Reborn In Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up - Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Heiyun office software became popular. After Harry-Roland communicated with Bao Zixuan about the purpose and powerful functions of Heiyun office software, he recommended these two softwares to the Computer Association. And after the school newspaper of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology introduced Bao Zixuan's purpose and idea of writing the black cloud office software, it made Bao Zixuan popular again on the entire campus.

Industry 4.0 is more of a theoretical science, but office software is a software application that can maximize economic value. In particular, the MIT News quoted Professor Harry Rowland's original words, how much paper can be saved, how many trees can be cut down, and how much water can be used. This is a real economic value, and there are environmentalists who advocate the large-scale use of black cloud office software.

After computer science saw the practicality and convenience of black cloud software, it was highly praised. This issue of the American Journal of Computer Science reports in detail the black cloud office software, and also gave him a nice name "Mom's Office Notepad".

Once again, I will introduce Bao Zixuan, a student from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a teenager from a single-parent family in Xiangjiang. A boy who lost his father before he was born. His mother is a financial worker. In order to better take care of her children, she gave up the job offer of a big company. She is a part-time financial worker at home alone. She has to complete a lot of work and do a lot of calculations every day.

The talented boy who grew up in such an environment did not give up on himself, and even thought about doing something for his mother. After getting in touch with a computer, he finally found a shortcut where he could help his mother. At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I came into contact with the most cutting-edge computer science knowledge in the world. Through perfect learning, I constantly improved myself and fulfilled my childhood dream. Helping my mother to develop the best office software in the world can greatly improve the work efficiency of financial workers. And can save a lot of paper, so that resources can be used reasonably.

Maybe his original intention was just to reduce the workload and improve work efficiency for his mother. But it is this dream that has benefited financial workers all over the world.

Hashimoto Hiroshi came to Microsoft in Seattle after the black cloud software fire. Now Microsoft is still a very small company, and there is no shadow of a super giant in the market outlook.

Bill Gates himself is a genius programmer. At this time, he was testing the black cloud office software. After seeing that it could be perfectly integrated with Microsoft's system, he nodded to Paul Allen.

Paul Allen: "Mr. Hashimoto, I don't know how much your software costs."

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "Mr. Allen, a set of 50 dollars, two software bundles are sold for 80 dollars, which is our market supply price. But I am entrusted by the president and we do not want to ask Microsoft for money."

Paul Allen: "That doesn't know what your company wants, or what you want from Microsoft."

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "We hope to get Microsoft's shares. We can exchange cash and software licenses for a little Microsoft's shares."

At this time, Paul Allen asked the staff to take Hashimoto Hiroshi to visit the company, and then he and Bill Gates began to discuss the cooperation with Heiyun.

Paul Allen: "Look at Black Cloud Software."

Bill Gates: "It's very good, it can be seamlessly connected with our system software. I think I can agree to their request, but I can't give too much shares. Now Black Cloud is very rich, and they have bought both games very well. , Now after the listing of Heiyun Software, the company's cash flow will be more abundant, if they develop their own system software, we will be very passive."

Hashimoto Hiroshi knew that the two of them wanted to discuss. Microsoft is too small now, and there is nothing to turn around. He deliberately went to the bathroom once in the middle, so that the founders of Microsoft could chat for a while.

After a while, everyone returned to Paul Allen's office.

Paul Allen: "I don't know what your company's valuation of Microsoft is and how many shares you are asking for."

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "Our Black Cloud's valuation of Microsoft is US$5 million, and we hope to have no less than 25% of the shares. In addition, we have priority for each financing."

Bill Gates finally said at this time, "5 million is not in line with Microsoft's value, and the other 25% is too much."

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "Then what value do you two think Microsoft should have, and how much shares can we take?"

Paul - Allen: "8 million US dollars, no more than 20 shares, and does not participate in the management of the company. Only one director seat can be reserved. In addition, the two office software of Black Cloud must be used by Microsoft unconditionally. software company."

Hashimoto Hiroshi: "$8 million is no problem, 20% of the shares are no problem, we can accept it without participating in the management of the company, but exclusive authorized use is impossible, because we are negotiating with Apple, and we will not To license the software to many people, we will only license it to Microsoft, Apple, and in the future when we produce computers by ourselves, we can use it in our own systems, and ensure that the black cloud system will only be used for black cloud computers, and will never develop public systems. .In order to express our sincerity, our two softwares directly disclose part of the source code to allow Microsoft to better integrate with the operating system, and Microsoft can do its own value-added services. We only charge a nominal fee when Microsoft sells a set of systems $10 usage fee."

