Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 613

Chapter 613

Miss Rothschild, who has been staying in Hong Kong for a while, will definitely come to participate in the exhibition; after all, the slogan of Chow Tai Fook's publicity this time is to become the 10th anniversary celebration of De Beers' international authoritative diamond dealer. At the same time, the title also indicates that it is jointly held with De Beers, and as a core member of the De Beers holding family, he must attend the event.

While Bao Zixuan was chatting with Huo Yingdong, Angela Rothschild walked over to them. Seeing this eldest lady walking towards him, Bao Zixuan knew that he would definitely say hello. It's actually embarrassing. He said he wanted to help others match up, but he was so busy recently that he forgot all about it.

Now that the beauties have come to the door, they have to deal with it. Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Rothschild, it's been a long time."

When she came to Xiangjiang, AngelRothschild had already researched the basic information of the rich in Xiangjiang, and of course she was familiar with the man chatting with Bao Zixuan. Opening a bank definitely needs the support of these wealthy businessmen, and ordinary people alone cannot develop it.

AngelRothschild: "Mr. Bao still knows that I haven't seen you for a long time, but I have been waiting for you. The location of the bank has been chosen almost, and now there is a lack of customers. Black Cloud Bank should not have any branches in Europe, Rothschild. Banks can complement Heiyun Bank.

It seems that the Rothschild family has made it clear that it is mainly engaged in transnational business from Asia to Europe. Because they also know that it is difficult to break the existing banking system of Xiangjiang, it is better to concentrate on doing one kind of business, which will have more advantages.

Bao Zixuan: "This plan can be considered. Later, I will let the head of Heiyun Bank connect with Rothschild Bank. This is a win-win situation, and there is no reason to object."

Bao Zixuan saw that Huo Yingdong next to him couldn't understand what they were saying. After all, the two communicated in Hebrew; walking was not standing, nor was it very embarrassing. Bao Zixuan hurriedly said, "Old Huo, let me introduce to you, this is Miss Angela Rothschild of Rothschild Bank."

Then he said to Angela Rothschild, "This is Mr. Huo Yingdong from Xiangjiang."

Huo Yingdong has not used the company to embellish, his name is just a business card.

Both of them knew each other's existence, but if no one introduced them, they would definitely be embarrassed to come forward. In particular, where is Fok Yingdong's identity, status, and age, a personal introduction can play a very good role in regulating.

AngelRothschild: "Hello, Mr. Fok Yingdong. I have heard your name a long time ago, but I have no chance to see it. Please take care of it in the future."

The other party is also a member of the Rothschild family, so the surname alone cannot be ignored. Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "Welcome Miss Rothschild to Hong Kong. I heard from Bao Sheng that Rothschild Bank wants to enter the Hong Kong market. It just so happens that the company has some businesses that were mainly in charge of HSBC before, and now it can be considered to be handed over to a more professional Rothschild Bank. And we all have a mutual friend, Baosheng, don't you think so!

Bao Zixuan did not expect that Huo Yingdong would be so quick to let Rothschild be in charge of the exchange business from Xiangjiang to Europe. What is this operation? Not only was Bao Zixuan somewhat incomprehensible, even Angela Rothschild was a little confused at this time. After all, the two talents met for the first time, and they were able to take over such a big business. Could it be that Xiangjiang's business is so easy to do, but after seeing Bao Zixuan, he immediately understood. It turned out that the family was giving face to the richest man, and the name of the Rothschild family might also be considered. Now it seems that in Xiangjiang, it is really necessary to maintain a good relationship with the man in front of him.

Angela Rothschild: "Thank you Mr. Fok Yingdong for his trust in Rothschild Bank. I think we will be able to provide you with the most professional and safe services in the field of financial exchange."

At this time, the staff member of Chow Tai Fook Jewelry called Angela Rothschild to participate in the opening activities in the past. After all, the other party is here on behalf of the Rothschild family; it is also one of the hosts, and some important activities must be attended.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "It's embarrassing for Mr. Huo."

Huo Yingdong said with a smile: "I wanted to replace HSBC for a long time, but there was no chance. Ordinary banks would not dare to offend Shen Bi. Now we can let Rothschild deal with HSBC and we are very happy to see it."

Bao Zixuan thought it was Huo Yingdong's thoughtful thinking, and it seemed that there was still a lot to learn.

