Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 776

Chapter 776

The school donated by Li Yulin was not gradually exposed until 30 years later. At that time, there were more than 100,000 schools in the country, and some villages even set up a longevity card for her, which is the greatest respect.

The top management has been paying attention to Li Yulin's donation to build the school. He wants to see how Bao Zixuan's mother and son treat Huaxia and whether they really love their motherland. The old man was very pleased when he received Li Lin's donation to build more than 2,000 schools in Jiangnan Province for a month. He said to the following people: "Although we don't report it, as national leaders, we must remember that those entrepreneurs have truly helped us, and we will not forget them in future generations."

"There are many patriotic businessmen overseas who did not come back because of some other problems. They have no way to serve the country. We should increase publicity efforts. We Chinese still love our motherland very much. Let more Chinese understand our policies and hope they can go home. Look. It doesn't matter if you invest or not, let people know about our change first.

"The Chinese are the most industrious and intelligent nation in the world, and the country should not develop like this. There are many outstanding Chinese scientists overseas, and they can be invited to return to China for exchanges. This can also speed up the development of national science and technology. The country is better built.

Vice President Zhao was shocked by the handwriting of the highest level. It turned out that the old man had already made a comprehensive plan. It seems that we still need to learn more and communicate more, otherwise we will not be able to keep up with this era.

When Vice President Zhao was about to leave, the top management said, "Don't Bao Zixuan have a Heiyun Bank? You can negotiate with him. Let's see if there is any idea of entering the Chinese mainland, but supervision must be in place. Come up with a plan to allow external banks to enter the mainland of China on a small scale. We lack funds, but Heung Kong and foreign banks do not have funding problems. It does not matter if people make some money, as long as China can develop, these are not problems. "

Hearing what the top management said, Vice President Zhao knew that the donation to build the school made the top management very satisfied. At present, the urgent need for funds in mainland China is an objective reason, but it is far from the need for foreign banks to intervene. Hong Kong investors in Pudong New Area will definitely mobilize funds from Hong Kong. Hua Xia Bank is not necessarily trusted, this is to allow Heiyun Bank to expand its business.

Secretary Wang has been very busy these days, and to be precise, he has no time to rest at all. The top families and companies in Xiangjiang have all come here; as the top leader of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, I am ashamed to see no one.

Just finished negotiating with Hu Yingxiang of Hehe Real Estate. The other party wants to build high-end office buildings and shopping malls in Pudong, and by the way, build high-end residential quarters. The whole negotiation process went very smoothly, and there was no hesitation at all about the land transfer price offered by the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The contract was signed directly, allowing Secretary Wang to see the terrifying financial power of Xiangjiang businessmen once again. In the past, Bao Zixuan did things like this, and now Hu Yingxiang's style is similar.

No wonder Xiangjiang is developing so rapidly, and the efficiency of these businessmen cannot be kept up in general.

I haven't been home for a while, and I stayed at the municipal government guest house at night. This is also for the convenience of going to work, and in case of emergency, it can be dealt with on the spot as soon as possible.

Many of these Xiangjiang merchants are second and third generations, and not everyone is of high quality. It is inevitable that there are some second world lords, and these people are very worried; it adds a lot of difficulty to the work.

It is a guest from afar, and Shanghai should try its best to meet the requirements of these two world leaders. As soon as the new district was established, a conflict arose, asking other Hong Kong businessmen how to view the public servants listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Just when I was lying in bed, I received a call from Kyoto, and it was Vice President Zhao on the other end of the call. Secretary Wang didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly picked up the phone and said, "Vice President Zhao, it's so late and I haven't rested yet. Do you have any instructions?"

For this leader, Secretary Wang is very respectful. To know that Pudong New Area can be established so quickly, Vice President Zhao has made a lot of efforts. And the other party must be in a hurry, otherwise it would be impossible to call himself so late.

Vice President Zhao: "Secretary Wang is joking, but it is not an instruction. It is about the pilot issue of the Shanghai financial market. The Kyoto side hopes to take advantage of the opportunity of the establishment of the Pudong New Area to allow overseas banks to enter the Chinese mainland. They can use their funds to develop Huaxia. Economics, at the highest level, means that people should make money for people to make. This is in line with the laws of the market, and it is also in line with the trend of the times.

