Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 617

Chapter 617

Lin Jinger thought about how to make the richest man in Bao remember her. This is the person who all women in Hong Kong and even all over the world want to date. It can be said that God gave her this opportunity, as long as normal people don't want to let it go.

Due to her outstanding performance last time, Liu Shanshan was transferred by Huaxia Civil Aviation to check-in for this flight. This time, I wasn't as nervous as the first time, but I still can't forget the man who drank a bottle of Maotai on the plane and bought silk from the Silk and Satin Village for several lifetimes.

But she also knew that he was the richest man in Xiangjiang, and she was just a Cinderella. The difference between the two people's identities is really too great, it can be said that this life has been missed. But I don't know what's going on, but I can't forget Bao Zixuan in my heart, so I have been very concerned about the news about Bao Zixuan in the past two years.

Due to frequent international flights, she has access to many foreign media reports. Xiangjiang Bao Zixuan has been reported quite a few times. Liu Shanshan will feel very angry when she sees the smell of brown in Bao Zixuan, and she will also be happy when Heiyun Group develops some advanced technology.

It can be said that in the past two years, a flight attendant has been paying attention to the richest man in the media, but it is just that the parties themselves do not know.

Liu Shanshan wanted to come over to say hello after seeing Bao Zixuan sitting down, although others couldn't see who was the richest man in Bao. But for women who have been paying attention to Bao Zixuan, of course they can tell clearly that no matter what achievements this man has achieved, he is still so low-key.

No one would have thought that the richest man Bao just wanted to hear the sound of the engine. Isn't that a masochistic tendency!

After the plane entered the stratosphere, the flight attendant began to conduct cabin service. Liu Shanshan deliberately walked to the vicinity of Bao Zixuan, but seeing a beautiful woman sitting next to her made her feel very uncomfortable.

All the people who came here last time were old men. I heard that this time, the rich man in Xiangjiang will bring the young master and the young lady. When she saw the girl Liu Shanshan who was sitting next to Bao Zixuan, she knew that she would definitely not be able to compete with others, but she also knew that the two of them did not know each other. After finally seeing Bao Zixuan leave without saying hello, she was very unwilling. In the past two years, the shadow of this man has always been in my mind. If I don't even have the courage to speak, I will definitely regret it later.

Liu Shanshan came to the row of seats at Bao Zixuan and said to Lin Jing'er, "Hello, beauty! May I ask what you want to drink."

Having lived in a big family since childhood, Lin Jinger was still very knowledgeable and answered with a smile, "A cup of coffee."

After pouring the coffee for Lin Jinger, Liu Shanshan gathered up her courage and said, "Mr. Bao, what would you like to drink; is it still Maotai!"

I heard someone call me, and asked me if I wanted to drink Maotai. Making Bao Zixuan very curious, he looked up and saw that it was the flight attendant last time, who also bought a lot of silk from their satin shop.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Liu, then bring me a bottle of Maotai!"

After handing the wine glass and wine to Bao Zixuanzi, Liu Shanshan said, "Does Mr. Bao still need to buy silk this time! I can take you there if necessary. After all, I have been very familiar with silk since I was a child."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "I haven't decided yet. I'll have to wait until I finish calling my mother. I'll still go to your store if necessary. You can rest assured."

Liu Shanshan was just looking for a chance to be alone with Bao Zixuan, not really selling silk. Now hearing Bao Zixuan say this, I immediately feel very aggrieved. At present, my 2 years of missing are meaningless at all, and the identity gap between the two sides is too great.

Liu Shanshan: "How long is Mr. Bao going to stay in Kyoto this time? My father kept saying that he would like to thank you last time. So I want to invite you to dinner. I don't know when you will have time."

Hearing that he was going to be invited to dinner, Bao Zixuan instinctively wanted to refuse. But thinking that the people of Kyoto in this era are still very simple, it is not good to refuse like this.

Bao Zixuan: "It's hard to say right now, if you have time, you must come visit."

Knowing that what Bao Zixuan said was an excuse, Liu Shanshan thought that she must seize the opportunity. So he said: "Then how can I find you! My father always wanted to thank you in person. After you, many people from Xiangjiang came to the store to buy silk, and these people were all because of you."

