the first time, and almost seamless connection can be achieved.

Seeing Bao Zixuan coming over, Hayao Miyazaki put down his work and said with a smile: "Your Excellency President, since we moved into the new office, this is the first time you have come here. I was talking to President Chen just now that many new The employees don't know you. You must know that you are the idol of the young employees, so I will tell you a few words in a while."

Before Bao Zixuan could speak, Hayao Miyazaki said to everyone, "Let's put the work on your hands, don't you always say that our President, Your Excellency, has never come here! Today happens to be the director of the Black Cloud Group, and also It was our boss, Mr. Bao Zixuan, who came to Japan. He came to see everyone immediately, and let us welcome Mr. Bao Zixuan with warm applause."

Hearing the boss coming, many people immediately put down their work. They all wanted to see this legendary figure with their own eyes, and today I finally had the chance to meet the real person.

Bao Zixuan did not expect Hayao Miyazaki to come like this. It is estimated that the idea of art is different from that of ordinary people. Now that he has been pushed to the stage, he cannot show his cowardice.

Bao Zixuan adjusted his tie, knowing that he would come to the company for inspection. I specially exchanged suits on the plane. Usually, the richest man in the bag does not have too much requirements on what to wear. With a smile, he said to the employees of the Japanese branch: "Hello everyone, I am Bao Zixuan. That is, the boss you have never met. To be honest, I feel very ashamed that I haven't come here for so long."

"I'm not worried about the operation of the company, because there is Master Miyazaki, I believe that there will be no problems in the Japanese branch. I haven't been to Japan for a long time, which shows that I don't care enough about the employees of the Japanese branch. The Black Cloud Group is a people-oriented enterprise. , always put employees first. This is the creed from the beginning of my company, and it will not change now, and it will not change in the future.

"I hope that every employee of Heiyun Group will not worry about small money, that is my biggest sadness as a boss. The living standard in Japan is very high, and many young people are not living well. I didn't prepare any gifts for everyone this time. Then each person will be given 100,000 yen as a gift. It will be printed on your salary card later today, so pay attention to check it.

"Japan's rent is very high, and the group needs to ensure the accommodation of employees. This matter is in charge of Mr. Chen. You can consider buying a property nearby and give it to employees for free."

"The employee wants to buy a The company can provide financial support. Go back to the management and come up with a plan, in short, we can't suffer our employees."

After Bao Zixuan finished speaking, the scene immediately boiled over. It is said that the boss is generous and generous. Now it seems to be true, such a boss is really too rare.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also has his own considerations, that is, to buy people's hearts. You must know that the core employees of the Japanese branch are basically recruited by Hayao Miyazaki himself, although the old man is still enjoying the job. But who can be sure of the artist's heart, Bao's richest man is not staring at Japan every day. Among all the branches of Heiyun, only the animation company has other people's shares, and many things have to be guarded against.

What to do if there is a separation, so you must prepare in advance, and it can be considered a rainy day.

Of course, the employees don't know the idea of Bao's richest man, they just feel that this boss is really atmospheric. Following such a boss will definitely not suffer, and the future prospects are promising.

It is very cost-effective to buy a property at present, and it will be sold after 5 years; it is estimated that it will be several times more. As for employees to buy real estate, there must be conditions; and it will be very harsh, and it is just to make employees happy. Of course, there are people who meet the conditions, so there is nothing to say, and I firmly support it. You can't lose your heart because of the small.