Huo Yingdong went on to say: "However, Heiyun Bank must also speed up the process of internationalization, otherwise it will be a hidden danger after all. Our money is posted in foreign banks, and it is always unreliable in times of crisis. When people want to deal with you, But it would be quite passive.

"As long as the British are still in Hong Kong for one day, I don't even think about buying or setting up a bank. Other Chinese banks in Hong Kong are not good enough, and their own financial strength is limited. Now we can only hope that Heiyun Bank can emerge suddenly, so that our capital movements will not be affected. Let the British take control."

Thinking of many problems in future generations due to the leakage of capital movements, even company executives were controlled. Bao Zixuan took a serious look at Huo Yingdong, and the tycoon's eyes were indeed far ahead of normal people.

Bao Zixuan: "What Mr. Huo said is very reasonable. It is true that HSBC cannot be informed of the capital movements of too many Chinese companies. HSBC is an institution that can sell the interests of Chinese at any time, so it is necessary to prepare in advance. Rothschild Bank may be relatively It's better, but they are also British companies, and you need to be careful when working with such a bank."

Bao Zixuan knew that Huo Yingdong had seen that he must have some relationship with the Rothschild family, otherwise he would not be so familiar with this eldest lady. It's definitely not as simple as building a factory in Israel on the surface, but everyone has secrets, and he doesn't ask too much.

Huo Yingdong: "It's good for you to think like this. I'm really worried that many Chinese businessmen will not be able to see the situation and the enemy. That would be very dangerous. Now the situation in Xiangjiang is not clear, and too many people choose to wait and see. But don't think about it. When has grass been taken seriously?"

The emcee's voice suddenly sounded, and this jewelry exhibition Zheng Yutong invited Wang Mingquan, the wireless gold medal host. After all, this person is currently popular, and the main host is very distinctive; he is the best choice for the host of large-scale events in Xiangjiang.

Wang Mingquan wears a haute couture dress and wears Chow Tai Fook jewelry on her body, which can be said to fully reflect a delicate femininity. This makeup and accessories alone have made all the men in the audience focus on her, which is the embodiment of strength.

Wang Mingquan: "Thank you for coming to the jewelry exhibition jointly organized by Chow Tai Fook and De Beers during your busy schedule. I am today's host Wang Mingquan."

"Ten years ago, Chow Tai Fook became an international authoritative diamond dealer awarded by De Beers. In the past ten years, he has spared no effort to cultivate in the jewelry industry. Now it has become the largest jeweler in Hong Kong and even in Asia. This is inseparable from the great efforts of De Beers. Support is more inseparable from the care and love of Chow Tai Fook from friends from all walks of life in Hong Kong."

"The development of Chow Tai Fook from a small gold shop to the present can be said to have gone through many hardships. In the process of development, it is precisely because of the most loyal customer support that it has been able to get to where it is today. Therefore, in order to give back to our customers. Mr. Zheng Yutong decided that the jewelry sold at this exhibition can enjoy 88 Discounts and customer satisfaction are Chow Tai Fook's constant Chow Tai Fook is a buy-in price mechanism, and it is rarely discounted. Now it is very rare to be able to give 12 points of profit all at once. The most important diamonds, jewelry, etc. are relatively good , after all, the profits are quite considerable. However, gold, silver and other jewelry itself do not have such high profits, so it seems that Zheng Yutong really put a lot of effort this time.

After Wang Mingquan finished speaking, it officially entered the opening session. The traditional lion dance activity in Hong Kong began; there were two lions in total, Zheng Yutong and Angela Rothschild each held a pen to paint the finishing touch on the lion.

Angela Rothschild, who participated in such an event for the first time, was very interested in the lion dance and thought it was a good thing to come to Hong Kong. You don't have to take care of some people and things at home anymore, and at the same time, you are more valued in Hong Kong than in the UK.

If it's her turn for an opening like this in the UK, there's no competition in Hong Kong. And the business here is better than expected, as long as Bao Zixuan and Zheng Yutong are caught, it is not a big problem.

Miss Rothschild was still thinking about things, but the people at the scene broke the pot. They are all very curious about the identity of this beauty, after all, this girl is really beautiful. In addition, the shark gall is not called a wife, but instead let this European and American girl come over for the finishing touch, which in itself shows a lot of problems.