It can be said that Liu Shanshan has seriously violated the regulations. After all, it is expressly forbidden to ask VIP passengers for their contact information. But she was just not reconciled and wanted to make a last-ditch effort.

Bao Zixuan took out a piece of paper from his computer bag and wrote down his phone number and address in Kyoto. Hand it over to Liu Shanshan and say, "This is my residence in Kyoto. It has my phone number on it. We will contact you when we arrive."

Liu Shanshan hurriedly took the note and carefully kept it. This is the only chance to get off the plane to contact this man. Isn't this the day I've been waiting for!

Lin Jinger heard Bao Zixuan's conversation with the flight attendant very clearly. Although the situation was unknown, she was very displeased with this flight attendant who wanted to get the contact information of Bao's richest man. After all, this method is too low-level, and it is too low-level.

Don't you all say that girls in mainland China are very reserved! How can there be such an active person, but when he thinks that the man next to him is the richest man in Xiangjiang, if he takes the initiative to gain his favor, it doesn't matter how much he pays.

Lin Jinger: "Miss flight attendant, pour me another cup of coffee."

It can be said that she interrupted on purpose, just because she didn't want the stewardess in front of her to seduce the richest man in front of her. No matter what the result is, mainland girls can't be allowed to become Mrs. Bao, so how can the girls in Xiangjiang be so worthy.

Hearing that she was called to serve, Liu Shanshan quickly poured a cup of coffee for Lin Jinger. At the same time, he said to Bao Zixuan, "Call me after drinking."

Bao Zixuan poured a glass of wine and started drinking Maotai while looking at the drawings; it can be said that he was very comfortable.

Lin Jinger thought that a mainland girl could be so brave, and now the opportunity is in front of her. If you don't fight for it, you will definitely regret it for life. The most urgent task is to find an entry point.

Seeing that Bao Zixuan is looking at the design drawings, isn't this his specialty? Although architecture and fashion majors are not very compatible, but after all, I have studied design. The products of Heiyun Group are very individual, and it is their strength to add fashion elements to the building.

After watching for a while, Lin Jinger finally found an entry point and said with a smile: "Hello Baosheng, this building does not quite fit the Heiyun Group's positioning, and some fashion elements should be added to it. The most innovative companies should not use old buildings and should design more modern and stylish.

At this time, Bao Zixuan was looking at the headquarters building of the CNC Machine Tool Company, and he felt that it was not very ideal. Now hearing the girl's analysis, it makes sense. So I took a serious look at the girl sitting next to her, and felt that she was still very beautiful, and she should have never seen it before.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "What you said is very reasonable. The design is indeed not bold enough, nor is it avant-garde and trendy. How do you think it's better to change it? Seeing that the lady's dress should be a designer."

Hearing his words has moved the richest man Bao, and now the other party has spoken to him, this is a once-in-lifetime opportunity. Lin Jing'er said with a smile: "This building is too standard and has no features at all; you can consider making changes in these places."

Lin Jinger gestured on the screen as she spoke. Her good professionalism made Lin Jinger very handy when making comments. It can be said that according to Lin Jinger's plan, the whole building can indeed add a lot of color.

After the girl finished speaking, Bao Zixuan gave the girl a serious look at this time. He smiled and said, "What you said makes sense. I don't know your surname, I haven't seen you before."

Lin Jinger: "My name is Lin I have been studying in France before. I just returned to Hong Kong not long ago, so I haven't seen Bao Sheng."

Bao Zixuan: "Miss Lin is studying architecture!"

After all, Bao Zixuan thinks that what Lin Jinger said is very reasonable and very professional; it is difficult to make such a professional evaluation without relevant professional skills.

Lin Jinger said with a smile: "Let Bao Sheng laugh. I didn't study architecture, but fashion design."

Hearing the girl's major, Bao Zixuan felt that if the buildings in Heiyun Town were to stay out of date for the next 100 years, there would be a shortage of such talents.

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know if Miss Lin is working now. If not, you can consider Heiyun Group. I really have a job here that is more suitable for you. The conditions and treatment are easy to say."

Bao Zixuan is purely for the company to recruit talents, so he did not pay attention to the girl's identity. However, his words made the beautiful flight attendant feel a little jealous, after all, he had never paid such attention to himself before. Now this beauty has such an effect by commenting on a few words casually. Is it necessary to strengthen the relevant knowledge reserves.