In fact, Bao Zixuan overestimated the current Microsoft. He gave Hashimoto Hiroshi a valuation of no more than 100 million US dollars, and the shares should not be less than 10%. Even the office software can be used by the other party for free. His kind of thinking was frightened by the market value of Microsoft's one trillion US dollars in later generations, and he thought that Microsoft's debut was the peak!

Hashimoto Hiroshi rushed back overnight and handed over the contract that Microsoft had signed to Bao Zixuan. Seeing that no matter how the future generations dilute the contract worth at least 10 billion US dollars, Bao Zixuan signed his name without hesitation. And in the first time, 1.6 million US dollars was remitted to Microsoft's account.

Hashimoto Hiroshi and the engineer took the plane early the next morning to send the signed contract back to Microsoft. When he arrived at Microsoft, the remittance from Heiyun had already reached the Microsoft account. This time, they came to disclose part of the source code to Microsoft as required by Bao Zixuan, so that the office software could be better integrated into the Microsoft operating system.

Looking at the efficiency of Heiyun, the founder of Microsoft thought it was a very pleasant cooperation. In the past, it was a procrastination to find someone to raise money. How could Heiyun be so happy.

After cooperating with Microsoft, although the profit of Heiyun office software has declined, the future is promising. At the same time, it also makes the black cloud office software popularized more quickly.

The rapid promotion of the software, coupled with a story behind the software about maternal love, filial piety, a genius boy, a theoretical mechanical physics genius, and an entrepreneurial elite, has made the name of Xiangjiang Baozixuan often appear in some American newspapers recently. Although no photos were posted, because Bao Zixuan refused to be interviewed by several media on the grounds that he was now enjoying campus life wholeheartedly, he was not allowed to publish his photos.

Three people in Boston College's dormitory 205 were reading a book. At this time, Danny Green ran in and saw Matsushita Miyuki and said, "Aesthetics, look at this Xiangjiang Baozixuan who sent you to the dormitory that day."

Matsushita Miyuki: "The book in her hand said: What's wrong with Dany, what's wrong with Zixuan-kun?" At this time, the other two also put down the book and looked at Dany-Green curiously.

Looking at the Boston Post in Danny Green's hands, she asked curiously, "What the **** is going on! What are you doing with the newspaper!"

Danny Green: "Do you remember, the boy we sent Meixue over at the beginning of school was the sunny Xiangjiang native, and Meixue said it wasn't her boyfriend's."

Sarah: "What's the matter, I'm here to find Miyuki at our school."

Danny Green: "You don't know! He wrote the most popular office software on the market now. And the game we played together two days ago. The Xiangjiang cube and Pac-Man games are his company's products. He is also the initiator of Theoretical Mechanical Physics Industry 4.0, and is known as the genius of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in a century. The most important thing is that the media now conservatively estimates his worth to reach 200 million US dollars. There's a huge chance of being super rich."

Matsushita Miyuki: "I know Zixuan-kun has a company! I went to his company before sending me to school, how come it is worth 200 million US dollars all of a sudden! His company is not very big!"

Danny Green: "Mixue, you don't know what the two pieces of software he wrote are epoch-making products that can subvert an industry. I think he cares about you a lot. Don't you know his company and address? You can find it. He! Such a man is the perfect lover in the eyes of all girls, if you don't want it, I will."

To be honest, the media reports also caused Bao Zixuan some troubles in dormitory 306, which made other roommates see that he was not as close as before, and some couldn't let go. After all, in front of them was a real self-made billionaire. Regal.

In the Harvard girls' dormitory, Jessica Mellon has been thinking about how to get revenge since she was taught a lesson by Bao Zixuan last time, but seeing all the positive reports about this guy made her very angry, And roommate Joanna knew that he was very familiar with Bao Zixuan, and regretted not taking the opportunity that night. She asked Jessica Mellon to arrange a party to call everyone in the MIT dormitory 306 and give it to him. A chance to get close to Bao Zixuan. Jessica Mellon was even more angry when she saw her roommate's rage, but it's still possible to take care of Bao Zixuan through a party, but that guy is really smart and thoughtful, it seems Think of a perfect plan.

And since Bao Zixuan said last time at Pink Restaurant, Maggie Lauren, the beautiful owner of your too old, is also thinking about how to get back to the table, but when she saw Bao Zixuan's worth, she hesitated.