Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 508

Chapter 508

The Argentines had surrendered, and Major Paulson began to clear the field. What made him unacceptable was that 37 comrades-in-arms stayed in the Falkland Islands forever. Of the 530 people who came from Xiangjiang, there were only less than 400 people who could continue to fight. Major Paulson, who had participated in the war, was a little unacceptable for a while.

But what Major Paulson didn't know was that this record had surprised the British, and no commander in the history of the British army could match this record. Even in the Empire of the Age of Navigation where the sun never sets, no general can do better than him.

After cleaning the battlefield, Major Paulson came to the Afghan commander. Seeing the rank of the other side, even as the victor Major Paulson still salutes first to show respect. The British have done a good job in this area, at least in terms of noble etiquette; Major General Menendez also returned a military salute.

Major Paulson said: "I am Major Paulson-Bout, commander of the 12th Marine Battalion, British Empire. Please report your name, position, and rank Your Excellency."

Major General Menendez didn't think that the young commander in front of him was Paulson-Bout, the one who captured South Georgia Island and attacked the Presidential Palace. However, as a general, he should be like he should be, so he said: "Major Menendez, the supreme commander of the Malvinas Islands of Argentina; Mr. Major, now I am your prisoner, please treat my soldiers kindly in accordance with the Geneva Conventions of War. "

Paulson-Bout heard that this is the highest commander of the Afghan army, so it can be said that the war is over. So he said happily; "No problem, but please write a surrender letter so that I can treat the Afghan soldiers in accordance with the Geneva War Convention."

Major General Menendez knew that he had no choice as the loser, so he had to go back to the headquarters to write a letter of surrender. After a short while, the surrender was written, and Paulson-Bout took a serious look.

Descend the book:

I, Major General Menendez, Commander of the Argentine Army, Navy and Air Force on Falklands, surrender unconditionally to Major Paulson-Bout, the representative of the Queen's Government.

Under the terms of this agreement, all Afghan troops stationed on the Falkland Islands will go to the location designated by Major Boot to surrender their firearms, ammunition, weapons of all kinds, and all kinds of warfare designated by Major Boot or other British officials. tool.

Once this Agreement enters into force, all Afghan troops will be treated with honor and obey all relevant instructions for movement and concentration of accommodation in accordance with the provisions of the Geneva Convention signed in 1949.

Also suitable for Argentine garrison deployed around Port Stanley, East/West Falklands and other outer islands.

Signed: Major General Menendez, Commander of the Argentine Armed Forces

Signed: Major Paulson-Bout

Notary Public:

Jun 30, 1982, 23:59 GMT

Because the double war was more intense than in the previous life, the war lasted for half a month. This is also one of the main reasons why Britain and Afghanistan have sacrificed so many people, but Paulson-Bout made a serious mistake, that is, he has no right to accept the full surrender of the Afghan army, after all, he is not the supreme commander of the battlefield , at best a commando captain.

The credit he has made has already made people jealous, and this time he has stole the limelight from his boss. A bad handling will bring a lot of trouble in the future. Fortunately, the limelight is in full swing at this time, and the war has been won, but no one thinks that he is overtaking him.

After receiving the news of the surrender of the Argentine army, the commander-in-chief of the task force, Admiral John Feldhouse, immediately reported the news to the country. Although it was late at night, the whole of England was boiling again. Knowing that Paulson-Bout led the team to capture the enemy's headquarters again won the victory, and the British people wanted to see what this legendary major looked like. Even the Queen said that the cloth Does the special major have three heads and six arms, or how can he be so powerful.

The British ** team began to clean the battlefield, although they despised the weapons and equipment of the Argentines. But no matter what, it's a weapon, and if someone doesn't obey the order to fire on them, it can kill people.

John Feldhouse took Prince Andrew to the Falkland Islands and wanted to be the first to know what was going on. Prince Andrew, as the representative of the royal family, must soothe the wounded soldiers, the country nominally belongs to their family.

Paulson-Bout quickly stepped forward to salute after seeing the two. Having just been carried away by the victory, and even a little carried away, this will have already woken up. In fact, many things were ideas given to him by Heiyun employees, with Bao Zixuan's shadow behind him, but he took the credit for it. It's also an investment, and the return you get will never be low.

John Feldhouse smiled and said: "Major Paulson-Bout, you have once again surprised the whole British Empire. You could have been promoted for your merits, but the Queen and the Prime Minister called and said they would wait until they return to London. Promote together when you have a celebration, and I believe you will become an icon of the British Empire by then."

Paulson-Bout: "It doesn't matter what kind of honor I can get personally, the main concern now is what the soldiers who died in battle will get. After all, most of the soldiers are children of civilians, and their families are not very wealthy. They are all brought to me from England. Hong Kong, and brought the Falkland Islands from Hong Kong. It can be said that we are like brothers, and now they died fighting for their country. I have an obligation to take care of their family's future life."

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Hearing Paulson-Bout say that, John Feldhouse and Prince Andrew's perception of him has changed a lot. The future of this person is absolutely unlimited. If he can really take care of the families of the fallen soldiers, he will definitely be loved and supported by more soldiers.

In fact, this was also the idea given to him by the Heiyun staff, and asked him to give all the rewards he received this time to the soldiers below. You can get the honor yourself, you can't let you take up all the good things by yourself.

Prince Andrew said with a serious expression: "Please rest assured, the empire will be able to guarantee the life of the families of soldiers who died in battle for the country. When I go back, I will set up a retired soldier association to solve the life problems of the families of wounded and sacrificed soldiers."

Rear Admiral Menendez, the highest military commander of the Argentine Falklands, has been brought over at this time. As the commander-in-chief of the task force, Admiral John Feldhouse wants to communicate with him. Even if the opponent has been defeated, there are still many follow-ups. Things need to be resolved.

Paulson-Bout gave John Feldhouse the surrender letter Menendez had written earlier, and was relieved to see that the old man was not angry. After all, he was a little carried away before, and he did not correct the question about his name written on the surrender letter of Major General Menendez of Argentina.

John Feldhouse took out his pen and signed the notary of the surrender document, certifying his approval of the surrender document; to the delight of Menendez and Paulson-Bout.

Menendez is because the British really accepted the surrender of the Argentine army, although it is not a glorious thing for Argentina. But finally there is no need to fight anymore, and the soldiers no longer have to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Paulson-Bout is because his name can be written on such an important document. This is a document to be displayed in the military Later generations will be able to see his name. It can be said that this The war has brought more things than can imagine.

The military reporters began to take pictures, these are the best news material. In any case, Britain has won, which is a huge encouragement to the people at home.

This time the British did not deliberately embarrass the Argentines, and the surrender ceremony was very simple. The British also understand that if they do too much, Argentina will always come over to ask for trouble, and it will not always be possible to fight across thousands of miles. Now the result has been very good.

The victory of the war was celebrated throughout the country, and the Falkland Islands remained part of the British Empire. It has proven itself internationally, while also settling some restive colonies.

Argentina doesn't have much money now, and the war reparations may not be available even if they were killed. The British Empire can only admit that it is unlucky. In fact, it can achieve its goal of making Argentina more peaceful, and it does not want to make troubles outside the festival.

When the war reaches this point, it is difficult for both sides to continue. Modern warfare is an extremely expensive act. In less than 3 months of combat time, the UK has consumed the entire military budget for the whole year. It can be said that the life of the British side in the second half of the year may be very difficult, and the same is true for Argentina, or even more serious.