"Hasn't Bao Zixuan been in Shanghai recently! Although Heiyun Bank has experienced a run, its overall strength can definitely rank in the top 3 in Xiangjiang. You can chat with him to see if Heiyun Bank has entered Shanghai. The idea of Pudong New Area. This is the meaning of the highest level, you can tell him.

"Kyoto means that the branches of Heiyun Bank in mainland China are subject to supervision. We cannot allow funds to flow out, control the scale well, and at the same time cannot absorb deposits below 10,000 Huaxia dollars. In the early stage, we can do exchange and loan business between enterprises. ."

Hearing that Vice President Zhao let Heiyun Bank enter Pudong, Secretary Wang did not respond for a while. Good psychological quality and the storms he has experienced still make him return to his senses immediately. Kyoto has a lot of courage to allow foreign banks to enter, so it is difficult for Pudong to develop.

Many local people in Shanghai want to do business, but they do not have the funds. Domestic bank loan approvals are too strict and inefficient. Heiyun Bank does not have these problems; I heard that as long as there is a mortgage, it will be able to lend quickly.

Heiyun Bank's entry into Pudong will definitely bring in a lot of money. For those who lack funds in Shanghai, it is a big blessing. Although the highest level did not give Shanghai Shanghai tax policy, it was enough to allow Heiyun Bank to enter.

You must know that the foreign exchange business of Hua Xia Mainland was handled by Hua Xia Bank before, and it will be subject to many restrictions. Black Cloud Bank does not have these problems, at least it will gain more trust and recognition.

For example, a businessman in Xiangjiang will definitely believe in Bao Zixuan, the richest man in Xiangjiang. The establishment of Heiyun Bank in Pudong will speed up the investment of Hong Kong merchants. The country's policy is so powerful that Secretary Wang doesn't even know what to say.

Secretary Wang: "Thanks to the support of Kyoto, Pudong will be able to do a good job in this pilot. At the same time, I think this is also good news for the Black Cloud Group. Bao Zixuan has no reason to refuse."

After that, the two discussed some details before hanging up. Vice President Zhao has absolute confidence in Secretary Wang's ability. Judging from the operation of Heiyun Group's investment in automobile factories, home appliance factories, and the establishment of Pudong New Area, it is definitely a good player in economic development. It didn't show up before because of policy issues, and it has little to do with personal ability.

Secretary Wang's secretary quickly contacted Bao Zixuan and made an appointment to meet at the Pudong New Area office tomorrow morning. Although I don't know why, the richest man Bao knew that there must be something urgent, otherwise Secretary Wang would not easily meet him. You must know that many Xiangjiang businessmen are in Pudong at the moment, and Secretary Wang's time is more tense than anyone else.

Since the establishment of Pudong New Area was announced, Bao Zixuan has not returned. Many problems still need to be solved and communicated on the spot, not just a black cloud executive who understands the Shanghai Many things still need him to coordinate.

The road is currently being designed and planned, and Bao Zixuan would like to witness it in person. In the past life, I have only seen it in books, but I only know a little about it. Since there is such an opportunity in this life. Can not easily let go, participating in the development of Pudong is also a kind of capital. And it can also let Xiangjiang businessmen see the attitude of Heiyun Group, thereby increasing their confidence.

This is a real profit. When Heiyun acquired the land before, the price of the land was very cheap. It has only been over a month, and the land price in Shanghai has nearly doubled, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future.

Another reason is to avoid, the British Iron Lady invited him to the UK several times before. I have never given face to this senior, and I still make such a big move in mainland China. This is a behavior that does not take the British seriously, and it is not easy to explain after returning.

The Governor's Office has sent people to the Black Cloud headquarters to inquire several times, the meaning is obvious. When will Bao Zixuan come back, the Governor wants to see him. Even if you think about it with your toes, you know that there must be no good things in the past. It is better to hide and be quiet in China.

Before going to the UK, I had to explain the problem clearly to the senior officials of Huaxia, and I didn't want people to misunderstand that he was a wallist. In that case, even if you are both Chinese, the mainland cannot treat you as a real one.