Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 60

Chapter 60

On the morning of December 25, 1977, a magical scene was staged in many game halls in the world or in major shopping malls with Black Cloud Walkman. Many people lined up at the door. The titanium alloy limited edition Walkman was distributed to a limited number of people.

The funniest here is Phil Hawkins. This guy called Baozi Henda and asked for 8 titanium alloy limited edition Walkmans and was not satisfied. He even drove 300 kilometers to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stayed in Bao Zixuan's dormitory, and became friends with the people in the dormitory. Bao Zixuan ignored him at first, but this guy actually slept on the sofa in the living room at night. There was no way he could do anything, so Bao Zixuan gave him all the five sets he had left, and he also ordered 100 more Walkmans made of aluminum alloy.

In this way, Phil Hawkins ordered 13 titanium alloy limited editions, 200 aluminum alloy limited editions, and 50,000 ordinary ones. And also paid the full payment to Heiyun at one time. If they are like him, doing business has to pay.

Bao Zixuan came to the company's headquarters. After all, there are also 10,000 Walkmans sold here, including 5 limited edition titanium alloys. Seeing that there were not only young men and women in the long queue, but also many middle-aged and elderly people, Bao Zixuan couldn't understand what was going on.

It wasn't until I heard their conversation that I suddenly realized that these people bought it for their own children for study. After all, this Walkman is so convenient, it can save a lot of family expenses when learning foreign languages.

Not long after I arrived at the company, I saw more and more people queuing up. Bao Zixuan knew that if he didn't control it, he might have a problem. He asked all the employees of the company to come down and help. For those who didn't buy it today, register their home address and the company would respond. When the next batch arrives, it will be delivered to the customer's home as soon as possible,

At the same time, it is stipulated that each person can only buy one. If you want to increase the number of purchases, you must register, or it will be delivered to your home by Heiyun employees. Moreover, all the limited editions are purchased by lottery. Now the staff has been called to issue numbers. Anyone who intends to buy limited edition products can receive a number plate. Can you draw numbers on the spot every hour!

And at this moment, the phone of Bao Zixuan's office suddenly rang, and he picked up the phone and found out that it was Matsushita Miyuki who had not been in contact for a long time; this made Bao Zixuan a little surprised. After all, since sending her to school, she has only made one phone call. In fact, what Bao Zixuan didn't know was that the second time Panasonic Miyuki called him, he went to California. And it was Jessica Mellon who answered the phone, and the two had a fight.

Miyuki Matsushita's roommates all wanted to buy a Walkman, but when they saw the long queue at the entrance of the Black Cloud Company, they definitely had no chance today. He could only shamelessly ask Panasonic Miyuki to call Bao Zixuan. I learned that Matsushita Miyuki was in a cafe near the company. Bao Zixuan, who happened to be going down, told him where to wait for him, and he immediately went down to find him.

The security guards were maintaining order. Bao Zixuan came to the coffee shop alone, and saw Matsushita Miyuki and his dormitory four people waiting anxiously at the door. They came to Heiyun Company early in the morning, but saw a long queue that could not be seen. And Heiyun has informed that there are only 10,000 units sold today. I heard that some people started queuing up here yesterday morning, and they could only ask Panasonic Miyuki for help.

Matsushita Miyuki still hasn't changed, but seeing that she has matured a lot in the few months she lived in college, she immediately bowed and greeted Bao Zixuan: "I'm very sorry for causing trouble to Zixuan-kun."

Bao Zixuan: "You're welcome, we're friends, aren't we! But it's unfair to other customers in line for me to open the back door for you. I have a plan here, you can see it!"

Everyone is nodding desperately, because this is the only chance they can get the Walkman today.

Bao Zixuan went on to say, "I'll hire you for one day. You put on work clothes of Heiyun and help customers. The main thing is to deliver water and cakes to customers who have been queuing for a long time. To put it bluntly, you are serving tea and water. You can see your family. The conditions are not bad, and I have never done such work, but this is the only thing I can help you, and after the work is over today, your reward is a Walkman per person."

The 4 people thought about it for a while, and actually agreed, but Sarah said: "I want a limited edition, and I will pay you how much." "You can rest assured, I will make you satisfied," then please ask the 4 Beautiful lady come with me! Bao Zixuan replied.

He asked a female employee to change them into vests and let them be responsible for serving customers outside the store. After the ad was broadcast, a large number of prospective buyers made Bao Zixuan know that he had to increase the number of temporary employees. We have already ordered temporary clothing, not only in Boston, but all over the world. Heiyun also sent a large number of employees to check in at the agency to assist in sales and help customers solve problems at any time.

In fact, Bao Zixuan is not worried about any quality problems. After all, all CNC machine tools are in production, and the final inspection department is all hired by RB people. They do have a place to be commended.

The most exaggerated is Phil Hawkins. This guy built a booth directly in Times Square in New York, and the cost alone cost $500,000.

At this time, Phil Hawkins, who was standing on the platform, was proud of the Spring Equinox and said to the onlookers below: "We ordered a share of 50,000 units from Black Cloud Company. As for the limited edition, we can only take the form of lottery. Under the platform It's our staff, please prepare 150 dollar bills, we have prepared a large number of 1 dollar coins, which will be handed over to you along with the Walkman."

As soon as 8 o'clock arrives, all the arcade game halls are open. This is the time set by Bao Zixuan, and Heiyun's employees are supervised. Everyone who enters the mall will be issued a number and It is stipulated that the time in the store should not exceed 5 minutes.

Basically, everyone just takes the tape and listens to it once and then pays and leaves, and some pay directly and leave. After all, you have to think about the people behind you. The first to sell out was the RB market, where 80,000 machines were stored in Taito Co., Ltd.'s store for only an hour and a half. It was sold out.

In fact, many RB companies have purchased them. They have dispatched a large number of employees. To see the technical content of the Heiyun Walkman, they cannot tolerate imitation. And whether there is any infringement of their patents. But they were disappointed after dismantling, except for the most basic patents. Heiyun uses a lot of new technologies, and there is no problem of patent infringement at all. If it is imitated, it is them who do not infringe patents without authorization from Heiyun. The basic patent Heiyun has been fully authorized by Philips, and there is no legal problem; it seems to be negotiating with Heiyun.

The European market also sold very fast, and it was announced that it was sold out within two hours. The 10,000 units prepared in the Xiangjiang market only lasted for four hours. In the United States, there were still too few basic sales outlets, so many people were queuing. All sold out by 4pm.

In 8 hours worldwide, Heiyu Walkman sold a total of 400,000 units. Some people have made statistics for Heiyun. The price of a Heiyun Walkman is 149 US dollars, including the limited edition, Although not all of them were put on the market this time, according to the overall sales data, the sales amount of Black Cloud Company in the past 8 hours was between 61 million and 63 million US dollars.

Bao Zixuan saw that many consumers who did not buy them could only come forward to comfort them, and promised to deliver them to their door as soon as possible. At this time, the crowd dispersed, and he also took Heiyun employees to go to the restaurant to celebrate after counting the sales amount.